Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 111 The Everlor Organization

Chapter 111 The Everlor Organization

A cold wind brushed past him, and Zick urged the horse to move at its max speed.

He could see the thick forest clearly in his vision. Even while riding at such speed, it was as if time was still, Zick could easily avoid obstacles.

'My visual acuity while moving is superb to the extreme....though my eyes are weaker than before, it's still inhuman as ever.'

Zick's superb vision was what allowed him to dodge and parry Zrector's lightning attacks which were crazy fast. This vision accuracy came from dragon eyes, but it had been weakened after losing all the latent potential he had in his blood.

It was still in the middle of the night, making the forest extremely dark.

Zick started travelling the moment his horse recovered.

A while ago, he lost his connection with Varine. He didn't need even a second to realize what had happened.

Someone had removed his ownership from the slave seal.

'Now what should I do...' Zick couldn't do anything about this matter.

The chances of finding Varine were close to none, it was totally up to his luck. And now there was a high chance the ownership of Varine's slave seal be passed on to someone else. All these factors made Zick quit finding her.

'Going in blind in my current situation is very dangerous.' Zick's eyes dimmed, filled with a deep layer of gloominess.

Was risking his life for Varine worth it?

Absolutely no!

There was no point in saving her if Zick died. If there were chances of success he would have given it a try, but it was already hopeless searching for Varine now.

Within an hour, Zick was able to exit the forest.


Pulling the reign of the horse, Zick stopped it and gazed in front of him. A mountain appeared in some distance from him, standing grandly. Looking closely, he could see that there were tracks on the mountain; these tracks led to the other side of the mountain.

'I don't have to take a roundabout way, fortunately.'

If a track exists, human habitat lay behind the forest without a doubt. Zick started heading towards the mountain without hesitation.

He was able to figure out the location of the dragon egg too. The nearest one was the silver egg. He estimated that it was somewhere in the middle section of the eastern continent.

Where the Yurellet forest was located. Master level monsters existed here, making Zick reluctant to go there.

And the golden egg still felt very distant.

'Did it fall into the sea?' Zick thought of the worst-case scenario.

With the current level of his body, he would not be able to swim too deep into the ocean. Only a master or higher rank being can survive the natural pressure coming from the deep ocean.

Zick wasn't in a hurry to pick up the dragon eggs yet. He first had to manage his own situation.

The dragon eggs still didn't seem like they were going to hatch anytime soon. Though they held immense value in his eyes, he couldn't rush it.

Reaching the peak of the mountain, Zick looked into the distance. His vision was very good.

Looking ten thousand steps away, everything was clear to him.

Looking around, Zick's gaze froze, he stared in focus. He could see a city a few kilometres away from him.

Mountain winds blew coldly, and Zick felt chills all over his body. His natural resistance to cold and heat had decreased by a lot.

'But it really is a letdown that I can't regrow the wings again.' Pulling the reign of the horse, Zick started heading towards the city.

When humans stood on the ground, they could only move left, right, forward, backward, or jump up and down. But in the sky, they could fly in all directions, evading wherever they wished. This could have been a qualitative change.

Zick's strength would have increased tremendously.

That is the reason why a high rank mage could always beat any knight at peak rank and below.josei

'I don't have the slightest idea how I can increase my affinity with mana again. The knowledge of the novel is also useless in this subject.' Zick sighed to himself.

Going down the mountain, Zick suddenly felt the presence of humans nearby. Stopping the horse, he got off it and hid his presence using mana.

'They seem to be camping....' Seeing smoke rising in some distance from him, Zick focused.

Feeling that none of the people in there was stronger than him, He dashed towards it.

A band of bandits entered his sight, this didn't surprise him. He was on the borders of the Gorthect empire, so the magistrate wouldn't do much about it.

It seems like the bandits were having a meeting sitting in a circle, around the bonfire.

Seeing them, Zick's eyes shone, and the corners of his lips curled up forming into an evil smirk.

