Lord Shadow

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Carve a new story (1)

The white snows keep falling but since there is Elementalist among them, the snow around them is not that harsh compared to the other part of the Mountain.

White wolves could be seen running around on top of the mountains while the Bears and other monster stay on their caves.

The mountain was high and harsh with white snow colder than ice, and monsters that hides deep beneath the snow.

But this expedition of men did not wander far or high. Not everybody is an Energy Disperse stage expert.

Most of the people in the expeditions were Orb Condensing Stage user. But each of them is fearless and valiant, each steps are like giants, moving with discipline.

They are the military. They are soldiers who followed their revered Emperor.

Jean and his army has been wading the Ice Region with his expedition for three days and now they are walking back home to the base.

In the Westernmost part of the new continent lies a huge mountains of ice with cold energy coiling around the mountains day in day out.

Jean with his power as a Time Lord and once the Emperor of France lead his people and his army to hunt and foraging near the mountains.

Near the foot of the mountains there are some odd looking fruit but can be eaten and there is also some odd looking trees.

But that is only true around the foot of the Mountain.

The top of the mountain is inhabited by high leveled monsters and hordes of wolves and flying creatures that could strike terror in the heart of any man.

In the foot of the mountains there is also some game. Red Horned Rabbits that can endures the cold.

White Horned Chicken with meat as tender as it could be, making anyone drooling saliva if they roast it.

And there is many other types of monsters with meat that can be eaten, roasted, grilled, stew and many other ways to make it edible.

Monsters that can be eaten and not poisonous were stripped for meat while any herbs that they found were stored inside ether bag of holdings. josei

The base for these expeditions is the Revolutionary Army base. In the front leading the men was Jean.

He was wearing purple armour. On his left finger was a ring that emits heat making his body not affected by the bone biting cold.

Jean was tall for his age. His hair was long reaching his neck with kind of a wavy style. His eyes were blue and his face was pale white.

With each steps, confidence oozes out from him.

And his charisma outshines any other. His face also becomes a lot rugged than the first time he began to live in this world.

The stubbles around his chin only add to his manliness. Behind him was a woman. Paulette the Sniper.

Paulette was strapping herself with her sniper and was guarding her surroundings.

Wearing a combat boot and black knives strapped at her ankles, she looks like a military brat.

And like always she looks as sexy as ever. Usually at camp, her cleavage can be seen. She always wears tight clothing.

Not that jean was complaining. But here at the foot of the mountains, she was wearing thick clothes.

She was not like Jen who has a ring that could dispel cold and it’s not like Jean have that kind of ring lying around.

Her hair is cut short but it didn’t make her look like a man. If anything, that turns on Jean even more.

Jean looked behind him and realized that Paulette is still tense. Well, encountering a 15 foot bear have that kind of effect.

‘You don’t have to be so tense. We are out of the danger zone.’ Jean said as he tossed a flask to her.

Paulette grabbed the flask and then open it and take a sip. Her face scrunched up. Clearly, it was hard on her throat

‘Vodka? Where did you get it?’ She said surprised.

‘Boris.’ Jean replied shortly.

‘Heh. Still tastes like puke. But better than nothing’ she chuckles. And she takes another gulp.

Then she looks in front of her at the falling snow and feel the cold that bites her skin.

She was shivering but she keeps walking. It’s not like she is about to die. With Jean, Paulette doesn’t really have to worry.

They got each other’s backs.

‘Cold?’ Jean said as he notices Paulette shivering.

‘Nothing I can’t handle’ she said as she moves faster.

Jean just chuckles a bit.

‘You. Haish’ he just shakes his head as he moves closer to her and sneakily hold her hand. Paulette realizes that Jean was holding her hand but she did not push it away.

Warmth filled Paulette bodies as she could energy is transferred inside her body, enveloping her skin and dispelling the cold.

Jean realizing that Paulette did not push his hand away smiles likes an idiot.

And then seeing that Paulette is still trying to maintain her calm he planted a surprise kiss on her cheeks.

The soldiers behind them just try as best as they could to try not to see that their Emperor being so intimate with his members of his ministers.

Paulette is after all the Emperor right hand woman and was with him from the beginning when he fled from Marseille and went to conquer Paris.

The Emperor also concocted the plan to conquer Europe with Paulette. Paulette as she felt the warmth on her bodies also began to redden with shyness.

‘Hey!’ Paulette said her voice cracked a bit.

‘People are watching Jean.’

‘Let them watch’ he said smiling. Then Paulette looks at him with a surprised expression. And then she chuckles like she found something interesting.

The snows still fall down heavily, and the wind is still cold like before, but for Jean, his heart is warm as he holds her hand. It’s something he could not explain.

‘What?’ Jean said as he felt that her gaze is a little different from before. Paulette smirked.

‘Hoh. I didn’t know you’re that kind of guy?’

‘What kind of guy?’

‘You like people watching huh?’ Paulette said while smirking naughtily. Then Jean finally understand and his cheek beginning to become red.

‘No, I don’t!’ he said flustered and his men who were behind them were holding in their laughter but smiles could be seen on their faces.

Lewd smiles.

Jean face turned red.

‘You!’ He said.

‘What? You can tease me but I can’t tease you?’ And she chuckles again and make Jean face becomes even redder.

Jean just shakes his head again but not before he was surprised when suddenly she kiss him on the cheeks.

Then she flashed him the most wonderful smiles.

‘Just be patient. When we get home –’ and she let her words trail off while smiling .

‘What happens when we get home?’ He asked. She closed her distance with him and nibbles his ears and then she whispers at his ears

‘More of this’ and then she moves back from him and moves forward letting go of Jean hand as she walk fast in front.

Jean was smiling and whistling. He and Paulette have been dating since before he became the Emperor of France.

At first they were just sleeping with each other. The sex was great. At first, both of them don’t want to ruin it.

Then they began to develop feeling for each other.

And so, they take a bet. Betting that their relationship can be more. And they both won the bet. Jean did not know what he would do if Paulette is not by his side.

And till now, it has been great. Other than he loses his palace, his whole army, his territory. But, all of that, he can start again. Rebuild.

Holding her hand, he believes in that dream.

A new beginning.

A clean slate.

Here in the westernmost point of the continent, in the coldest region out of all the region in this new brave world, with snows pouring every day, and cold that bite the bones, he believes he can start anew again.

With her by his side, he has hope.

Chasing her in the snow, Jean was determined to carve a new story for him in this place of ice.


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