Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 138 Partially Recruited

Chapter 138 Partially Recruited

The mana nerve affects the body in certain ways depending on the mana's characteristics.

Like Zick, if he didn't suppress his mana, the people around him would feel goosebumps and have an ominous feeling, their instinct screaming at them.

Now that the cold energy from the snow-white crystal had become a part of Zick's body, his black mana started affecting the cold energy in his body.

By the time this process was over, it had turned to morning.

Now the cold energy had a tinge of black light in it.

'Chaotic ice would suit it better now.....' Zick thought while inspecting the changes in his body.

Overall, his potential in the knight profession was just a little below mid-peak rank now. But this wasn't the main benefit brought by the snow-white crystal.

His affinity with ice had increased immensely and his potential in the mage profession had also reached the high rank.

Now Zick just had to get used to controlling the mana through his 'will' and then he could start advancing in this profession too.

Currently, Zick was a peak low-rank mage outwardly, but he could show the strength of a middle-rank mage.

Zick's body gave out cold energy that just highlighted his cold expression. This cold energy could also weaken any attack that lands in his body by a bit.

'My body has also been strengthened a little. Those mysterious Chrystal have some weird ability...As I thought, I will have to explore the Lectic mountain region further after becoming a master swordsman.'

Zick had the urge to take in another drop of that snow white but he stopped himself.

His mind was still exhausted and it was morning so he resorted to checking his affinity for now.

A normal fireball appeared above Zick's palm.

Looking at it, Zick mused: 'No other affinity probably got any boost excluding the ice affinity.'

A piece of ice formed above Zick's palm in place of the fire.

Zick nodded his head, creating this ice was very easy almost with a single thought.

'There is this too.....' The ice on Zick's palm dissipated.

Slowly a small piece of ice formed on his palm. It was different from blue ice, it was black and gave a threatening feeling to others.

This was not created by magic but instead from the special ability that Zick got after absorbing the cold energy rampaging in his body. There was a limit to how much it could be used but he felt it to be very useful.

'This small ice shard has the strength to easily kill a high-rank knight. It should also be very useful against peak rank knights.' Zick played around with the ice shard before letting it dissipate too.

Zick threw away the worn-out leather armor in his space ring and took out a normal full-sleeve shirt and black pants. The moment he finished changing his clothes, there was a loud bang on his door.

Bang! Zick wasn't surprised at all and walked towards his door with steady steps.


There Seveleen stood like a statue with closed eyes and tightly shut lips. Her body swayed here and there a little and her mouth was closely shut.

'She woke up, huh?' Without a change in expression, Zick spoke with a little confused and worried voice: "Did something happen?"

Zick got only silence as his reply which made him certain that the poison had worked just fine.

Shortly, Zick heard a voice in his head.

[Can you hear me, sir Zick?]

It was magic exclusive to high-rank mages, called telepathy or consciousness connection.

"Yes, I can hear you miss Seveleen...Is there some problem with your body?" Zick asked with still a cold voice tinged with worry.

Hearing Zick's worried voice, Seveleen became certain.

The moment Seveleen got back her consciousness, she was shocked and terrified to the extreme. No part of her body moved, almost like she had been separated from her body. She was able to calm down after a while and found that she could use magic.

She could feel that Revelner disease in her body had made her lose control of the body. The Feanert poison was already absorbed by this disease by then.

Seveleen could move her body using magic and feel the surrounding using mana filled with her 'will'. She started thinking rapidly.

Her options were very limited.

She was thinking of searching for her sister after saying her farewells to Zick, but now she was stumped.

For how long could she control her body?

What after she runs out of thought?

How would she communicate with others?

She would just gather suspicion from all over the place.

The problem of running out of thoughts could be taken care of with stamina potions but it still didn't solve how she would search for her sister.

Endless problems rose, making Seveleen feel like a big stone was placed on her heart.

The image of Zick flashed in her mind.

'Yes! I can try asking sir Zick for help!' Hope rose, but within a second cold water was poured up on her rising hope.

Thinking back on how Zick helped her at the moment she needed it the most, she pursed her lips mentally.

He even saved her life, he was her life benefactor.

Asking for something from him made Seveleen feel reluctant and shameful.

Wouldn't Zick think of her as an extremely selfish person after that?

But there was nothing else she could do in her current situation. She had no one to rely on!

Thus, she came to Zick, hearing him speak with concern made her consciousness hurt.

After mustering her strength, Seveleen spoke to Zick through [Mind connection] magic.

[...I currently can't move my body so...I had a request...]

"You can't move your body?" Zick spoke solemnly.

[Yes...] Seveleen replied with a weak voice.

Inviting her into the room, Zick let her sit on the chair as the bed was broken in two.

Zick sat on the table and spoke seriously: "So what is the request?"

[....Please search for my sister and keep her safe!] Seveleen got directly to the point, Desperation could be felt in her voice.

She continued speaking: [I will die soon and would be unable to look for my sister, I know that this request is unreasonable but please, please save my sister.] Seveleen begged for the first time in her life. She was currently scared.

She was scared that Zick would reject her request. After all, there was no reason for him to agree at all.

Nobles were apathetic creatures, they only moved for benefits. So why must he do such draining work as to look for someone?

Silence descended on the room, with both of them having emotionless looks.

"Sigh....." Hearing Zick's sigh, Seveleen involuntarily felt her heart squeeze.

"I will accept your request....but that is after we find a cure for your disease," Zick spoke coldly.

'Huh...?' Zick's answer made Seveleen's mind blank for a second. Understanding the meaning behind Zick's words, she started speaking hurriedly.

[There is no need for such a thing, just finding my sister for me will be more-]

"You will also have to accept my demand if you want me to look for your sister," Zick spoke resolutely, showing his unshakable attitude in this matter.

[But Eleoner might be facing danger right now....]josei

"Ha!" For the first time anger appeared in Zick's voice. "So you want me to ignore you who is right in front of me and needs help urgently and go look for someone who might need help?"

Hearing this, Seveleen was left speechless.

The information she had of Zick from the middle continent appeared in her head.

He was an heir to the Melvix family and was very famous all around the continent.

He was someone who was sent to the battlefield at the age of 12 and broke the record for the highest kill in those minor skirmishes.

Seveleen had a realization: 'I see, so that's how it is. Sir Zick was a kind person from a young age but...he must have changed after staying on the battlefield for two years. He put a mask on himself so that he could hide his broken side from the world....'

That is the reason he wore the mask of indifference all the time.

That was the reason he kept his distance from others.

But internally, he was a very kind person who would help anyone who asked him for help, even if there was nothing for him to gain from it.

Just like how he helped Seveleen's sister, then saved her life, and right now, how he is trying to help her. He was selfless to the extreme.

'Such a person doesn't deserve to live such a life of falsehood.' Seveleen felt emotional internally. She tried sensing Zick's location through her mana, only to find it very faint as he had become stronger than before — Just a few steps away from peak rank knight.

"We will head to the Hervertec kingdom today itself and also there will be another person accompanying us. Please be ready by the middle of the day." Zick spoke dismissively, not ready to hear any other opposition.

Seveleen was silent the whole time.

Zick sent her away to her room later on and sat in the chair feeling satisfied.

'She should think of me as a selfless person from now on without a doubt. Well, I was going to 'reform' myself as justice in the Hevertec kingdom so it matches quite well.'

'And about her sister, I am not against looking for her. I was going to roam all around the continent sooner or later anyway. I also have to pick up the key to control the lab of the biological golem from the Leweisert kingdom.'

Like this, Zick succeeded in recruiting a member in his team of meatshield partially.

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