Lord Shadow

Chapter 907

Chapter 907: Ragnarok (2)

Its mouth is gagged by a titanic sword after Fenrir bit the hand of the god Tyr as he tries to put the chain on it.

Fenrir is bound to a magical rock that was infused with the water from Mimr Well and blessed by the forces of fate and destiny.

But, in Ragnarok, the wolf is released. And now, it is fighting with Odin Allfather in a story that is predetermined

Loki saw how Fenrir fought Odin toe to toe. But Odin is more powerful than Fenrir. Fenrir who is now jumping across stars devours the suns of the Universe.

Its energy skyrocketed, its wound healed and then it turns back to fight Odin. No matter how Odin uses his spells and his magic, no matter how many times Odin pierce the wolf with his mystical spear, Fenrir healed extremely fast.

But, it is not entirely because Fenrir is powerful that it could ignore most of the damage levied on it

Loki could see there is a force helping Fenrir.

‘Destiny and Fate’ Loki muttered to himself.

Fenrir is aided by the force of destiny and fate. How ironic! It is fate and destiny that decreed that it should be bound and aided in his bondage.

But it is also destiny and fate that aid Fenrir in defeating Odin.

Loki then saw how Fenrir opens its mouth.

Inside its mouth is a powerful sucking force. Odin powerful spell could not help him.

Loki felt goosebumps rising on his skin. If not for the fact that he doesn’t seems to be affected form the battle, he would not have dare to fly so high to look at this scene

For some reason this garden is not affected by the shockwave of the battels of these Gods.

Loki at this moment threw all of that to the back of his mind as he continues watching. He uses his vision and the runes inside the garden glows, helping him.

And Loki knew this is his teacher ways of helping him. He now could see even further and he could now see clearly what is inside the titanic wolf mouth.

It is a supermassive black holes.

When it opens its mouth and wanted to swallow, it created a powerful pulling pressure. It did not only pull Odin. It pulls planets, stars, and even light into it.

And like the Ragnarok foretold, Odin is swallowed whole. Frigga howled in sorrow.

Loki frowned. And muttered

‘The Second Sorrow of Frigga’ At this time, Loki saw another god flew across the crumbling Bifrost to arrive in front of Fenrir in almost an instant.

The fire of Surtr is now receding in the eight realms. It is only now that this god could appeared.

A song then echoes inside the garden again

?In the god’s home ?

? Vithar and Vali shall dwell, ?

?When the fires of Surtr have sunk ?

? Mothi and Magni shall Mjolnir have ?

? When Vingnir fall in fight ?

The song then changes to another song this time, the tone is angry and slow, but there is rage inside the song

?The wolf shall fell, Odin Allfather fell, and this deed shall Vithar avenge ?

?Then comes Allfather might son, Vithar in front of the might wolf ?

?The terrible jaws of Fenrir shall he tear apart, and so the wolf shall he slay. ?

?To fight with the foaming wolf ?

?In the giant son, does he thrust his sword ?

?Full to the heart, his father, avenged ?

The scene then shows that Vidar appeared and his seven feet tall figures morphed into gigantic proportions to match the titanic wolf figure.

He is as mighty as Thor and as beautiful as Baldur. He commands the power of the stars and the sun and his light covered the eight realms.

He punched the wolf and the shockwave causes the planets nearby to be depressed and changes shapes.

Then Vidar step down with one of his foot onto the lower jaw of Fenrir.

He is stepping on the wolf with his boots. His boot itself is a magical artifact. It glows blue and purple and seems to contains the wishes of the people to eradicate evil and bring prosperity. This wishes turns into the most potent weapon that even the might wolf could not get its head up.

Vidar then grab Fenrir upper jaw in one hand and tearing its mouth apart. He then made a pulling motion with his hand and the spear of his father, Odin flew to his hand

Boundless energy surrounded him and absorbed into him as the Universe seems to tremble and the Laws changes its properties.

Space and Time distorted, gravitational force around him attracts planets and stars as they move out from their gravitational orbit

Bathed in golden light he looks like a savior of the Eight realms. Huginn and Munnin appears in the distance, watching Vidar.

Vidar lifted the spears and runic words appeared all over the Eight Realms floating all over the Heavens.

The Eight Realms trembles in anger of the death of Allfather and energies flew toward Vidar for him to avenge his father

He stabs the wolf with Gungnir and the wolf dies with an explosion that bathed the Eight realms with energy

Life blooms and the enemy of Asgard was destroyed

On the other side was Jormungandr who is met in combat by Thor. Storms and lightning followed Thor into battle. His eyes are fierce and his red hair is spewing flames his beard is long and tied tightly.

There is wounds all over his body, and some snowflakes that covers his wound. This is the wound he got from fighting the frost giants

He rides in a chariot drawn by two goats. These two goats are also titanic in size and its bleating of fear could be heard echoing all the Eight realms.

But even if these two goats are fearful, it still flew toward the World Serpent.

Thor shouted something and a hammer flew out from the Void and he wields his hammer Mjolnir to fight with the World Devouring Serpent.

The moment Mjolnir arrived a Song echoes out, that sings about the hammer. It is already sung before, as it foretold that the sons of Thor will wield Mjolnir after the events of Ragnarok

Modi and Magni heard the song and they felt sad because it is predetermined that their father would die in this battle against Jormungandr.

Mjolnir is the most powerful weapon in all the Eight realms capable of crushing galaxies.

It did not take him long to appeared befog the World Serpent. Loki wonders if the stories were true.

It is said that before this event of Ragnarok, Thor had already clash with the World Serpent two times before it.

Of course if the stories he heard was true, then this is the third and last time that they will meet each other

He fought with the serpent hammering the serpent with his hammer, producing lightning and sharp gales of wind that could cut mountain.

but each time the serpent would got up and spew its poisons or trying to swallow Thor.

Its thick scale protected him from having any deep injuries. The poison also weakens Thor body

The sorrows and wails of the living being all over the Eight realm all enter the ears of Thor. josei

They curse Asgard and they curse their fates.

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