Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 113 Scamming

Chapter 113 Scamming

Staring forward blankly, Zick contemplated on the most urgent matter.

'Even if I was able to make many talented people become my ally or subordinate and nurture them to their limit, the chances of defeating the demon lord seems hard....'

Zick concentrated and tried remembering how the fight between Aeiron group and the demon lord unfolded in the novel.

It was an all-out war with almost every race participating in it.

The demon lord's subordinates were held back with the cooperation of the eastern and middle continents.

Which allowed the hero's party to fight the demon lord without any disruption.

At that time, all seven harem members were present. All of them had either grandmaster or peak master level strength.

With their support, Aeiron fought on equal grounds with the demon lord. Or at least that was how it began.

After exchanging moves for a few minutes, the demon lord cast a large-scale magic that stopped any of them from retreating.

From then, everything went downhill. All the harem members were killed one by one and in the end, Aeiron too was killed.

'....Defeating such an opponent does seem impossible. Just the harem members aren't enough, the dragon race, the five...the four disasters, all of them have to participate in the final battle against the demon lord to even have a chance of defeating him.'

Zick would have loved to make a run for it in this situation, but there was nowhere to escape. For the sake of his survival, he had to somehow make the dragon race, which was egotistical and prideful to no end, join the battle.

The only way he could think of right now was to make the demonic race offend the dragon race somehow.

He didn't even know what he should do about the five disasters. The only one he could recruit for sure was the black cat, an ex-member of the four disasters.

Getting off the bed, Zick walked towards the bathroom.


Opening the door, a white room greeted him with a bathtub, shower, and full body-size mirror.

Walking in front of the mirror, Zick checked himself.

His face was handsome as ever, but overall, he looked sick, extremely sick. The pale skin gave the impression of him being bedridden for years.

He looked a lot more mature as he looked no different than a 17 years old young man. His shoulders were wide and gave a strong feeling.

Bowing his head a little, Zick looked at the place where his horns grew from.

In his head which was filled with black hair, two round gaps in black color had appeared. They were around four centimeters in size.

'Should I uproot it?' Zick thought seeing his head. He denied this idea, for now, he didn't want to do anything rash.

'I should buy a hat in the morning.' Finishing looking at himself, Zick got out of the bathroom and sat on the bed cross-legged.

There was still a while before it turned to morning, so he continued thinking without wasting a second.

After three hours, the sun started rising from the horizon, spreading its warm glow everywhere.

Opening his eyes, Zick headed out of the room, still wearing the torn clothes. He made sure to wear the robe to cover his whole body.

The first place he visited was the clothes shop. He found it after asking the people of this city for directions. There were only a few people on the streets as it was still early in the morning.

Seeing the shops opening from the corner of his eyes, Zick walked towards the clothes shop. It didn't take long for him to reach there.

A single-story high house appeared in front of him. He directly entered it through the wooden door without any hesitation.


Zick walked towards the clothes kept on wooden hangers and started picking the ones which fit his size. The value of plastic was still not known to the people of this world, so mostly wood was used in this kind of thing.

Most of the interior in this shop was also made of wood.

He also picked up a better robe. After placing the clothes on the counter, he went towards the place where hats were kept.

There were only straw hats in many designs and nothing else. This disappointed Zick for a second. Not many people wore hats at this level of civilization, so this result was not weird. He would have to look in a bigger city or capital to get a better hat.

Picking up a hat randomly, he walked back to the counter. The lady in there seemed to be excited as she organized the clothes.

"It's 22 gold coins, sir." Though the receptionist tried to control her expression, the excitement in her voice was apparent to anyone. This was a small shop, but for it to make such an amount at once was very fortunate.

Gold and platinum were also a material used in basic alchemy, so gold's value was higher in the eastern continent compared to the middle continent.

Zick was only able to get 500 gold coins from the bandit because the one who hired them had already paid in advance.

And as for the village chief, Deren, the poor guy must have saved many from a very long time.

Placing the money on the counter table, Zick stored all the clothes within his space ring and started walking towards the room used to change dress.

After getting in the room, with not even half a minute passed, Zick walked out of it wearing new clothes.

He wore a red shirt with long loose sleeves and black pants. A new yellow straw hat adorned his head.

After finishing buying clothes, Zick next went to the armory and merchant shop. Buying all the necessary things needed, he headed back to the inn.

The Qertel inn was near the plaza of the city so he didn't have to worry about memorizing the way.

The hall of the inn was currently very quiet, entering the inn, he could see a different receptionist looking at him.

"How can I help you, sir?" A woman in her mid-20s spoke with a smile on her face.

Turning towards the receptionist, Zick said in a calm tone: "Which room does Uthyen stay in?"

Seeing Zick calling out Uthyen's name without an honorific, the receptionist's expression changed. She stared at him with wide eyes.

"....Are you an acquaintance of sir-" The receptionist's words were cut off by Zick.josei

Bang! Zick's hand slammed on the receptionist's desk.

"Who the hell permitted you to speak back? How dare a mere commoner like you ask me a question!? You deserve death, you bitch!" Zick's expression distorted in anger. His eyes shined with killing intent.

Seeing Zick like this, the receptionist was horrified, bowing repeatedly and apologizing. This was an aristocratic society, it wouldn't matter even if nobles killed peasants for fun.

"I am sorry, I am sorry sir! I didn't mean to offend you...." She felt immense fear of death and worry for her family taking over her body.

"Tch! Just tell me where Uthyen is already, I am a busy person unlike you." Seeing his scam succeeding, Zick felt internally a little satisfied.

Taking this any further would only harm him as it would increase the chances of his acting getting found out. The servants had already started gathering and looking toward them.

"Thank you very much! Sir Uthyen is on the second floor, room number 12!" With still tears in her eyes, the receptionist spoke to Zick.

"Hmph!" With a last snort, Zick started heading towards the steps.

He had to carry out a scam like this as he couldn't sense past the wall. And neither did his dragon eyes helped, it had weakened a lot in this field.

'Wearing my aristocratic clothes would have made this scam even more easy, but it won't fit me anymore, unfortunately.'

While climbing the stairs, he looked upon the result of his scam.

'I am better at acting than I thought....' He had experimented in seeing his acting skills, but the result was quite surprising.

Knowing how a human behaved at certain times allowed Zick to successfully scam like this. He understood how the nobles thought.

They considered themselves special because of being born in a noble house. This makes them look down on others and treat them as a different race altogether.

Because of this, many nobles don't even have the will to climb higher and become something more than what they are. Having been provided with everything they would need, that is how they turn out. Only a few of them would realize this fact and move forwards.

Soon, Zick reached in front of the door with the number 12.


Knocking twice, he waited for a response.

Click~ the door opened, then a knight came out of it and closed the door.

The knight stood in front of the door, looking towards Zick with a wary look.

"I want to talk to Uthyen." With a confident look, Zick spoke in a cold tone first.

"What do you need and who are you?" The knight spoke in a little polite tone, seeing Zick calling uthyen with no honorifics so naturally.

"My name is Hevish and I am from the organization. Pass this on to mister Uthyen." With a cold expression, Zick looked at the knight. He had decided to change his name swiftly as there is a chance that the alchemy tower know about him.

"Alright....." Saying this the knight entered the room.

Zick took a risk by lying like this as even if he got a negative reply from Uthyen, he wouldn't lose anything at all. Even the knight was at a high rank, so the level of Uthyen's other escorts could be predictable.

After a few seconds, the knight opened the door, letting him enter the room.

'So Uthyen has already joined the Everlor organization.' Feeling a little contented, He walked into the room.

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