Lord Shadow

Chapter 986

Chapter 986: The strength of the head keeper of the palace

‘Haish’ she sighed inwardly

She herself did not know what to feel about Loki. Sometimes she hated him. Sometimes, she admires him.

She looked at the letters and then she decided to open it. She notices that Lukas is still looking at her

‘You are not going to leave? You know, maybe to let me read the letter?’ Lukas shakes his head and said

‘If there is something in that letter that is harmful to Pandemonium and Death Monarch, then I would also report this to Death Monarch and accept the punishment’

There is also a veiled meaning in his word.

Lukas probably doesn’t trust her.

Maybe, Lukas thought that if she reads the letter and if the letter have some kind of plot and she was tempted, then it might spell trouble for Pandemonium

It is quite logical to think of such a thing. By now, everyone probably knows that Death Monarch would surely goes after Katarina

If he did not want to after Katarina why bother with trying to breakthrough?

It is because he wanted to goes after Katarina, that he wanted to go into seclusion and attempt a breakthrough.

In the absence of Death Monarch, most of the internal security matters of Pandemonium probably would once again fall into Sasha lap.

And if the one responsible for the internal matters of Pandemonium were to cooperate with Loki, and if Loki had a dark plan, there is a lot of damage that could be done

For him to have such worry is warranted.

But, Lukas is an old fox. He did not show any such suspicions on his face as he continues saying

‘I don’t believe that Loki would do such a thing. Not after the stunt he did trying to take the blame for Death Monarch. But who knows with him? No one could be sure one hundred percent. And there is always a chance that this letter is a trap for you. If that is the case, then I would protect you.’

She snorted.

‘Protect me? You?’

Lukas smile mysteriously and then he unlashes his aura.


Ripples of energy emanated out from him as the space around him distorted.

The dust around him seems to be disintegrated into particles of atoms as a powerful burst of energy hit toward Sasha.

Sasha also unconsciously burst with energy but she was still forced a few step backward.

She frowned as she could feel that her body seems to be under some powerful suppression.

There is a trace of Laws around Lukas body, causing the space around him not only to distort but seems to spiral and there is circles of light on the bottom of his feet that is spreading larger and larger.

There is a feeling of being blessed by some divine power that surrounds her as the circles of light seems to take away the suppression weight from her.

Sasha was shocked the moment Lukas reveals his true power.

‘You hide deeply’ she said to Lukas, this time the expression on her face is grave. Lukas just release his pressure and that pressure is Disk Formation Peak realm

It is enough to overwhelm her

‘You said you were weak. I guess you could really tell lies without even one bit of wavering’ Lukas only smiles and said

‘Deception and scheming. Don’t blame me. I just take a note out of the Shadow Guard playbook. But with this power, I think I am qualified to protect you’

Sasha could not help but agree as Lukas added

‘As far as I know, Loki did not yet break through to Divine Comprehension. With my strength, as long as it did not reach that level, I am confident I could protect you. And if there is a poison inside it that I could not resolve, there is still Death Monarch. I would still be able to keep you alive, at leads until I sent you to Death Monarch. If Loki really wanted to harm you, then we could only complain to Death Monarch

Sasha snorted. Not at the plan of Lukas but at the feeling that she has been deceived by this harmless looking caretaker.

She was surprised that Lukas had such a high level and from the emanation of power that is coming out from his body, he had reached peak level a long time ago and his grasp on the energy around him is very stable.

‘You hide deeply. If those military officials and those ministers knows that the Head Keeper of the Palace possess such powerful cultivation base, they would not dare to treat you just as the Head Keeper of the Palace. With this strength even if you go out of the Palace, you would be a great expert that could rule an entire country’

Lukas smiles and simply said

‘If not for Death Monarch, how could I reach this level?’

Laughing, he then said

‘Every once in a while, our lord would advise me on my path. He did not talk too much, expected of such a busy figure, but the reason is also, so that I would not be influenced by his grand path but he also did not talk too curtly so that I would not understand the path. Moderate in both. Not too little that I would not learn anything, not too much that it would influence me’

Sighing, Lukas continue

‘I am grateful. And as for fame and power? Why should I strive for fame when I could live my life in peaceful serenity? Why should I fight for power when it is not something that I want?’

‘From what I see, if you have fame but do not have enough strength, boasting about it and doing things wantonly, sooner or later, you would die. I pretty much like my life right now. I am a man of habits and routine.’

Sasha then said

‘As always. You are long winded’ Lukas hearing Sasha words laughed and then Sasha quickly said before Lukas could bring the conversation to become longer

‘You even revealed your level to me. This is your trump card right?’ Lukas smiles and said josei

‘A trump card that is shown is no longer a trump card’ Once again, a word laden with meaning

Either this is his last trump card or he is saying that the reason he shows her the trump card is because he had another

Sasha did not say anything to reply to this as she decided to increase her vigilance against this Head keeper of the Palace.

There is too many secret surrounding this person. Even his level is higher than her. And she did not even know it. If today, Lukas had different plans, he could easily deal with her.

While this should not have happened, there is always a possibility that it could happen.

After all, Lukas is not her friend and not her family. Their relationship, while most of them is very cooperative, it also has its clashes.

‘That is another thing I should put in my list of work’

She shakes the thought out of her head and instead look back at the envelope. She tears down the envelope head and then brought out the letter.

Lukas expected something would happen. But nothing happened other than listening to the sound of the envelope get teared up.

He was expecting fireworks, white power or green mist to explode out form that envelope the moment Sasha open the envelope.

He was so ready for that possibility that his body almost bursted with energy when Sasha tear the envelope head.

Sasha too were surprised. Loki……did not do any tricks? That is like saying clowns do not do clowns stuff.

A bad analogy, but the best analogy that she could come up with at this moment

Sasha did not discount the possibility that Loki would try to create trap with the letter. She is thinking quite like Lukas.

So, she already was ready to throw the letter if any runes suddenly come out from the envelopes or some poison coming out of the envelope.

Sasha did not underestimate the creativity of people when they wanted to harm somebody especially someone like Loki the Trickster who is known to be very adept in the use of runes.

Maybe he could even attach rune to letter and send it out or maybe he could use in some other way.

But nothing happened. Lukas look at the expression of Sasha and he smiles

‘I guess you were also wary of it’ Sasha snorted and said

‘Loki is a trickster. I would not be surprised if there really is a trap in the envelope. Now, I am surprised there is no trap in the envelope’ she mutters to herself.

Lukas nodded by his side

It was like Loki had said.

There is a letter inside that envelope. No one could have known that opening an envelope could this nerve wrecking.

But, this is the effect of the reputation of The Trickster.


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