Lord Shadow

Chapter 949

Chapter 949: Crashing down

At the same time this was happening on Earth, on a continent somewhere, there is a large forest that is now burning.

The flames were so high that it reaches the clouds.

The heat distorts the space around the flame

Smokes fills the sky and there is even storms of wind that went out of course around this continent.

This is one of the continent that appears magically during the world expansion. This particular continent did not have any lifeforms or creatures yet

It appeared suddenly during the world expansion and nourished by the energy of the world, the barren land that come here from god knows where, suddenly sprouted trees and tree sprouted branches and these branches sprouted fruit and before long, the entire continent was filled with trees, creating a continent rich with forestry

It was greenery all around. If this was before the Fall, this kind of forest would surely be the jewel of the world

Life force around this continent is very thick and one would feel refreshed if they were to take a walk inside this forest

The formation of this continent is without a doubt magical in its nature.

But a few moments ago, suddenly something falls from the sky, and crashed onto this continent

This thing that falls from the Heavens was so fast and the impact of the crash create a massive quake in the center of it

the ripples of the shockwave flattened the forest around five hundred kilometer radius and the resulting impact also followed by a large explosion of fire that burns the forest outside that radius.

Even now, the ripples of the shockwave still linger. Something had fallen from the sky and created this terrifying calamity

Luckily, there is no lives here. If there is a city here, then that city would probably be obliterated in the first initial impact

Whatever it is, it must be something very powerful to create such disaster just by crashing down

The flames happened because of the friction of the speed and the impact of the things clashing together

On the epicenter of this disaster, someone come out from a wreckage of metals. Around him purplish light comes and goes as the energy around the area seems to be disintegrated

The purplish light did not come from this someone but instead coming out from the wreckage.

The wreckage is a wreckage of a spaceship.

It is burning on almost all of its part. And the wings were shredded apart. There are deep gashes on the sides of the spaceship.

Fortunately, enough, it was not able to shred the inner hull.

Most of the other parts of the ships were thrown to the sea and probably had already crashed on the bottom of the sea or probably it is still coming down to the bottom.

That is probably the method of this person to make sure that the spaceship would not create more damages to the world

Smokes is coming from the destroyed spaceship. It is burning purple and the smokes is also not gray or black, instead it was reddish with purplish halos around it.

The smokes have the ability to affect the energy of the world.

though, one could not say it did not affect the energy of the world negatively, one could not say it affect the energy of the world positively too.

It is fortunate that this continent is uninhabited.

Powerful emanation of energy enveloped the spaceship

Any way you look at it, the spaceship is of alien origin. Coming out from that wreckage is someone who has green skin all over his body.

Purple blood drips down from his wound as he staggers walking out from the wreckage, flinging some of the metal door that blocked his way six feet away. josei

‘Hah’ he panted as he walks further and further from the wreckage.

An entire forest had been burned and two hundred kilometers radius of forestry around the radius of the crash had been flattened

Deep gashes on the earth and all kinds of small craters were formed all around that spaceship. Of course, the large crater is where the main crash happened

Most of the small crater on the other hand was formed because of the fragments of things that had fallen down from the spaceship

He leaned on one of the large trees that covered the sun and the clouds above his head as he slid down and take his breath

This one particular tree that was close to the crash was not flattened or burned. With one glance that person knows that is because the tree itself is a magical tree.

It is not something surprising for this person as this person had seen all kinds of magical things in his journey

His body is trying to adapt with this planet. This person is none other an alien from another planet.

And the alien is none other than Fir Her Waz.

He had finally arrived on Earth.

He followed the path of the stars and uses the fastest speed of his spaceship to reach Earth but when he does arrive, a spatial energy storms had tear his spaceship apart.

The time and space tunnel of this world seems to be undergoing some kind of upheaval so when he had tried to enter the world with stealth by using the Time and Space tunnel by activating the Time Engine that he had installed on the spaceship, it malfunctioned and created a spatial storm of Time and Space that causes this crash

He did not want to be thought of as an invader so he had enacted some of the stealth protocol for the ship to land itself in a place where it would bring the least possible damage to this world.

It then crashed onto one of the continent that had popped off when the world expanded. Luck played a part in it but his quick thinking also helps.

Fir Her Waz spaceship is not some normal spaceship.

It is heavily armed and possess all kinds of advanced technologies from all kinds of civilization. Most of them are arms and weapons that could easily be compared to nuclear weapons of the past.

One could even say it was stronger as the being in the universe that had the power to roam the Universe alone probably have enough power to withstand even a nuclear explosion.

If one thing went wrong, and one of his weapons activated and exploded, it would trigger an explosion that could take out the entire Earth

Of course, this is basing off from the size of the Earth before the expansion.

Fir Her Waz had deactivated such weapons before his spaceship went crashing down.

Not only because he did not want to destroy worlds, he also did not want to be caught in such an explosion.

Even he probably would not come out of that explosion with all of his limb intact and he probably would suffer grievous injury if he tried to do such thing.

And the current situation is the best situation, he had crashed in an uninhabited continent without no humans and other life forms.

It created a large crater and his spaceship is wrecked but he did not destroy the world.

Earth seems to be bigger than the records he had read about it before.

As such, he could easily see there must be something that happened on Earth prior to his landing that causes him to put in the wrong calculation into the AI

‘By Othlana! What was that?’ he thought to himself as he bandages himself with the bandages spray.

When he sprays one can of the bandage spray, nanobots would fly toward his wound and repair his cells and act as a layer of skin that would speed up the healing process

he was quite lucky to get out of it just by having this slight injury.

But, the pressure of the world is the problem right now

The pressure of the is the one that made him feel that he is weak right now. He then brought out a spherical orb from a pouch

It is actually the core of the artificial intelligence of the ship. Fir Her Waz protected this by reverting most of the shield power to the ship core during the crash

If not because of that the artificial intelligence might have some complications later.

‘AR 01, analyze the area and check any information you had on humans’

The spherical orb glows.

The spherical object is the AI of the ship or its physical form.

Since Fir Her Waz spaceship is modified and is not connected in any intergalactic network, he had to create his own private server for the AI of his ship.

He bought it in a black market and added a few modifications from the parts he bought from the Merchant of Sarens

Because it had lost many of its power source, it could not waste its energy by projecting itself in a hologram

Fir Her Waz waited.

As he waited, he thinks about a few things. Fir Her Waz did not know how lucky he was that he had fallen on a new continent with no other humans.

If not, judging from the sentiment of the people of this world toward aliens, Fir Her Waz would probably be hunted.

Not to mention he is injured now and while he is strong, his entire power is now being restricted by the power of heaven.

But, that is not all the luck he had.

there is also something covering him from the eyes of heaven. This is probably the blessing of Yewa Hafar.

Yewa Hafar found something on the moon but he did not forget one of his chess pieces even after being thrown out of Earth by Loki

This is one of the chess pieces he had set beforehand

He had prepared in advance.

After all, he knows that Fir Her Waz did not know that there were many eyes on him. There is another one that would also be paying the attention to him

And that would be the Trickster.


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