Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 136 Recruiting

Chapter 136 Recruiting

Getting up, Zick stepped out of the bathtub exposing his body which looked perfect with not too much muscle or fat. Blood dripped down his body, making him look like a valiant warrior who was bathed in his enemy's blood.

Zick cleaned himself using magic shortly, cleaning the blood off with disgust.

"You're going already?" Ovelon asked with a disappointed gaze.

"Yes, As I said, someone is waiting for me and I also can't wait to play with my new toy," Zick replied with a simple smile.

Ovelon didn't say anything further to stop Zick and just invited him to come any time he wanted.

"Ah, also sorry, I forgot to ask for the instrument and blood to change the ownership of that slave," Ovelon spoke in an apologetic voice but his face was not looking sorry at all.

"No problem, there is no need for it." Zick spoke as if it didn't matter as he concluded internally: 'The interrogator must have thought it was a waste of time to pass on the instrument thinking Varine was going to die anyway.'

Exchanging the 1000 platinum coins as promised, Zick went towards Varine who was out of the basement, in the corridor.

'I still smell blood on me...sigh...' Zick heaved a sigh internally, he felt mentally exhausted.

He had not rested for even a moment, directly coming to get Varine after exiting the Lectic mountain region. With all the mental pressure that Zick had, feeling tired was normal.

He could only relax now after completing the hard part.

'There is no need to rush anymore, I should plan all my future movements extensively and collect talented people.' Zick felt some relaxation after a long while.

The feeling of tension and pressure that was around Zick lessened a lot.


Opening the door, Zick could see Varine standing beside the door with a servant.

Ordering the servant to lead him toward the teleportation circle, Zick spoke to Varine with no change in expression.

"Follow me."

Varine started following Zick silently.

Moonlight passed through the window illuminating the corridor and the three people walking in it.

The night breeze made Varine shudder a little as she was wearing a cloth with thin fibers. Some people walked by but most of them didn't even bother looking at them.

Zick could feel Varine trembling but he didn't do anything. Acting kind will absolutely go against the attitude he showed to her before. This would just make her suspicious and alerted for no reason.

'Though it seems like there is a low chance of me recruiting Varine, it is actually the opposite. She would agree to any help I offer with a little hesitation in this situation.' While thinking this, a brilliant plan flashed by in Zick's mind.

'Right, I can get her to join my meatshield group without there being a need for me to act excessively.'

Zick knew about Varine's parents clearly through the novel. The only letdown is that he remembered her father's name but forgot her mother's name.

'I can manage with just that I guess.' Zick didn't feel unmotivated at all.

Only Varine and her grandmother knew them so whatever story Zick came up with would have a lot of legitimacy.

And to add upon it, Varine's parents and grandmother both were dead which was proven by the novel. This was discovered when Varine and the protagonist were back in the middle continent.

Zick's eyes flashed with glee. 'Hehe, I didn't think it would become this easy.'

Zick knew the value of all the talented people who appeared in the novel, there was no need for him to think about it for long. This just made him all the more greedy to get his hands on them.

Soon, Zick reached the teleportation circle ordering the servant positioned there to connect it to the Jeleat city.

Zick had to pay 2,000 merit points which made his 20,000 merit points drop to 18,000 at once.

The teleportation circle activated with a dazzling light, teleporting Zick and Varine away.

"Ugh...." Varine felt her head rotating, prompting her to kneel and breathe rapidly. Sweat gathered on her face feeling Sick internally.

Seeing Varine like this, Zick started training in mana without a word and waited for her to recover.

Ten minutes later, Varine recovered and looked at Zick feeling weird inwardly.

"Follow me," Zick repeated himself and headed out of the room.


The same hall greeted Zick. Walking to the receptionist, he immediately ordered some food for Varine and himself. He didn't book a room for Varine too.

Sitting in the dining hall which was right beside the reception room, Zick looked at Varine intently.


Taking out a bag filled with platinum coins, Zick put it in front of Varine.

Varine's eyes immediately landed on the bag of platinum coins feeling confused internally.

"You can do whatever you want from now, you are free," Zick spoke calmly with closed eyes and relaxed back.

Hearing the words Zick spoke, Varine's expression changed for the first time since they met.

Her eyes opened wide in confusion and an uncertain expression appeared on her face. This was the first time someone said something like this to her.

For a moment she thought that Zick was just playing with her but seeing his nonchalant expression and the bag of money on the table, Varine knew that what he said was probably the truth.

She opened her mouth, not understanding her current situation.


Hearing it, Zick felt happy knowing that things were going just as he predicted. If her reply was negative it would have turned annoying.


But Varine didn't disappoint him.

"Why?" Zick opened his eyes slightly exposing a little nostalgic look.

"I just wanted to repay the debt I owned."

"Debt...?" Varine was further confused hearing Zick's answer.

"Yeah, the debt I have to your father, Zeisix."

Hearing this, Varine's expression changed, being filled with shock and expectation.

The moment Zick spoke of her father's name she started believing in him a little.

"Then is my father....!"

Zick shook his head. "He died, unfortunately, but before his death, he spoke about you, requesting me to take care of you. But he passed away before he could tell your whereabouts to my subordinates. So I have been looking for you for many years."

"I see...." Varine looked down with a sad face but no tears appeared.

Hearing what Zick said, Varine was now inclined to believe in him further. It would also explain why Zick treated her well even though she was just a slave.

Almost all of Varine's doubts were cleared. There was only one question.

"Why? Why are you telling me to go away after all the years you spend finding me?" Varine spoke of her last doubt.

Zick cheered internally upon hearing this. 'She took the bait.'

A melancholy smile appeared on Zick's face. "I had to join the everlor organization to rescue you so being affiliated with me would just harm you. Haha, now I am just a criminal too."


The door opened making Zick and Varine stop speaking. A maid started placing different types of food on the dining table quietly.

Zick had been stopping any voice from leaking out using his mana so no one was able to hear them. They were speaking in the language of the Middle continent so it would just gather needless suspicion if heard by others.

While the maid placed the food on the table, Varine's mind started working at full speed. She felt an unknown feeling rise within her.

Zick had been looking for her for many years without a stop but after he found her, he had to part ways again.

Didn't this seem just too sad?

What would he be feeling right at the moment?

Varine looked at Zick's face past the servant. He had an expressionless look as always with his back reclining on the chair, but he must be feeling immensely indignation internally, right?

Varine started having goodwill and certain emotions towards Zick thinking of how he saved her from the slave life and again saved her right now.

But she was not aware that the person she was feeling pity for was cheering like never before.

Feeling Varine's gaze changing, Zick knew that the made-up story worked successfully.

'Tricking smart people is normally difficult but with the knowledge I have of the novel, I was able to fool her easily. It would have been nearly impossible without this knowledge to me or anyone else to succeed in it.'

'Now, if her personality is the same as in the novel, there shouldn't be any problem.'

CLUCK~ The maid left with a curt bow.

Silence prevailed in the room, Varine looked at the coin-filled bag in front of her.

".....I don't need it," Varine spoke resolutely.

Zick frowned, "You will be needing money to live, especially in this unknown land so you should take it." He spoke very seriously, showing his concern.

"No, I will stay with you." Varine didn't know what to say so she said it childishly.

The frown on Zick's face deepened. "That is not acceptable. The moment people find out about my identity, your life would be in danger too...."

"Even then, I want to stay with you."

Though it sounded quite childish and could be misunderstood, Zick knew what Varine wanted to convey.

Hearing Varine's resolute voice and seeing her determined expression, Zick was sure now.

'I have recruited my first member in the meatshield team.'

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