Lord Zhang Fei

Chapter 432 - 432 Three Realms Hall [II]

Chapter 432 - 432 Three Realms Hall [II]

432 Three Realms Hall [II] josei

Although the Hall of the Three Realms ws well-known in the mainland, it has always acted secretly and is rarely known by the world. After listening to Xuan Ming’s introduction, Fei and the others had a general understanding of the Three Realms Hall.

Fei pondered for a moment and couldn’t help asking: “Brother, this place is thousands of miles away from the Forbidden City, how do you take care of those children? Could it be that the area under your jurisdiction also includes the Forbidden City?”

Xuan Ming replied: “That’s right. Our Hall of the Underworld is divided into five sub-rudders. According to the location of the continent, it is divided into five sub-rudders: Eastern White Tiger, Southern Xuanwu, Western Qinglong, Northern Suzaku, and Central Plains Qilin. Each of the sub-rudders has different tattoos. , this kind of tattoo is tattooed with a unique technique in the hall, and it will not appear without the inspiration of spiritual power, this is also a mark for us to distinguish ourselves.”

As soon as the conversation turned, Xuan Ming couldn’t help saying: “Brother, a year ago, an order came from the Hall of Heaven, ordering our Hall of the Underworld to investigate the movements and hiding places of the demon organization, and determined to eradicate it. In the past year, I also It’s only two trips back to the Forbidden City, and I can’t do anything about the construction of the Forbidden Branch for the time being, and I have Hongyu at home to take care of it.”

Fei nodded, and said: “The demon organization harms the world, and everyone can punish it. It seems that your Three Realms Hall is a good organization for being able to take care of the overall situation and eliminate harm for human beings.”

“Hahaha. Well said.” Just as Fei finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the door. The sound came, and suddenly there was another person in the wooden room. But this person didn’t teleport in, just because the movement of coming in was so fast, the people in Fei hadn’t reacted yet, the person had already come close.

On the surface, the visitor looked young, about thirty or forty years old, with a medium build and a cool and handsome face. His long hair was tied behind his head with a hero scarf, and he was paired with a long brocade and white satin gown. Chic and elegant.

Seeing this, Xuan Ming immediately bowed and shouted, “Father.”

“En.” The visitor responded, looked at Fei and Lu Wenfeng in front of him, and said loudly: “Since you agree with our Three Realms Hall’s behavior, do you intend to join our organization?”


The two of Fei awerend Lu Wenfeng, were stunned for a while. Fei couldn’t help cupping his hands and said: “My namd is Fei. This is my senior brother Lu Wenfeng, and you must be Tang Duozhu.”

Hearing this, the visitor was startled at first, and then smiled and said, “Hahaha. Yes, this rudder is Tang Fei. Last night, under Ben rudder’s sneak attack, you even discovered it. It seems that the two of you are not good at cultivation Vulgar. Ben Duo has cherished talents all his life, how about it, if you two join my Underworld Hall, Ben Duo will immediately let you take the position of incense master.”

“This...” The two of Fei didn’t know how to answer after hearing this. He deliberately refused directly, but he was afraid that Tang Duozhu would lose face and get angry. You must know that this is someone else’s territory, and the other party’s cultivation base is far higher than the two of us. If you really turn against each other because of this, it will be a great disadvantage to yourself.

But Fei and the two couldn’t think of any excuses for a while. While the two were in a hurry, Tang Fei suddenly burst out laughing.

“Hahaha. Forget it. Ben Dou won’t joke with you. If the two of you really want to agree, I dare not accept it. Come, please sit down. Please sit down.” After finishing speaking, Tang Fei gestured, Let everyone sit down.

The two of Fei couldn’t help being filled with question marks again. Why did Tang Fei talk this way and that? It’s confusing.

Seeing Fei and his duo’s puzzled eyes, Tang Fei couldn’t help laughing after sitting down: “Fei? Lu Wenfeng? As far as I know, the two of you should be disciples of Teacher Bu Wenle from Xuanbing Academy, right?”

Fei couldn’t help asking: “Tang Tuozhu knows the teacher?”

Tang Fei immediately shook his head and said, “I don’t know you. But I’ve heard about your monstrous performance in the Healer Competition. It’s you two...”

After finishing speaking, Tang Fei couldn’t help but looked at Lu Wenfeng carefully, nodded and said, “Well, there is indeed a bit of similarity. Mr. Lu must be the son of Lu Xiaolong who is known as the Five Little Dragons of Xuanbing, right?”

Lu Wenfeng suddenly asked in surprise: “That’s right, my father is exactly Lu Xiaolong. Tang Duozhu knows my father?”

“Well. We have met several times. From your father’s point of view, you still have to call me uncle.” After finishing speaking, Tang Fei couldn’t help but carefully looked at Fei, nodded and said, “Okay. Not bad. Not bad.”

After hearing this, the two of them secretly wondered. Lu Wenfeng was totally shocked by the relationship between his father and Tang Duozhu. The family often mentions that people who meet the Three Realms Hall should be kept at a respectful distance, but why did my father know this Tang Duozhu? Why didn’t I hear my father mention this matter?

But Fei was even more surprised by Tang Fei’s actions. What’s so good about this? Was it an expression of admiration for his own looks? This Tang Duozhu didn’t have any special hobbies, did he?

Thinking of this, Fei couldn’t help but squeezed out a smile unnaturally, and said to Tang: “Tang Duozhu, if there is nothing else, we want to leave first. We still have urgent matters to rush to the Forbidden City, and we still have companions here They are waiting for news from us in Fu’an City. I’m afraid they will worry after a long time.”

Hearing this, Tang Fei was startled and said, “Oh? It’s the first time Mr. Mu came to sit at my helm, why did he leave so quickly? Even if he stays for lunch, it’s not too late to leave. Let Xuan Ming accompany you. You guys have a good time. But, having said that, are the companions you mentioned a man and two women who visited Fu’an Ghost City with you two?”

After hearing this, Fei and the other two were startled, they didn’t expect that the whereabouts of their group were all under the surveillance of others, and they didn’t notice anything.

Fei couldn’t help saying: “Exactly. Tang Duozhu is really well-informed. Unexpectedly, our whereabouts are all under the control of Tang Duozhu.”

Tang Duozhu couldn’t help laughing, and said: “Young Master Fei won the award, it’s just a coincidence. Last night just happened to coincide with us setting up a net in the ghost market, trying to catch people who buy and sell spirit crystals. The clothes you wear It’s too eye-catching, and they are all handsome men and women, that’s what caught our attention.”

After hearing this, Fei and the two of them suddenly realized that they had to think carefully in their actions in the future. It was indeed a big mistake to be targeted so easily.

After a few seconds, they heard Tang Fei continued to say: “However, since master Fei intends to go back and look for those companions, it will save you. They are at the rudder right now.”

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