Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 149 Returning To Middle Continent

Chapter 149 Returning To Middle Continent

In the evening.

Chertel City, Golden Reifer Inn.

Within one of the rooms on the first floor, Varine and Seveleen lay beside each other in two different beds.

Zick could have brought two rooms, but to make it look more realistic, he brought only and left a letter written in the middle continent language.

There was a light black incense on the table burning lightly and spreading a white smoke within the room.

Varine was The first to wake up, touching her sore neck. The chop delivered by Zick had made her neck fully numb and swollen.

Sitting upon the bed, Varine smelled the incense which made her feel calm. Her memory was blurred as all of it happened so fast, she had no idea what happened. Seeing Seveleen laying beside her, Varine tried waking her up but it was useless. Seveleen had already lost the sense of touch so there was no outside stimulus that could wake her up.

Looking around the room, Varine found a letter below the incense burner.

Walking to the table, Varine took out the folded letter. opening it, she started reading it.

There were many words that she didn't understand, so she started reading them with much difficulty.

[ What is that?]

Hearing the voice in her head, Varine involuntarily took a step back, with shock pulsing through her body. The letter in her hand fell to the ground, but the next moment it flew toward Seveleen's bed.

Seveleen had already gotten up, sitting on the rim of the bed. Holding the letter, she scanned it using her will. After being affected by the feanert poison, she lost the mobility of her body and relied on the mana under her control. Though it was possible to sense things around her, there was a limit to it.

To read, she had to use her mana and concentrate on it.

Seeing Seveleen woken up, Varine felt a little better: "Miss Seveleen, where exactly are we?"

Varine asked, hoping Seveleen to know the reason.

But Seveleen was also confused just like her: "Mm, Mister Zick had suddenly knocked both of us unconscious so I am not aware of our current situation too." Saying this she concentrated on the letter.

That was their biggest lead right at the moment. The content went as follows-

( From Anelete,

I know that it is uncomfortable to be left like this, but we have no other choice....) The letter was written very gracefully.

It explained what happened after Varine and Seveleen were knocked unconscious.

Zick didn't exaggerate as it would look suspicious and wrote plainly. After knocking them, he passed them to Anelete along with a space ring.

The letter also mentioned that Anelete was in an emergency so they left them in this inn. No loopholes were left like how they entered this tightly guarded city or how they could arrive so fast. They were all in just one or two lines but it made all the more sense.

'Oh, they left a magic circle near this city so they could return quickly.' Seveleen didn't doubt it and continued reading.

At the end of the letter, it mentioned that the ring passed by Zick was in the drawer of the table.

Opening the drawer through magic, Seveleen brought the space ring toward her palm. Varine was not surprised, she had seen Seveleen use magic multiple times by now.

Sending her will into the ring, Seveleen was left speechless. There were around 2000 platinum coins and three high-quality mana crystals. There was some other stuff too but they were not as eyes catching as the prior two things.

"What did the letter say and what is within that space ring?" Varine was curious and lost at what was happening at all. She could not read Seveleen's expression in the least.

Seveleen started explaining the content of the letter and ring to Varine.

They both were formidable characters and they understood what happened at once. They had their conjecture and thinking on it.

"Mister Zick, he probably knocked us unconscious so that we would not be able to resist anymore. I am sure I would have stayed behind in that situation..." Seveleen felt moved, she even understood why Zick acted like that before knocking her unconscious.

While on the other hand, Varine was shaken to the limit. She couldn't take it anymore, tears started forming in her eyes.

This experience was just too much for her, she felt herself break from within. She was deeply touched and at the same time very sorrowful. Tears didn't stop flowing out of her eyes, seeing this Seveleen was surprised too.

It was a weird sight where only tear flowed from Varine'a eyes but no expression changed, it was still blank.

Seveleen hurriedly started consoling Varine, telling her that Zick might still be alive and so on.

