Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 141 Accepting A Mission

Chapter 141 Accepting A Mission

Before going back to the winter howl inn, Zick headed towards the mission board below the middle pillar, where many low-rank slaves were being sold.

The mission board for the fourth floor was different from the fifth floor. It was an enchanted item that could help people to go through thousands of missions rapidly in seconds.

Placing his hand on the huge blackboard made of glistening black metal, Zick sent his mana into it.

At that instant, details of uncountable missions entered Zick's mind, making him feel a sense of fullness.

Snapping out of this weird state, Zick started going through the missions with a serious expression.

There were many types of missions, assassinations, abductions, information regarding certain nobles, and so on.

Mostly, assassination missions were the most prominent among the others.

Zick already knew the direction he would be traveling from, so he looked for a mission that didn't need him to use a teleportation circle.

'Wasting merit points for no reason is a huge drawback that I don't need to sustain.'

Zick soon found a mission suitable for him.

[ Assassination of a knight named Levin.

Rank recommended: Green rank or higher

Merit points: 3000

Achievement points: 50

Additional information regarding the knight-]

Choosing this mission, Zick placed his hand on the blackboard again.

With a dim light, the mission he chose had Zick's name, Hevish written in it now.

Zick's gaze flickered a little as he walked toward the teleportation circle.

'I need to raise my rank in the organization and even my strength as much as I can. If I can go to the biological golem's lab with master-rank strength, that would be the best outcome.'

Zick's goal had still not changed, he wanted to get the biological golem at all costs. After all, this way he would have a subordinate who could never betray or harm him.

After joining the Everlor organization, Zick's plan had already started changing to a large degree. He was planning on picking up the dragon egg after getting Varine but it changed after meeting Seveleen.

He wasn't sure if he could find the dragon egg before Seveleen's time was up. He didn't take any risks in his current situation, only immense benefits could make him move.

'I have to survive, survive and pursue my ambitions and aspirations.' Zick's determination flared up.

The annoying emotions he felt while taking care of Varine and Seveleen were swept away by his immense determination.

'There are surely many things that I am not aware of right now. Like the being who caused the magic disaster or how those weird crystals were made, but one day for sure, I will unravel them all!' Zick's ambition rose by a level. Shortly he started focusing on his situation.

Zick moved swiftly amidst the crowd and reached the teleportation center.


Arriving back at the inn in the Gorthect empire after a few hours, Zick met Varine and Seveleen who seemed to have gotten well together just like in the novel.

They were currently in Varine's room.

Both of their focus went toward Zick the moment he appeared. To them, he was someone for whom they felt immense gratitude. So unconsciously they treated Zick as the leader of the group with no hesitation.

Zick was aware of their mindset, nodding his head in satisfaction.

"With the help of the Miss receptionist, We can use the teleportation circle to reach the Hevertec kingdom," Zick looked at both of their surprised faces before continuing.josei

"This inn is actually just a side branch and the main one is in the Hervertec kingdom, Nerbext city."

This supplementary information made Seveleen and Varine slightly nod their head in understanding.

"So is your preparation over?"

"" yes."" Both of them spoke at once making their voices overlap.

"Let's move then." Zick turned his back and headed towards the receptionist.

Seveleen followed behind with quiet steps. She felt complex emotions seeing Zick's nonchalant expression a while ago.

There was no way he would have gotten to use the teleportation circle for free. He must have paid some sort of compensation for it without a doubt.

'He is probably worried about my weak body.' Seveleen looked at Zick deeply.

"Ah, right, let me take some blood from you. I have basic knowledge of alchemy so I should be able to find something about it." Zick rolled his eyes up, looking like he just remembered something.

Thinking about it for a second, Seveleen accepted. Her trust in Zick had already risen by a lot.

Taking out the inoculation he got from the trading center, Zick collected some of Seveleen's blood quickly. She felt no pain as her senses had already numbed to an unbelievable level. She couldn't even feel the feet she was walking on.

Zick had already paid the merit points needed to use the teleportation circle so they directly entered the room with the teleportation circle.

Standing upon the magic circle, Zick signaled the receptionist to activate it with his eyes.

