Lord Shadow

Chapter 913

Chapter 913: The fermi paradox iv

The Grand Researcher of the Order of Thinker when she saw that there is alien in the world and that there is a great interplanetary civilization out there in the starry skies, she lamented the fate of the world.

To her, it is the worst news she had ever heard in her whole life.

Because it would mean that the Great Filter is almost definitely ahead of humanity- ultimately dooming the species

To her, she believes that when it comes to the Fermi Paradox, the silence of the night sky is golden.

There are two explanations about Fermi paradox. And the first group of this explanation believes that there is no higher existence because of all of those reason.,

But clearly, this group is wrong in that there is Type II and Type III civilization out there.

Then, there is another explanation.

And this explanation is that Type II and Type III intelligent civilization is out there and there is a logical reason why humanity have not heard about them. And this is proven true after the Fall.

Earth learns that they are not alone.

And they also learned that Earth is very primitive when compared to the other great civilization out there in the starry sky.

If not for the fact that they have the All Source, Weronians would not have so much trouble of changing Earth into their world.

This group two explanation get rid of any notion that humanity is rare or special, or the first at anything

On the contrary, they believe in the Mediocrity Principle.

That humanity starting point is nothing unusual, or rare about humanity galaxy, solar system planet or level of intelligence until evidence proves otherwise.

This theory, this idea, is less quick to assume that the lack of evidence of higher intelligence beings is evidence of their nonexistence

There is around ten possible explanations for why these higher civilization was not heard off

The first possibility is that these super intelligent lives could very well have already visited Earth before humanity was there.

And Peter knows this to be true because Odin himself had come to the planet before there is even a trace of life in it.

And then they came again during the time he was worshipped on Earth which is around five thousand years ago.

In the scheme of time, sentient humans have only been around for about fifty thousand years, give or take, a little blip of time in the age of the Universe.

If there was contact that happened before then, those civilizations might see gigantic lizards roaming around the Earth.

Second possibility is that the entire galaxy has been colonized, but humanity just live in some desolate rural areas of the galaxy.

This is debunked quiet quickly in Peter mind.

Peter knows why Milky Way galaxy had never been colonized. From what he knows, it is about a lore. That this galaxy is cursed.

Though, in some interpretation, it is blessed.

Depending on which lore you believe, Earth and the Milky Way galaxy is a place of either cursed or blessed area.

There are other possibilities but Peter had gotten what he wanted from his memory. And after he put it all together, he reaches to a terrifying conclusion

He stopped walking and Loki also stop walking.

Then he asks his teacher

‘Ragnarok….is it to evade the Great Filter? The great Filter is the Destroyer right?’ Peter entertained this idea before in the past.

But he had dismissed it because he saw that Asgard and the other six great civilizations outside the Source Wall still thrives.

Which means that the Great Filter did not happen yet.

Yes, Peter look at those great civilizations and since they are still around it means the Great Filter is not necessarily existing or they might be all on the same race where one of them would one day reach the limit of existence and reach the great Filter.

After all, Orvanians had existed since the Beginning of Time so this idea of Great Filter being the Destroyer did not have many credibility

There is also the fact that Peter thought the arrival of the Destroyer had nothing to do with some kind of Great Filter event. instead Peter believes that the Destroyer comes to Earth for All Source and to fulfill a promise.

But it is clear, that the Destroyer hold many roles. It had never occurred din his mind because if the Destroyer is the Great Filter why did he not destroy those great civilizations that reach Type IV and V.

When Earth fought the Final battle, they were around type III civilization.

When one thinks about Earth development it is quite a fast leap. It would normally take tens of thousands or maybe millions of years before there is such a leap of scale of civilization.

But because of the All Source, this process could be circumvented and bypassed easily. What Earth did not lack was a constant generator of energies that keep strengthening them

When Loki look back, it was akin to the situation of the Etherna where they possess unlimited power and control over the Primordial Universe.

But, then Peter remembers what his teacher said about Ragnarok. And how it had been done six times. And then suddenly something clicks in his mind

Why would the Asgardian keep doing the same play of Ragnarok?

Why destroy the Eight realm again and again only to revive it back later. Isn’t that a pointless act? josei

It is like Sisyphus rolling up a mountain onto of a hill only to roll it back down every time it neared the top, repeating this meaningless action

What is the benefit of such action? No matter how Peter think about it, there is no benefit whatsoever in this act

Maybe they did not want to. But forced to. But what could force Beings like Odin to create such a farce?

The moment he thinks that, only three beings come into his mind.

The Supreme One. The Creator. And the Destroyer. It would not be the Supreme One. Lore’s said that he is in a slumber. But Peter knows, that he had a garden and he is writing a book.

As for the Creator, it goes against his creed to go against life.

Then that would only leave it with the Destroyer. Peter sighed. His mood suddenly turns sour when he reaches at this point of thinking

‘The End of Everything’ he thought to himself.

There is a lot happening in the background during the battle of the End on Earth Prime. Probably at that time, Asgard was also undergoing Ragnarok at the same time Earth was fighting against the Destroyer Destruction Will.

Though, there is something else that he is curious about. He looks at his teacher and Peter then ask

‘How about the Olympians?’ Right now, they have walk across that gloomy forest and had arrived at another beautiful area of the garden.

Peter had not realized it at all.

he did not even notice that the area around him had changed because the garden still looks beautiful.

Loki could only sigh.

Who knows whether he sigh because of the question or because his disciple could not see that dark gloomy area of the garden

Loki look at his disciple and heard his question and he knew that Peter had understood many of the things that he had implied.

‘Olympians had the Titanomacy and the Gigantomachy. The Jade Empire had the Havoc at Heaven and the Investiture of the Gods. And so on and so forth’ Loki said.

‘Some of that story is stories that you would recognize. Zeus fighting Gaia. The Six Sages of the teachings competed for merits of the world. A Demon Monkey destroy the heavenly palaces. This is some of the stories that even some mortals knew, embedded deep in the fabric of their consciousness.)

(For those that did not understand this particular reason, please check the chapter where Loki the Cosmic Trickster met with Wargod, Azul and the Creator. That chapter reveal how the myths of the world was actually affected by the real life version of these mythical beings)

‘Some others are new stories that you have not heard on Earth. After all, there is many worlds. And there are many myths. And not all myths are just myths. Sometimes, these stories are real. And in some weird cases, even fake stories become real as some of these being incorporated the fake stories and turns it into realities. This is easy when there is faith in certain stories. As you know, the myths that appeared in the minds of mortals is not necessarily just myths. These Twilights of the Gods is hard to orchestrate’

Peter only listen as Loki explain more

‘And as you know, Asgardian magic is very mystical and mysterious in nature. We could use wishes and imagination, wishes, emotions to power up the necessary ingredients to make sure that the Twilight of the Gods happens exactly as it should be. After all, no one really wanted to die. The only reason Odin agree in starting Ragnarok is because the world is reborn anew after that. Faith…is a very powerful magic. It is best for you to not forget that’

There was a moment of silence for a few second as Peter digested all that were revealed to him. Then Peter said

‘So, that is how it is’ He did not know what else to ask for a moment. He knows that wishes and faith and belief is a very powerful catalyst of magic.

Sometimes, it is the only thing one needed to use magic. A belief that they could. That is how unreasonable magic is.


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