'I guess my luck isn't always that bad.' he was desperately in need of money. So to him, the appearance of these bandits was a very lucky event. The location of the mana crystal mine was far from where he was currently in. It would take a while before he gets his hands upon them.

Taking out the cursed sword, Zick jumped toward the person who looked like the leader. He thrusted the sword directly into the bandit's leader's heart.

He made sure that no blood got in his clothes.


"What!? Who is it?"

"You bastard! performing assassination like this, you coward!"

Not stopping, Zick continued swinging his sword, severing their heads off one by one.

'Why would insults matter to me? Insults were insults in the end, what could they do to me? A superficial person would be angry due to curses and would be happy due to praises. These were just bystanders' way of looking at you. Those who lived according to others' points of view were really pitiful.'

The bandits tried running, seeing Zick going on a slaughter, but the next instant, they were slain by fireballs and mana blades.

The bandits who tried resisting by taking out their swords were instanly slain with a single slace.


The sound of Zick's clothes testing rang out, but he didn't stop until he killed all the 20 bandits.

The ground was fully stained red, and even some of the trees were painted red.

Standing in the middle of this all, Zick first took off the space ring from the bandit leader's hand. The others didn't seem to have any space rings on them.

After that, Zick looked at himself.

There wasn't a drop of blood on his clothes, but it was torn from multiple places. When he moved around excessively, The scales around his body tore it apart.

'I need to buy armour too, first, let's check how much I got from this bandit's ring.' Sending his mana into the space ring, Zick looked at what was within it.

There were around 500 gold coins, with a few silver and bronze coins. There were no platinum coins.

'This much should be enough for a while.'

Brushing off the blood on his sword, he started Walking towards where he had left the horse, he took out one of the papers within the space ring, which looked important, and started reading it.

Arriving in front of the horse, Zick climbed upon it and started heading towards the city. He didn't have to worry about feeding the horse as it ate grass.

"Interesting....the bandits were actually hired by someone."

The name of the one who hired them was unknown, As he read through it. The name of the person who was going to be raided caught his eye.

'Uthyen.....' This character appeared in the novel. He was one of the evil merchants, in other words, a mob boss that Aeiron slayed.

But in the process of slaying Uthyen, Aeiron went through many hardships. Uthyen was a very shrewd person, thinking every step very carefully, it took a lot of effort to kill someone like him.

Zick didn't remember much about uthyen, but he knew one thing about him.

He was a member of the everdor organization, the evilest as well as the strongest secret organization in the eastern continent.

This organization was even bigger than all the underworld mixed together. The everdor organization was formed totally by criminals.

Their strength could match any of the ruling forces.

It was said that more than half of the crime in the eastern continent was committed by this group. The five ruling forces knew about this group, but they could do nothing about it.

The everdor organization was extremely well hidden. Having a base in almost every city and capital.

A bright light passed by in Zick's eyes.

'I didn't think of joining this organization before, But now that I think about it, joining this group doesn't seem...Why didn't I think about this before? Did I have an aversion to it....' Zick knew that habits were hard to get rid of habits. It was good that he noticed this soon, getting rid of the past value took time.

He didn't need to follow the legal way necessarily, using an illegal way, such as evil organization seemed a lot more appealing to him.

The papers stated that Uthyen would be leaving the city in the morning, so there was still quite a while.

Joining this organization only had one condition, it was to be a criminal, a murderer! Zick wasn't against committing a crime one bit.

Though very less was known about this organization, it brought many benefits to him. And he could also pass on the location of the lab to this group.

When Zick joins this organization without a doubt, they would put on a kind of restraint upon him. In the form of an oath, contract, or similar things.

This restraint would stop him from harming the organization. No organization would trust an unknown person without something like this.

But this didn't stop Zick.

He was passing on the location of the lab for the greater good of the Everdor organization!

If they can't take over the lab, it's because of their lack of strength. It doesn't have anything to do with him!

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