Nodding her head, the receptionist activated the circle placing her hands on it.

This immediately made Seveleen stare at her with shock. She was not able to sense her high-rank mage status at all until now!

But now that the receptionist was using her strength, it was of course noticed by Seveleen.

This was normal, the organization passed on artifacts or peak-grade enchanted items to hide their presence from others. Even Zick wasn't able to sense it until she used her strength in front of him the first time they met.

The receptionist had long found out about her servant being affected by the Revelner disease. But fortunately, she didn't doubt Zick and Seveleen to be the ones to do it.

She was a high rank mage so she could clearly feel the harmful particles in the air around the servant. But she could sense none near Zick, Seveleen, and Varine.

Seeing the receptionist looking restless, Zick was sure that she would be really worried right now.

Varine's body shuddered, thinking about her prior experience in the teleportation circle. For the first time, she requested something from Zick.

"Sir Zick...Can we travel using horses...?" The memory of her vomiting continuously was vividly present in her mind.

But who was Zick?

"Just endure it." With no change in his expression, Zick said to Varine.

Varine mood which was good after talking to Seveleen immediately dampened. She closed her eyes as the bright blue light covered her vision.

At once, with brilliant light, Zick and the others vanished.

Arriving at the Winter howl inn, Zick opened his eyes and moved a few steps away, pulling seveleen's body which had fallen like a puppet whose strings had been cut with his right hand.

"Blargh!" Varine crouched down with an ashen expression and started vomiting the substance she ate at breakfast.

Seveleen's body started moving in a few seconds.

[Thank you...] Seveleen felt weird at how naturally Zick treated her body.

"No problem." Zick started training in his mana again not wanting to waste time.

Within a few minutes, Varine recovered and looked at Zick with an apologetic expression.

"Don't worry about it, once you turn into an assassin you would be able to resist it to a degree." Zick consoled Varine and walked to the reception.

Zick knew that Varine was used to hardships, this kind of person tries not to reveal but they seek someone to help and comfort them. She had not been able to overcome loneliness in the end.

She would without a doubt yearn for someone to help too. It wasn't that they needed help physically but instead mentally, in the form of comfort or solace.

But Zick had no intentions of becoming her helper like Aeiron.

'Instead, I will become a sturdy pillar that supports her, that makes her strive to move forward and live.'

If Zick helped Varine in every single thing, she would become dependent on him for sure. This was a good outcome, but it wasn't what Zick wanted.

Zick wanted capable subordinates so they could protect him and fight the demon lord. Letting Varine decide for herself would make her mature faster and get valuable experience.

A sharp light flickered at Zick's eyes: 'Varine will protect me without a doubt, even if she found out that I am an evil person. She is different from Seveleen, she has experienced the dark side of the world from a young age, and this makes her different from others.'

'Even if that is not the case, I will make it so that she would be willing to give up her life for my sake!'

Heading out of the inn with many eyes on them, Zick opened the door and walked out with no hesitation.

He has already inquired about the locations of the shops he needed so he directly headed towards it.

First, Zick brought two horses from a stable, then a wooden carriage.

Varine and Seveleen had followed Zick closely, feeling surprised internally.

"The receptionist was a citizen of this city so I have already inquired all about the places I need to go beforehand." Zick could see through their thought process easily so he added this information.

Both of them were filled with admiration immediately, Zick had come totally prepared! No problem rose at all.

They began their journey at once, heading toward Mhelet City.

Zick was already prepared so he showed his certificate of passing through the fortress to the guard and headed out. He had exited the city before entering it again by paying taxes.

Mhelet city was also the place where Zick had to assassinate a knight.

'I should use that weird snow-white liquid to strengthen myself too. I should try using it once or twice every day, more than that and my body probably won't be able to take it.'

'Also, though no problem occurred, I don't know if increasing my strength using this method brought some drawbacks with it.....'

But Zick had no intention of not using such a method just cause there might be hidden dangers.

'My heart had adapted to that cold energy so there shouldn't be any problem unless there was something wrong with that white liquid itself.'

For now, Zick put it aside and continued traveling.

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