This was out of Zick's expectations, he thought this would make Varine a lot more open to him but it looks like it is going to be something more than that.

Shortly, Varine and Seveleen started heading back to the wuirsec region.


While on the other hand, Zick chatted with Levienel leisurely. He was in a very cheerful mood, he wanted to head toward the biological golem's lab at once but was stopping himself.

'I need to collect human bodies first, the more the better.' Zick looked at Levienel.

It was surprising how she had accepted his deal with no hesitation, actually, it was very suspicious. If Zick was put in her shoes, he would have threatened using seventeen and Varine no doubt.

'It should be okay with the contract but it still gives an unsettling feeling.'

They were currently in the middle of a barren land, sitting on a luxurious table. There was a huge umbrella stopping the sunray from passing through. Mysterious magic covered the area around them so that no one would be able to sense or see them.

Zick smiled: "So you have a method that can let you search and find the bloodline of others?"

They had been discussing this topic for a while now, Zick wanted to kill Stella, the daughter of the Garcia family. After all, the condition to free the mythical beast was the destruction of the whole Garcia family bloodline.

Zick already had a method for this, it was a certain alchemy item, whose creation process was obtained from Fuiren's memory. But why waste money when Levienel could do it freely for him?

"Yes, I can search for any kind of bloodline as long as I have a sample of it and the precondition that they are in this world is met," Levienel answered back blankly, she was not used to speaking for a long time at all.

"Do you have a way to reach the eastern continent within today?" Zick asked with his eyes shining in anticipation.

"You mean the continent besides this one, then I left behind a teleportation circle there...." Seeing Zick already getting up from the chair, Levienel knew what she had to do.

She started creating a magic circle calmly, while she spoke: "Usually it is not possible to teleport to this eastern continent using the magic circle as one of five disasters is present in the sea between. But it suddenly died for some reason, probably because of old age..." Levienel thought of the only qilin in the world. Now, at last, the qilin race just became a legend, vanishing in the river of time.

"Ohh, so now it's four disasters, not five disasters anymore." Zick played along naturally.

"Yes..." Levienel answered feeling melancholy.

After the magic circle was created in one minute, Zick and Levienel left using it.

It would take more than a day for Seveleen and Varine to reach their location so he had a lot of time on his hand.


In the middle continent. Currently, the whole academy city and other ruling forces are in a state of upheaval.

The middle district of the academy city had vanished in the middle of the night. Many heirs and important figures were present there, and with them gone, turmoil spread everywhere.

A month had passed since that incident, but the cause of this strange phenomenon was still unknown.

In the feahert desert, below an oasis, the dull teleportation circle shone brightly.

Zick and Levienel appeared above it.

Looking around, Zick found similar runes drawn on the ground and the brown wall that he had seen in the dragon lord's lair.

"They are?" Zick asked curiously.

"Runic magic," Levienel answered curtly.

Zick felt very interested in it, this magic or more specifically runes could be used in various ways.

"Can you tell me more about it later on?" Zick asked probingly.

Levienel nodded her head slightly. She was very lenient with Zick, not rejecting any request he made. This of course made Zick feel weird, but he just went along with it.

'From the prior conversation we had, she doesn't know anything that can strengthen me. I know a few things from fuiren's memory, but it can't boost my strength by a lot at once.' Zick thought while checking his condition.

Zick followed levienel as she led the way to the surface. This underground room was made by her in the past.

Climbing the steps with many pebbles and dust on them, Zick arrived at the surface. With a wave of levienel's hand, the wall opened and the fresh hot air from the desert brushed past Zick's body.

The sun shone brightly as ever, making the oasis glow brightly. The oasis was quite small, only encompassing around 100 to 200 meters. Many dunes made of reddish-yellow sand were visible to Zick from the place he stood.josei

Taking out the compass from his left-out space ring, Zick looked at it closely.

After a while, Zick and Levienel started heading toward the Garcia domain. They traveled like a meteor covered in golden glow.

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