Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 134 Worst Than Me

Chapter 134 Worst Than Me


Opening the luxurious door, the maid stepped aside and bowed her head a little, indicating Zick to go in.

With a calm expression, Zick entered the room with steady steps. The door behind him closed slowly as he entered deep into the room.

A smile blossomed on Zick's handsome face as she said: "It's been a while, Sir ovelon."

Hearing Zick's voice, Ovelon sitting on one of the couches looked at him with a fascinated look.

Feeling that Zick had grown stronger compared to before, Ovelon eyes brows rose.

"For some reason, I felt that you would come from a long time. But for you to really appear....and to become a peak high-rank knight too." Ovelon spoke with his eyes shining in probing intentions in it.

Becoming a peak high-rank knight in just three days was not normal, and this made Ovelon extremely curious.

"Haha, I was just lucky to get my hands on a Bevour potion, and Sir is the slave...." Zick spoke in a little rushed and restless manner showing his will to buy Varine.

Hearing the word 'Bevour' Ovelon's eyes shone with surprise. This potion was very famous in the eastern continent, it could raise a high-rank knight to the peak of that rank but it had the disadvantage of decreasing the lifespan by 20 years.

What surprised Ovelon wasn't how Zick got it but that he actually used it. In his eyes, Zick could become a peak-rank knight by himself in a few years, there was no reason to use bevour potion to increase his strength.

'Does he want that slave so badly...?' Ovelon created his own conjecture.

"That slave is in the basement of this mansion, you don't have to worry," Ovelon spoke in a reassuring tone, not showing his surprise.

He then invited Zick to sit on the sofa opposite him.

His impression of Zick changed, thinking of him as a rash decision-making type.

'There are people like him who can't control their desires, well not like I can control myself too. The moment I see some new creature, I feel like cutting it into pieces and bathing in its blood.' Ovelon felt himself to be quite nearer to Zick thinking this.

"I see, I have brought the amount stated with me," Zick spoke with impatience and immense desire written all over his face.

To Zick, what Ovelon was thinking was clear as the day.

Originally, He just wanted to get Varine and get going from here, but after seeing Ovelon taking an interest in him, Zick wanted to get close to Him and make a connection.

'Human habits don't change quickly, sigh.....if I had answered positively when he asked me to experience playing with big things, my relationship with him would have become very good.' Zick regretted his past actions.josei

At that time, Zick had rejected it immediately not being interested but now that he thought about it, he could have benefited from accepting the offer.

By becoming close to Ovelon, Zick could benefit in many ways.

After he sold so many mana crystals, people would try to come and find trouble with him without a doubt. By putting Ovelon's name beside his, there would be very few people who would have the guts to come and find trouble with him.

"Sigh...You really are fixated on little girls too much don't you think? I can't understand what you like about them. I know she looks quite pretty for her age so there is that...." Ovelon stopped speaking, thinking for a second, and continued, "or wait, have you never tried it with big women?" Ovelon spoke in an enlightened manner.

"Hmm, no I wasn't interested so I never tried torturing or toying with them," Zick showed no interest in this matter.

"I see, that must be the reason for your lack of interest in bigger toys." Ovelon got up,

Sending a message to someone through the black book and heading towards the basement with Zick.

There has never been anyone who felt the same emotions as him looking at the blood neither in the organization nor the people of the kingdom and empire.

The immense sense of satisfaction, delight, and exhilaration that Ovelon felt while looking at and touching the blood was something that he could not feel in anything else.

Ovelon was born in a normal noble house. From a young age, he knew that he had a weird fetish for torturing his opponent to see more blood.

He had to hide this fetish from everyone normally as he knew that it was not something to be shown proudly. But it changed when he met his going-to-be bride, she was as beautiful as the flower with deep red hair and jewel-like eyes.

With only a single glance, Ovelon suddenly lost control of his body. Pulling out his sword, he directly tried to cut her in half!

But was stopped by the knight around him.

Even now, he still yearned to find her again and cut limb by limb and bathe in her blood. But fate was uncertain, his bride had become a peak-rank mage who had the highest chance to become an Archmage.

