Lord Shadow

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Who are you? part (1)

When Azief landed on the ground, the whole area was silent. He retracts his aura the first moment he saw his friends.

The land scrunched up because the force of his landing.

He then straightens himself up and looks around the area. A large wide plain are with a lot of camps.

Not far away from him, he could see a cook looking at him with spatula in one hand while looking at him with an expression of anxiety.

It seems they are preparing for some kind of banquet. Azief could smell the spices even from where he is standing.

He has been doing many things before coming here.

Fighting a frickin battleship, the tangle with a giant octopus and then even accidentally crashed to a Gigantic Eagle.

He is hungry after all that battle.

And then something barged at him and Azief smile a half smile as Sofia hugged him. Then she immediately release her hug and with her mouth pouting a bit she said

‘You’re late.’

‘Heh. Sorry. Run into a few problems’ he said

Not far behind Sofia was Sina as she nodded as she looked at him and Azief nodded back. Sinan has always been the calmest in the group.

Loki is just mischievous.

Then a shrill voice greeted him from behind and Azief turns back.

‘You sure took your time.’ Loki said while smiling the way he always do that makes people quite annoyed at him.

‘You seem well’ Azief said without emotions.

‘You seem disappointed.’ Loki smirks.

Then Loki comes closer and hugs him with a brotherly hug.

‘It’s been a long time, old friend’ Loki said when he hugged Azief.

‘You too’ Azief said as he breaks the hug. Another man follows behind Loki who cupped his hand and said

‘Greetings, Lord Shadow. I heard a lot about you from Loki.’ Azief just look at the man with a confused expression on his face.

Then Azief look at the area while looking at the crowded people around the place. Loki realizes Azief confusion.

He comes closer and pats Azief back while chuckling and said

‘There is a lot you need to catch up on, Azief.’

‘Yes’ he nodded.

‘Let’s talk at tonight festivities. Wang Jian brings out the brandy and ale we robbed form the Pirates last time.’ Loki yelled jovially

Wang Jian then yelled to one of his subordinates

‘You heard what he said.’

Then the men cheers

‘HOOHH!!’ As they began running to the Storing Tent.

Sina who was far away has finally reached the area with the guards around her still guarding her. She dismisses them as she comes closer to Azief.

She was calm and composed.

Then smiling, she said

‘Welcome home.’ This was the only words that she said but he was filled with warmth. The word home hit him.

Azief could not hold off his smile and said

‘I’m back.’

Sofia who felt that she was left out from the conversation quickly grab Azief arms and drag him to the fire pit as people could hear that Sofia is actively explaining about what happens as she keep talking and holding Azief arms like she would never let go.

Sina just chuckles away looking at Sofia obvious feelings while Loki was smiling but his head was full of calculation.

Sina could see the look on Sofia eyes. She was smiling, her whole being seems like she was refreshed. josei

She was a girl in love. The phrase Absence makes the heart fonder do have some truth in it, Sina thought to herself

Loki on the other hand was already thinking the next plan. The formation of the new city. The threats of doing it.

The fact that they are the first one that will use the Civilization speed and is one step ahead from others.

This time history will be different. He will make sure of it

Wang Jian on the other hand was already motivated after seeing that Lord Shadow was very strong.

He is definitely a Seed Forming Stage. That means Sasha Makarov isn’t the only Seed Forming Stage in the world.

A Seed Forming Stage existence could destroy a city alone; their prowess could destroy ten thousand Pillars, pressure thousands of Orb Condensing Expert and overwhelm Energy Disperse Stage so much that they could Sever the Seed Forming from Energy Disperse Stage expert.

Wang Jian has the most awkward position in this group even though he taught Sofia swordsmanship and is friend with both Loki and Sina.

And even though he is friend with both Sina and Loki, Sina treats him more like a subordinate and he also knows his position in the group.

Loki was more cordial but Loki always has his secrets.

Sofia was the only one that opens her heart to accept him as her friends. The others all have weird quirks and baggage from their past.

Lord Shadow even though he never met them before, it is clear to Wang Jian and his troops that the true leader of this group is Lord Shadow.

He also seems to be the reason why such contrasting abilities could work together with such harmony even though they all have their own thoughts and goals.

For the months that he followed Loki into battle and raids, they heard many stories about Lord Shadow.

It astounded him that the reason that three contrasting personalities could work together so well is because an absent person.

They all seem to be waiting for him. Waiting for him, almost like they were sure that he wouldn’t die and that he would keep his promise.

They all have different gaze when talking about Lord Shadow. Sina when he talks about Lord Shadow, her gaze seems to be soft and calm.

When Sofia talks about Lord Shadow, her eyes were filled with longing and there is love in those eyes.

For Loki however, his gaze was complicated.

Wang Jian did not know how to describe it. It looks like he was an enemy of Lord Shadow but there is also regret and sorrow in his gaze.

But still, these three powerful people with all different personality to follow one man, this is shocking.

For example.

Loki. He’s a snake. Manipulative, cunning and never shows his whole card. Always a scheme somewhere.

Even when you thought it was over…there might be a scheme left hidden.

Even with people life on the line he scheme. Not many could stand being in a group with him which surprises him about his cooperation with Sofia.

Sofia might not be soft hearted but she is not heartless.

To put it simply, Sofia is a lot like Wang Jian. She’s straightforward and doesn’t like to scheme.

She prefers taking the direct approach.

She plans by putting her people out of the danger zone while Loki plans sometimes make his people the bait or even the central focus of the plan as the target as long as his objective is accomplished.

Sina on the other hand, is calm, quiet and rarely interferes in the decision making of the group.

She offers advice, and is the spiritual support for both Sofia and Loki.

She could be described as timid but also a little bit crazy when it is about medicine and pills.

As Wang Jian look at the retreating figures of the four friends, Wang Jian felt a bit envious of their friendship.

It reminded him when he was friend with Yue Xing. He shakes his head and bitterly smiles.

Separated by thousands of miles, bitter memories still not forgotten. What a pity! What a pity!

In his eyes right now, he could see that Lord Shadow is being dragged around by the enthusiastic Sofia but Lord Shadow doesn’t seems like hated it.

He even seems to enjoy it.

Behind them, Loki and Sina were conversing about something, sometimes Sina will chuckles hearing Loki lewd jokes.

Wang Jian hopes of reviving the White Tiger army might not be long now.

If it’s them, maybe he could put his trust on them. Then as they move far away, Wang Jian began to walk to join them, with a smile on his face.


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