Lord Shadow

Chapter 915

Chapter 915: Break the chessboard (2)

Peter could see on his right that there is a waterfall area. The water is clear and fishes swim against the current.

From the bottom it could swim against the current like it is flying to swim toward the upside of the waterfall.

It is a remarkable sight. Around the waterfall there is rainbows all around and these rainbows is no normal rainbows as it seems that it possesses some mystical power shrouded with life force

On top of the waterfall area, there is a floating golden gate with inscription carved onto the gate.

This inscription is not runic language of the Aesir and it is not the hieroglyphs of the Amenthes and Sekhet Hetepet.

But it is a glyph. Though not any glyph that he recognized.

This glyph possesses some transformation power and life force that is boundless and immeasurable.

Peter was entranced by the sight as he was captured by the movement one of the fishes

One of the fish flew up by swimming against the current and jumping out toward the air, passing through the boulder of where the water is coming down from the top.

It reaches the top of the waterfall. This fish is black and possess red scales. It swims across the rushing current of water and it is heading toward that floating gate

This floating gate is three feet above the harsh current water of the river.

The black fish jump toward then gates and it jump and pass the gate. The gate had no door. It is simply an open floating gate

The moment it passes the gate; the fish turns into a gigantic dragon with blackish red scales on it body. It roars toward the sky and rain falls on side of the garden. It then flew up and disappears up into the sky as thunders alight for a second.

Peter was completely shocked.

Not only at that gate ability that gives the fish life force and other kinds of energies, he was also shocked at the level of that dragon the moment it flew toward the sky

That dragon possesses the power of a Half Sovereign.

One leap toward the gate is all it takes. Loki was even tempted to go toward that areas and look at that gate and understood its mysteries

Loki could see that his disciple was tempted and he said

‘ignore it. It is not good to see that gate before you reach back to your peak.’

Peter suddenly realize that he had already taken a few steps toward that waterfall and he rub his chest and breathe in and out as he realized he was entranced by the gate that he did not even realize he had move his feet

That waterfall and its temptation has a hypnotic effect toward Peter. He sighed as he averts his gaze from the waterfall

He then returns back to his teacher and waited for his teacher to talk

Loki simply said


There is the sound of chirping birds, singing to each other.

This singing calms Peter heart and bring back his focus and he could no longer hear the sound of the water from the waterfall josei

He looks to that area again, and he could no longer see the waterfall. And there is that fog again and he smiles

It seems it is not his fate yet to see that gate. He learns to accept it. Those glyphs might be something that he could not handle at his current level. If he is at his peak, then maybe it would not be that way.

He could only sigh as he focused back on the chirping of the birds. It is unlike the song of Yggdrasil that gives him that feeling of solemnness of hearing a holy song or the feeling that he had when he hears the song of Ragnarok that was sorrowful and absorbs one into that feeling of desolation had hopelessness

For some reason, the birds singing while it is not something that could be understood by Peter, it gave his mind clarity, gives his heart calmness

He attributed this to the fact that this is the mythical and mystical Primordial garden.

Probably all thing that is magical and mysterious exist in this garden.

Peter would not put that past it. For something to be called a Primordial Garden, for a garden that belongs to the Supreme One, nothing is impossible

He then opens back his eyes as he finished calming his heart. Now that his heart is calm, he could finally see the reason why his teacher suddenly stops before.

In front of him there is a barrier of light. This barrier of light extends from the ground to the limitless sky above.

‘What is this?’ he thought to himself.

Peter watch the barrier of light, trying to ascertain its function.

The light feel very welcoming and life force seems to be embedded in each of its particles. And it is more than just a life force. There is all kinds of force and laws that exist in each particle of light.

Like the barrier of light contains all the laws in the Omniverse.

The light seems welcoming enough and it felt like it beckons people to come near. But for some reason, Peter felt that there is something very powerful on the other side of that barrier of light.

And that powerful force made Peter felt that if he does dare to come inside that barrier of light he would probably not be able to handle what he saw after.

He had his own speculation of course. This barrier of light….and the other side of this barrier of light….it might be the place where the Supreme One dwells

Loki suddenly said.

‘Ask a lot of question before I end this dream’ Peter understood that his teacher did not have much time now.

He looks at that barrier of light and he only smiles bitterly. It looks like the dwelling of the Supreme One is just right in front of him.

But Peter knows he could not barge into the barrier of light. There is this premonition of danger each time he had the intention of trying to walk to that barrier of light.

He had many question of course. He wanted to meet the Supreme One, and ask him to help. Ask him why he did not lift a finger?

Ask him, why should it end like that? Though, when he thinks about it, he himself felt that the question is very childish. To Him, the entire Omniverse is His. He could do whatever he wanted to do.

And as for the reason? Who cares what the reason is. Peter wished he could understand the Supreme One.

He shook that thought from his mind and instead ask his teacher

‘What is the meaning all of this?’

Then he asks another question

‘teacher, are you trying to tell me that Destroyer is the Great Filter. Is that the only thing you wanted to tell me?

Loki smiles and he said

‘That is some of it. And then there is some others’ Loki said. He then added

‘Destiny and Fate sometime couldn’t be changed.’ Hearing this Peter frowned for a second before Loki suddenly said

‘But, it could be altered a bit. And sometimes, even just altering a bit of it, it could make a huge difference. The point is which event that should be altered’

Peter eyes gleamed as he took the hint that his teacher is implying. There was silence for a second before Loki then continues saying

‘There is six Ragnarok that had happened since the beginning of Time. There is always a slight change. Odin is not an obedient person. He is slowly trying to change the narrative of the Twilight of the Gods. But it is not quite easy as he thought’

Sighing, he continues saying

‘He could make small changes. But he could not change the Ending. Like playing chess, one had to know that there are one other moves that could be used after all of your other moves is blocked. Could you guess what kind of move that could be done when all of your move would end with you being checkmated?’

He asks Peter. Peter smiles. This is the same question that Yewa Hafar also once asked him when he learns chess from him

‘Break the chessboard’ he answers. Loki smiles widely

‘That is what I want to tell you. And as for the other things that I showed you, maybe, right now you wouldn’t understand it. Maybe, even after all of this, even when the End is near, you still wouldn’t able to understand it. But, in the off chance that you would understand it, this knowledge would be very useful to you’

Peter heard every word and engrave each word into his mind. Then Loki added.

‘And, I am here to give you a heads up’

‘A heads up? About what?’


Continuation on the next chapter

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