Lord Shadow

Chapter 942

Chapter 942: The story of the mace

Raymond take a deep breath

The feeling is very suffocating before. The moment he gets back his energy, like it has been pent up, it exploded out. josei

Burst of energy exploded from Raymond body as his eyes shines golden light and the sea water below him exploded creating large ripple that affect the waves.

The Earth around him trembles.

Earthshaker is not a title people give wily nily. The entire seabed seems to tremble and shake with great intensity.

Azief did not do anything as that blast of energy come toward him.

A meter radius around him is a forbidden zone. The moment that blast of energy come near him, it dissipated like a gentle wind of summer.

Azief only smiles.

One of the rings on his hand dims. Azief had actually uses his Ten Eternal Rings to create this seal

This is why he was so shocked when the mace is able to break the seal. He was about to leave but he halted for a moment.

He looks toward the mace that is gripped tight by Raymond. His gaze was penetrating and his hazel eyes glows bluish colors

Raymond also saw the gaze of Death Monarch and he frowned

‘This mace is mine’ Raymond said.

Azief nodded.

‘I do not intend to take it’ he reply.

‘I only felt that your mace is very peculiar’ Azief waited after saying that sentence. But his eyes did not avert itself from the mace

He waited for the mace to say something. But the mace did not say anything. Azief scoffed. The feeling he got from the mace was like a turtle that hide itself inside its shell.

‘Interesting. It seems your mace did not like to talk. It is very different from the rumors’ There is a smirk on Azief face

Who knows whether it is because of annoyance or disdain?

Raymond also began to notice this abnormality about his mace.

When he thought about it, even if his mace did not talk openly, he would usually communicate with him telepathically before since they were connected

But now that he thinks about it, each time when he met with Death Monarch or when Death Monarch is present, his mace always went silence.

It wasn’t until today, he notices this. There must be a reason for this, he thought to himself.

Azief stares at the mace for a few more second.

Nothing happened.

‘Heh’ he smirked

‘Next time then’ he mutters and then he takes a step forward and like a light that being shot with the speed of the fastest particles in the Universe, the space around Raymond receded before spring out and then Azief disappeared from Raymond sight.

The space regains it calms and time also resume its operation. Probably in the world right now, only three people could freely traverse the world like that.

It would be Death Monarch Azief, Time Monarch Jean and the Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya.

Those three people are probably the only beings that could disregards the density and weight of the energy of the world and the thick and dense barrier of Time and Space to go wherever they wanted into the world in almost an instant.

The other one is probably Warp.

Though, Raymond believes even his teleportation abilities is restricted a bit unless he broke through to the same level as those three people.

Raymond did not continue his flight toward the Island of Peace. He had something else to ask first. He looks at his mace and said

‘he is gone’

‘Fuck’ the word echoes around the area. The words come out for the mace. He was not surprised that the mace cursed. Instead it would be weirder if his mace did not curse.

The mace that he had seems to like learning about curse words of humans. He was accustomed to this. In the beginning he would remind the mace not to curse too much. But, nowadays, he just ignores the mace cursing.

But that is not the reason Raymond look at his mace and narrowed his eyes towards it.

Death Monarch suspicion is warranted. Today, his mace did not act like it used to. And it is something that he should have noticed before

Raymond narrowed his eyes and said

‘Why are you afraid of him? When I think about it, only now did I notice you never speak when he is around me? Why is that?’

The mace was silent for a while and Raymond was patient. Seconds passed and then the mace said

‘Didn’t you say you want to go quickly to the Island of Peace to help Hirate? Why are you not going? Should I go alone?’ The mace said as it tries to free itself from Raymond grip.

‘Sharur is trying to change the subject!’ This is Raymond thought the moment his mace struggling to get out from his grip.

Raymond grip the mace tighter and the mace sighed

‘Do you really wanted to know about it that bad?’

Raymond eyebrows rises up

‘This means, there is something’ Raymond caught on to the implied meaning of his mace.

‘Yes, well. It is something. But I don’t think it is what you think’

‘Tell me then. Why are you afraid of Death Monarch?’ The mace was silent again. A few moments passed and then it said

‘To be more accurate it is not Death Monarch that I am afraid of.’

‘Then, what is it?’

The wind blows again and there is a storm on the horizon that is approaching. But Raymond waited there

He doesn’t seem to care about the storm that is spinning 400 miles per hour which is more than a Saffir Simpson scale recorded power of storms before the Fall.

It already causes the water around the storm to recede and rises up into the sky. But Raymond did not seem to care.

That storm is formed because of the sudden imbalance between the energy of the word and the energy form other worlds.

This kind of phenomenon should be expected in this early stages of assimilation between the energy of the world and the foreign energy from Other Worlds.

This is no normal storm and the forming of it is also unnatural.

Raymond however did not seem to care and he block his ears from listening to the droning sound of the wind that is coming and going from that storm blast.

He focused on the mace, waiting for him to tell him.

‘If you are stubborn, I might throw you to that storm’ he spoke to the mace telepathically

The mace sighed and Raymond could feel the hesitation of his mace to talk about it.

Then his mace said

‘It is about the rings on his fingers’ Hearing this Raymond was even more curious. Raymond knew about the rings. It is something that Death Monarch had always wears on his finger

The Intelligence Agency of the World Government concluded it was some kind of artifacts. But Death Monarch rarely used it.

This has something to do with the fact that most of the enemies of Death Monarch on Earth did not pose his any challenge at all thus nobody really knows the true power of those rings.

He never would have thought that his mace knows about that ring.

‘is it a long story like the one you told me before?’ Raymond ask. The mace shakes and said

‘It is’ Raymond smiles and then he flies forward, taking off from that area. He waves his left hand toward the storm.

The storm halted and exploded into gales of wind that slice apart the seawater. Raymond might not be as strong as Death Monarch.

But, right now his Disk is also transforming. He is only half a step toward that level. There are some things that he needs to break before he could take that last step.

His return to the Island of Peace is not only to make sure the Island is alright but he also need to meet Hirate to break some of the stone that had been weighing in his heart.

Once that stone is broken, only then he could truly step onto the Divine Comprehension level.

Jean reminder, Death Monarch warning, all of it echoes in his ears and embedded itself deeply in his heart

As such, he knew know what he needs to do. He needs to return first and solve the complication in his heart.

The storms fizzle out and then he looks at his mace. Smiling he said to Sharur

‘Tell me the story’

‘All of it?’ Sharur asked. Raymond look at the opening horizon in front of him.

Chuckling he said

‘We have a long way to go to back home.’ Then nodding to himself he said

‘All of it then’ The mace trembles inn excitement as he said

‘Good. Hehehe’ Then the mace started its story

‘There was darkness. And then light came. The story begins before Time had even existed. There is a Garden- ‘

The mace keeps chattering inside Raymond mind as Raymond listen to the story while at the same time flying forward with new determination in his heart.

In front of him, there were many more storms and cyclones that was formed. He only laughed as he sailed through it.

Raymond with his golden armor, flies through the storms and cyclones flying toward the Island of Peace while the mace on his hand tell him the story of an epic, telling him the story of a Time where Time did not yet exist, a story of a cursed race, of a Garden that houses Life, of an Orb of unlimited power and of Ten Rings that used to govern all the Laws of the Omniverse

And so Raymond listens as the mace speak


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