Lord Shadow

Chapter 945

Chapter 945: Heart demons

He arrives in the front door

Before he could push the door opens, the door opens slowly. Standing on the center of the palace first floor is Hikigaya. He looks fine and healthy, like there is nothing wrong with him josei

Azief narrowed his eyes and the end of his lips curved up

looks can be very deceiving especially when it has something do with the Illusionist Archmage

Azief did not mince words now that he had arrived

‘Is it worse?’ Hikigaya nodded.

‘Where are you?’ he asks Hikigaya.

Azief with one glance could see that the Hikigaya in front of him is nothing more than just an illusion projection.

That is why the Hikigaya in front of him look like there is nothing wrong with him

Azief after all had seen the true state of Hikigaya before.

He knows that Hikigaya right now is probably suffering from the backlash and trying to contain his mind from going crazy. How could he be this calm?

‘Here’ Hikigaya said as the space inside the palace folded and there is a split in the area one feet away from the projection illusion. The projection illusion of Hikigaya smiles bitterly and said

‘I could not hold on much longer’ Saying this the projection illusion disappear in a puff of smoke.

Azief walk toward that split space and enter with hesitation.

The moment he enters that space he could feel his body is split into atoms before reassembling back and then he notices he is inside a chamber.

This chamber is a sealing chamber. In that one moment, Azief had spread out his Divine Sense the moment he arrived at this chamber.

He saw Hikigaya sitting on the ground, his legged crossed.

Circling him is six pillars that is stake into the ground. All of these pillars had that same kind of ideographic characters he saw outside.

‘Sealing yourselves?’ Azief ask. Hikigaya saw Azief. Azief was kind of shocked when he saw Hikigaya.

Hikigaya face is pale. His skin wrinkled and his eyes is red because of the pressure on his mind

One could only imagine the kind of pressure that one would have to endure to make a Divine Comprehension eyes to turn red because of the pressure of the mind

‘What is the effect?’ Azief ask

‘Illusions that come from my heart’ Hikigaya replied.

They did not mince words.

There is no need for it right now. The situation is critical.

Azief could see that these six pillars are to seal the damage of an Illusion Implosion if something went out for control from Hikigaya minds.

No one should underestimate the power of an uncontrollable illusion that is let loose. Especially with Hikigaya being a Divine Comprehension leveler right now.

Other than him and Jean no one would be able to free themselves from Hikigaya illusion if he went out of control.

No open know how dangerous Hikigaya is other than both Azief and Jean. Sometimes the worst enemy one could have is oneself.

Azief sighed.

‘Heart Demons’ he thought to himself.

If this was the Three Thousands Worlds of the Jade Empire, the backlash that Hikigaya is experiencing now looks the same like the symptom of a Heart Demon.

‘You work hard’

‘And this is what I get’ Hikigaya said with a sigh.

Azief did not say anything else for a few second.

Hikigaya is stills showing an expression of pain. Right now, he might be talking with Azief, but his mind might be experiencing extreme torture.

No one knows one own deep fear, uncertainty, doubt and desire more than your own heart.

It takes all of his concentration to talk with Azief and at the same time trying to hold back the illusions in his mind from taking over him

Hikigaya predicament right now is not to fall into any of that illusion that his mind could conjure up.

The moment he falls into any of his illusion, the best case scenario would be for him to lose his consciousness.

The worst case scenario was that he would unleash his illusion power to the world.

If the Moon and the Sun once again transformed into his eyes, his illusion could reach the whole world and influence all living beings.

That is a terrifying thought

Azief come closer and the pillars trembles.

‘I would help you’ But Hikigaya did not seem particularly happy. His forehead veins are straining but he looks at Death Monarch with wariness.

‘What do you want from me?’ Azief chuckles.

‘This is why I like talking with smart people’

Azief then said

‘Look over Loki. Protect Sofia. And take Pandemonium side if the World Council is called upon’ Azief did not beat around the bush

Hikigaya only took a second to make his decision. He then said

‘Loki probably would be fine even without my help. Still, if he does get into any trouble that he could not solve, I could help him. As for Sofia, I could send a Mark to her. It would help her if she encounters any danger later when you are gone. As for Pandemonium…. I could only take your side, once’

Azief nodded with a smile.

Then he said

‘I owe you one’ Hikigaya nodded

With Hikigaya there is no need for long words. He could immediately understand Azief intention.

Then he took another step. The distance between him and Hikigaya is only around half feet.

The pillars that is staked to the ground cracks as the fragments slowly falls down to the ground.

Azief body is bursting with thirteen auras that crack the chambers walls and causes the entire palace to crumble.

There are all kinds of phenomenon that is happening inside the cave as the thirteen aura was unleashed.

The thirteen aura is derived from his thirteen laws and as such each laws affect the weird thing that is happening all over the cave.

‘How will you help me?’ Hikigaya eyes.

‘I will kill your heart’ Azief said. Hikigaya eyes widened.

‘Do not worry. It would not affect you. It is like an external help, a guide to help you navigate your own fears, to extricate you from your desires and to give you answers for your uncertainty’ Azief then took another step and he appeared right in front of Hikigaya.

Another burst of energy exploded out from Azief body. But this time, the energy that is coming out form him is very different form the energy that comes out because of his Laws.

His hazel eyes turn golden and his body emits golden haloes all over his body as swirling golden mist shrouded him

The pillars exploded into pieces as they could no longer bear the pressure from both Hikigaya and Azief at the same time

Hikigaya frowned when Azief first suddenly burst out his energy without warning. But Hikigaya immediately understood what Azief was trying to do.

He is trying to incite him and agitate him

Azief wanted the illusion to let loose, for him to be envelop by his Thoughts.

The moment that pillars crumbled down, all the effort that Hikigaya had make to keep his Heart Demon under control all crumbled down like a house of cards.

Hikigaya screams in pain as he clutched over his head. Right now, he had broken from his pose of sitting cross legged.

He is now kneeling on the ground, while clutching his head. His head is full of bulged out veins. His forehead is sweating furiously and his entire body is trembling and shivering.

Pain filled his mind and that in turn affect his body.

His irises which had a spiral pattern in it is spinning in a circle inside his eyes. Illusion appears all over the chambers as his eyes went out of controls.

All kinds of illusion formed itself.

That pillars are the only thing that had restrained his power from getting out of control. It is like his chain was cut off and now the energy that he had restrained burst out in a great explosion.

Azief only smiles at all the illusion that suddenly appears in the chamber as he mutters

‘It is still weak enough’ Saying this, Azief entire being burst out with even more powers.

Thirteen Laws appeared inside the chambers and the entire cave is trembling. The illusions inside the chambers all were cut by the thirteen laws aura.

The entire continent of Japan is now shaking and trembling.

The shores of the sea receded as great force exploded from beneath the sea, and this force is coming up to create a large tsunami.

The entire continent seems to be shaken by great force, tremors shakes the mountains and the hills. The forest outside the caves was flattened by an invisible force.

Those who is in the continent were all shaken by this sudden tremors and force but none of them thought weirdly of it.

After all, all kinds of thing are happening on Earth right now.

A large tremor and earthquake is not an anomaly.

But someone clad in lightning, who is now amidst a thunderstorm absorbing the thunder suddenly stopped

Even though he was not quite sure, he felt there is something familiar that he felt when the continent quakes before.

But he ignores it a second later. It is not surprising that Oreki could not detect it. After all, the difference of Azief and him is very different


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