Lord Shadow

Chapter 924

Chapter 924: Powerlessness

Azief entire body then glows golden as a powerful emanation of power erupted from him and then entire area where he was at depressed to the ground but Azief was still standing on the same height as before as his body seems to be floating.

The pressure around him multiplied and the ground and the particles of atoms around him was flattened.

‘I need him to explain to me’ he thought to himself as his eyes narrowed and his mind will the Laws of the World to beckon to his orders.

He closes his eyes and his body seems to be blurry and transparent, like he had become some ethereal being that merge with the world.


A sound of something being grinded against something could be heard and then like a film is being cut, Azief simply disappeared from the area, as the space around where he was at split for a momentary second before it merges back.

The area then regains its calmness. And Azief disappears from the area as his figure seems to ignore space and time.

He is traveling to that island he saw in his eyes.

And that island is none other than the famous Island of Peace the headquarters of the World Government.

And there is only one person there that Azief wanted to meet and only one person there that should explain to him.

Azief travel through time and space making his journey to the Island of Peace instantaneous. He saw the lines and the matrix formation as he come close to the Island in his Law Form

He smirks as he rams his body to the matrixes of array formations.

The Island of Peace had just raise their barriers and their defensive formation.

But before they could add more matrix formation to the protection formation suddenly the formation masters that was hard at work suddenly coughed up blood before staggering and kneeling on the ground.

‘Argh!’ The sound of screams and shock could be heard all over the edges of the island where most of these formation master was working.

Golden blood coughed up from their mouth, as their face pale and their entire body is trembling as the consequences of a backlash

They felt like their veins is exploding inside their body

‘There is an intruder! Sound the alarms!’ Some of the formation master held out a device and press the button on that device as the alarm system was activated.

Hirate was standing on the balcony of the Quorum building looking at the horizon that is opening up as the storms of energy has calmed down a bit in the seas around the island

He could see the vast ocean in front of him and the height of the heavens above.

The white clouds, the breezy wind of the sea and opening horizon gives him the feeling of serenity and peace

Everything look peaceful but then he saw the ripples in the fabrics of reality, feeling the waves of energy that preceded a powerful explosion of energy.

He felt the pressure that suddenly is enveloping the Island of Peace. His eyes widened because of the shock.

The pressure envelops the island in almost an instant.

It was like it was not there one second and suddenly like a crash that happens without rhyme or reason, the entire island seems to be pressured by some powerful heaven shaking pressure.

‘What is happening? Who is so bold to attack Island of Peace right now?’ he thought to himself.

His shock is not yet ending.

The moment he felt that pressure, he also saw that the translucent barrier formation that his people had just set up suddenly cracks and then waves around like something was thrown into a lake and it ripples violently.

And then it broke. Hirate was startled at this point.

Who was so powerful that all of the formation of the island was so effortlessly destroyed? He was about to send his psionic force in full power to sense the intruder.

This is another thing that causes his heart to beat erratically right now.

because even though the barrier was destroyed, he could not sense the intruder.

There is no sign of a weapon bombarding the barriers and there is no sign someone had just blasted their way into the Island of Peace.

In that split second, he thought it was an illusion attack and that all he is seeing and feeling right now is an illusion attack.

But, it is impossible for someone to create this kind of flawless illusion especially when it is against him, who could resist a great deal of illusion attack.

Of course, there is an exception. The exception to that was if Hikigaya was the one creating this illusion attack.

That is not something that Hirate could defend against. It is not simply a matter of mastery. It is a matter of difference kind of lifeform.

But in that split second, he denied this conjecture. It is simply because Hikigaya right now is injured after the backlash he had received in fighting the Demon King. josei

And even though Hikigaya had his conflict with the World Government he would not attack the base of World Government without reason.

In that split second, Hirate mind is entertaining many possibilities.

A split second is all he needed to think all of this but at the same time, he knew he had to recognize these intruders as fast as he can and create countermeasures

He didn’t believe that this is a one person effort.

He tries to project his Psionic energy outward but then he felt a restriction, no, to be more accurate a force that disperse his psionic force from coming outwards

‘What?’ Hirate was shocked before he heard the sound of something swishing and he suddenly felt his entire senses telling him that there is danger behind him.

Goosebumps could be felt all over his body

Hirate immediately activated his Psionic energy and blast it off from his entire being attacking the area where his danger senses are tingling.

This time, his Psionic energy was not dispersed because this time the volume of his Psionic force is double than before

The force exploded from his body and then it just disappeared.

The sound of the swishing of a sleeve could be heard as the force of his psionic energy suddenly disappeared like it had never existed.

Hirate second step is simply to run away as he is ready to fly away as fast as he could.

But the moment he tried to move he suddenly find to his abject horror, that he couldn’t even move and even his Psionic Energy could not move across one-meter radius from him.

It was like he is sealed in amber and unable to move.

‘Why the rush?’ the word echoes inside Hirate ears and he felt his entire body experiencing goosebumps and there is fear in his heart.

His heartbeat grew faster

This is because he recognizes the voice and he gulped for a second and then he tries to calm himself down.

He did not expect for that person to come as quick as he did.

But since from the beginning he was prepared for this moment. But now that he truly had to experience it, he nearly lost his heart.

The feeling of danger that envelop him a few seconds before brought him an extreme sense of life and death that he could not help but lost his initiative and acted in panic.

Hirate then simply said

‘This is such a cruel joke, Death Monarch. I was simply startled by you. This joke is in bad taste’ Hirate said and the voice once again echoes inside Hirate ears

‘Then, what is the joke that you made with Loki? Is that in good taste? Because I am not laughing’ The voice was cold and Hirate felt his heart beating like a war drum being pounded a hundred beat per second.

Hirate still could not move.

This feeling of unable to do anything while another person could do anything that they wanted….it is not a good feeling at all.

Hirate had witnessed the power of Death Monarch and he already overestimated Death Monarch a lot.

But until he is face to face with a Divine comprehension leveler, he truly did not understand the absolute superior ability of a Divine Comprehension leveler until now.

he could not even defend himself and he could not even make one move without feeling a full suppression on his entire ability.

His Psionic Force is also unstable like it is in the verge of breaking.

The wind blows around Hirate and the wind was like a key as Hirate felt the suppression on his entire being loosened up and he knows that Death Monarch has released him from the pressure.

Hirate slowly look behind him and there he is. Standing behind him is Death Monarch. He looks as intimidating as ever

With his black clothes and his expressionless cold face, a powerful force that is emanating out of him, it is really hard not to be intimidated by Death Monarch

Hirate is not a coward. And he is never a scaredy cat. But Death Monarch gives him the heebies jeebies.

After all, Hirate had deal with worst people in the world. he had dealt with Yakuzas, politicians and many others before the Fall

But, none of them give the feeling that Death Monarch gave him.

When he is in front of Death Monarch, it is not that he felt he was looked down upon. It is not the same feeling when some cruel killer who looks you like simply meat or some Yakuza leader who underestimate you.

It is not the disgust that he felt when he meets some particularly deranged people.

When he is in front of Death Monarch, it is like he is in front of something that he could not even look. It like trying to look at the sun.

It is not because Death Monarch is virtuous. It felt like they are two completely different kind of lifeforms.

This feeling only grows stronger now as Death Monarch stand there looking at him

‘The reason I hate him is probably because of this feeling’ Hirate thought to himself. The feeling he felt right now is powerlessness.


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