Lord Shadow

Chapter 933

Chapter 933: The world reaction (2)

Azief and Will act of breaking through time and space, folding it to such extreme length and stresses it enough had causes the Multiversal Convergence to happen.

The act of travelling through time to see the future is not an easy burden for Time.

It had to compile Probability and created the most possible future according to the Present time

That overburden the fabric of reality. It defies a lot of the Laws of the world and the laws of nature itself.

Only a higher dimensional being could see Time as it truly is.

Before the Fall, before humanity had the ability to absorb the energy of the world, to control and manipulate the Laws that dances around them, Time for humans only move forward.

But that is only the perspective of humans who think Time only moves forward.

Time is there. But we could not change it.

As such, we feel like we are moving forward through time.

For a higher dimensional being, this being could see Time through a different lens. Time might not be as connected as one would think.

Instead, it might be more like a book. With each moment, a page in a book. Whether it is lost, scratched, ripped apart, the book story ending would not change.

Regardless, the act of viewing the future and manipulating time and space continuum to that level causes the damage to the fabric of reality and the barriers between parallel worlds to go in chaos thus creating the Multiversal Convergence event.

The fact was anyone could have trigged the Multiversal Convergence event.

This is the thought of those leader of the Great Power.

But there is a reason why Hirate did not stress this part and why the other leaders also not explain this to the populace.

First, they have no time right now.

Some of them blamed Hirate on this.

Why would Hirate announce that Loki is the one responsible for Multiversal Convergence at such a chaotic time.

It is enough to announce it to the other leaders of the Great Power.

If Hirate did that, they could contain this from being too out of hands with people that survived the battle already wanted to exact their revenge against Loki.

Loki might be a cunning person and have many enemies but he also has allies in many of the great powers.

Not everyone y is happy that Loki is being blamed for this especially when they know, it is not entirely his fault. Everyone had a share on this fault.

What they do not know was that Hirate choses the perfect time to once Loki crime. Loki and Hirate planned this together. As such, there is not many flaws to the plan.

The reason why Hirate had to announce it as fast as possible is because he did not want Death Monarch to confess his crime.

As such, they must have jumped the shark first. The second reason is because right now, everyone is grieving.

They are angry.

And they want a target.

No matter how many facts that they would give to the people, telling them it is not entirely Loki fault that such a thing happened and it was only that his timing was unfortunate, nobody would listen.

After all, the people they love is dead. Their parents, their children….so how would they listen calmly and objectively.

When love is brought into question, there is no rationality. This is something that everyone understands.

So, most of the leaders of the Great Power is letting their people to be angry. When they are calmer, when they have finished grieving, then they would present the fact.

Not every great power is corrupt and wanted to benefits from their citizens suffering.

At least, not in this case.

Most of the people inside the Senate of the Republic, most of the Quorum Council members of the World Government, most of the eccentrics in the League of Freedom, the officials of the Lotus Order, the scientist and thinkers of the Order of Thinkers, the warlords in the African Alliance and the others high echelon members of powerful organization in the world all experience the Weronian War.

Of course, they would still fight for their personal interest like any politicians before the Fall. But what separated them from the politician before the Fall was that they fought in wars.

They lost their comrade in wars and lost their loved ones in a war. The war they fought was a war of a lifetime.

There is not song of heroes, only screams and pain. They saw what war does to their people. And what it did to them

The brutality surpassed World War II.

They saw Weronians eat humans like they were food. Humanity become a livestock. Death fills the world as the Weronian tries to modify Earth into their planet.

An absolute corrupt politician could not live long in the political arena in this new world. That is because there were many officials that also become hardline defender of Earth.

They could embezzle money, they could plot and scheme against their political opponent, kill and assassinate other Great Power politicians and important people and engages in secret war below the surface.

But, there is a line that must not be crossed

Even the most corrupt politician in any of the Great Powers had a bottom line after the Weronian War.

And that was in the event of a world destroying event or an attack from a civilization outside the Milky Way, any effort to degrade the strength of humans would be considered a treason toward Earth and humanity at large.

If this person is discovered in morning, this person would die before the afternoon and none would defend such a person.

Even the most corrupt politician in the great power could not endure such a person that they would rather renounce all of their ill-gotten gains than trying to defend such a person.

War changed people. Sometimes it brings the worse of men. But, sometimes it also brings the good.

Because of that, they understood anger.

The leaders of the great powers are all waiting for their people to return home. Of course, there is always a possibility that not all of their people would want to return.

There are all new continents popping up, uninhabited and all kinds of lands full of fortuitous opportunity is now free for people to discover.

The energy of the world had multiplied to a hundredfold and there are some regions that possess more energy than other regions.

These kinds of regions would surely be fought for. As such, humanity would become even more scattered.

Whether this is bad development or a good development, no one really knows.

And with such a vast world, Crime Alliance among others could not get a chance to breathe. The world before was large. But to the Crime Alliance and other factions of the crime underworld, they felt the world is very small.

The Seven Great Powers blame all their dirty deeds on them.

Of course, Crime Alliance is a criminal organization.

There is no doubt that they do crime and evil things.

It is in their name.

But the Seven Great Powers pose themselves as shining sun of virtue when in fact they also engage with many of the dubious things that the Crime Alliance had done.

But, if their plots and scheme was exposed, then they would make the Crime Alliance as their scapegoat.

Not to mention, the Crime Alliance is Pandemonium greatest enemy.

Any Pandemonium officials who ever met any Crime Alliance members would try to capture them.

If its low level members, they would be imprisoned. If they were high ranking members then they would be executed.

Now, this faction could run away and develop in secret.

Because now the world is even bigger than before and no random Disk Formation leveler could scan the whole world to seek them as easily as before.

But, Death Monarch is still there.

But judging by the news that had come out saying that Katarina was kidnapped by the Demon king, many members of the Crime Alliance believe that Death Monarch would be busy with trying to rescue the Ice Queen rather than using his time to plot against them at this current moment. josei

The sword slash that Death Monarch had executed in Socotra, had severely weaken the Crime Alliance.

As such, they need to develop peacefully before they could be as powerful as they were when Death Monarch was not present

And the Crime Alliance is not the only organization that would use these new world to their advantage.

Some people who have great ambition but was forced to live under the umbrella of the Seven Great Powers also seek new lands to call their own.

The leaders of the Great Powers are already thinking about the many lands that would secede themselves from under their influence.

Since the distance between continent is not so easily traversed now, it gives more autonomy to the other countries and kingdoms that was far away from the central authority of the great powers.

The Republic for example controls almost all of Europe other than Poland and a few others kingdoms and countries.

But with the distance between each country widened because of the expansion, then there is always a possibility that most of the Senators that control these countries and kingdom would secede themselves and created their own kingdom.

The reason is simple. The Republic could no longer supervise them as easy as before.

Not only the distance has widened, the surveillance systems that each of the great powers had created also needed to be upgraded.

Because right now, their surveillance system could not pass through the density of the world energy which is not only thicker and denser, it is also more mystical.

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