Lord Zhang Fei

Chapter 396 - 396 The Secret Of The Demon Organization [III]

Chapter 396 - 396 The Secret Of The Demon Organization [III]

396 The Secret Of The Demon Organization [III]

Let’s talk about the three of them, following the flashes of inspiration, they were directly teleported to the slums outside the Forbidden City.

Seeing the simple houses with lights in front of him, Xuan Ming couldn’t help widening his eyes, and said in surprise. “Brother Fei, I knew you had a space teleportation stone on you, but I didn’t expect it to be of such high quality, hundreds of kilometers away. The distance can be teleported back with only two teleportations, and it is so accurate.”

After hearing this, Fei laughed and said, “Fortunately, the quality of my space teleportation stone is good, otherwise I would have died under your hands when we met for the first time.”

After hearing this, Xuan Ming couldn’t help feeling embarrassed, forced a smile and said, “Brother Fei, don’t mention this anymore, I’m really ashamed.”

Fei smiled and said. “Okay. Don’t talk anymore. Let’s go, go to your house for a while, I still have something to discuss with you.”

After finishing speaking, the group of three went straight to the courtyard where Xuan Ming lived.

“What? Say it again.” After hearing what Fei said, Xuan Ming suddenly stood up and asked in surprise. Even the dozens of children, big and small, around me were shocked when they heard this.

Fei smiled slightly, and said. “That’s it, I plan to build a spiritual teacher academy here so that the children here can learn some skills. At the same time, I will also demolish all the simple houses here and rebuild them.”

Xuan Ming was surprised for a long time before he said. “It’s impossible, do you know how many people there are here? If you want to tear it down and rebuild it, the rebuilding cost alone is an astronomical figure. How can you have this ability?”


Fei smiled and said. “You don’t have to worry about this, I just ask you, do you agree with my suggestion?”

Xuan Ming pondered. “Your suggestion is good, but the people living here are all poor people. Even if you lower the tuition fee, they will not be able to pay the tuition fee at all. Including me.”

Fei smiled slightly and said. “These are not problems. As long as you think it’s feasible, you can owe tuition fees first, and pay them back slowly after graduation.”

“What?” Xuan Ming was surprised again after hearing this, the tuition fee still owed first and then repaid after graduation? The world has never heard of such a good thing. I really don’t know what the origin of this Fei is, he dares to say such big words.

Seeing that Xuan Ming was silent, Fei couldn’t help saying. “Okay, silence means that you have no opinion. Then this matter is settled. From tomorrow onwards, you will be in charge of the statistical work here. How many households are here, and how many households are there in each household?” All the children are counted. I will allocate houses according to households. At the same time, after the college is completed, all children here can go to school for free. Tuition fees will be paid back slowly with the money I earn after graduation.”

Xuan Ming said in surprise. “Fei, are you telling the truth or not? How could you make such a hasty decision on such a big matter?”

Fei couldn’t help asking. “Why? Why can’t such a good thing be implemented immediately? Remember, you must do a good job in the registration, and don’t miss a family. If the child is not old enough to go to school, register first, and wait until the age is enough. If you sign up for school again, you will get the same salary, and you can pay the tuition later.”

After all, Fei took out a space ring from the space and handed it to Xuan Ming. Fei had obtained many space rings like this from Taoist Fengmo’s treasures.

I just heard Fei say. “There is some money here, you can share it with everyone first, as the rent for everyone during the construction of the college, let everyone use this money to rent a house in the city for a while. The college lasts for two years at most. , it can be completed within a year at least. At that time, everyone can move back and live.”

Xuan Ming took the interspatial ring suspiciously, probed it with spiritual power, and was immediately stunned. I saw hundreds of thousands of gold coins in the space. What is Fei’s identity? So rich? Xuan Ming felt that he was becoming more and more unable to see through this little brother who had been younger than him for many years.

However, since Fei can come up with so much money all at once. Then what he said is very believable. Xuan Ming couldn’t help but began to tremble all over. I don’t know why I am trembling, just because this trembling is from the heart, an inexplicable touch.

Fei got up and looked at the children in the room, only to see Hongyu hugging a five or six-year-old boy looking at him, and couldn’t help asking. “Sister Hongyu, is this your child?”

Hongyu nodded, and said to the child in her arms, “Xuan Ye, quickly call Uncle.”

“Hello Uncle.” The little boy said in a crisp voice. There is a heroic spirit in the voice.

After Fei heard this, he immediately liked the child a little more. But being called “uncle” is a bit depressed. You know, I am only 15 years old. But thinking about it and adding the 20 years of his previous life, it would be appropriate for him to be his uncle, so he was relieved.

Walking in front of Xuan Ye, Fei couldn’t help asking strangely. “Why, is your surname Xuan too?”

The little boy nodded, and said crisply. “Well, it’s my adoptive father’s name.”

“Father?” Fei couldn’t help but look back at Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming hurriedly said. “I see that their mother and son are lonely, and they love this child very much, so they adopted him as a foster son. In this way, sister Hongyu can stay conveniently.”

Fei nodded, knelt down and patted Xuan Ye’s small shoulder, and asked kindly. “Do you want to be a spiritual master, a powerful spiritual master like your adoptive father?”

Xuan Ye suddenly shouted loudly. “Think.”

Fei smiled slightly and said, “Okay, then you have to go to school and practice hard.” josei

“Yeah.” Xuan Ye replied firmly with his big watery eyes open, his appearance was very cute.

Fei touched Xuan Ye’s little head, got up and smiled at Xuan Ming. “Brother Xuan Ming, I will leave the matter here to you. I will rush back to study the school running. At the same time, I also want to find someone from the Demon Organization.” There are still a lot of things to do, so I will take a step first. If there is anything, you can find me in Villa No. 6 in the Hall of Spiritual Masters.”

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