Blood, yes this was all that mattered to him at that time. But now, he felt a little lonely, he didn't care about this emotion much as he could still enjoy killing people and seeing blood.

By meeting Zick who was the first person to ever request to join the organization through him in years, Ovelon felt the urge to make him realize the fun in playing with 'bigger things' and let him experience the emotions he felt.

Zick followed behind Ovelon with a confused look, but internally he was cheering.

'I should just play along with him for now and show interest in the things he likes.' Zick couldn't tell before but now he was sure that the members of the organization kept their distance from Ovelon for sure.

After all, bathing in blood did seem too much...

Climbing down the stairs, Zick and Ovelon reached the ground floor and started heading toward the right side of the corridor.

Few people walked past them, most of them were servants who paid respect to Ovelon and continued doing their work. A few members of the Everlor organization appeared too, they were full of respect and fear greeting Ovelon. They also gave subtle glances to Zick thinking who he was.

In between, Ovelon spoke a few times to Zick inviting him to stay over but was rejected immediately by him. Zick gave an excuse saying that someone was waiting for him.

They soon reached the basement's entrance, Ovelon borough his hand up showing the seal on his hand to the door.


The door to the basement's door opened slowly. A dark stairway appeared in front of them.

Without a word, Ovelon started descending the steps.

Walking behind him, Zick could feel many presences in front of him.

"Haha, I forgot to tell you something, this mansion belongs to me," Ovelon spoke in a friendly tone.

Zick nodded his head in understanding. He had already tried but it doesn't seem like Ovelon was interested in getting praised at all. So being straightforward with little bootlicking was the best way of behavior.

Shortly, both of them reached the basement, exposing the thing there to Zick.

Zick continued looking emotionlessly at the view in front of him. The smell of blood reached his nose which was very familiar to him.



"Please save me....."

"It hurts...it hurts...."

"Ahh! I want to die! Kill me! Kill me please!"


Many types of demihumans were hung on the ceiling with steel chains tied to their hands, they swung to and fro as they resisted. Both men and women without exception were naked. They had many grievous wounds on their body from which blood flowed out like a small river.

There were a few servants who stood at the corner to heal them the moment they are going to die.

There were big iron cages in the corner of the room which were filled with many more demihumans. They were unharmed showing that they were the next badge to be hung after this one lost all their will to live.

The basement was long and the ceiling was also very high from the floor.

Looking at both sides of the room, Zick could only see blood and nothing else. He had underestimated Ovelon's thirst for blood, this also showed why the members of the organization had such an aversion towards him.

Taking a deep breath, Ovelon looked like he was enjoying the most fragrant thing in the world.


Silence immediately descended in the room, the demihuman's faces froze and their body started shaking rapidly feeling immense terror.

"Haaa.....You there, bring me the girl I told you to place here." Ovelon said to one of the servants standing in the corner of the room.

"Yes sir." The servant immediately went towards the cage.

Ovelon turned towards Zick and started speaking to him: "That slave seems to have experienced trauma and is out of it so be careful to not totally break her before you have fun." He said in a playful tone.

Zick's eyes shone upon hearing this. 'She experienced another trauma huh? Her luck is worst than mine.....'

He knew about Varine's past so he knew that she had already gone through a lot. But for her to experience another tragedy made even him filled with some pity.

'Well, I will still use her and throw her away after she serves her purpose so I guess her life will end in tragedy itself.' Zick cast the pity away.

Even though she was pitiful, Zick was going to use her nonetheless. This emotion couldn't affect his decision-making.

The servant soon came towards him while dragging Varine by the hand.

Varine still wore the simple white dress given by the village chief and had a blank expression, with no sign of life.

Being pulled by the servant with no consideration for her weak hand, Varine felt shocking pain in her hand which made her eye twitch.

She looked in front of her seeing the handsome person looking at her with no interest. The person standing beside him also entered her sight, immediately causing her to be dumbfounded at once.

Some life to her dead eyes returned. 'Sir Zick...?'

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