Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 217 The Mist Of Annihilation

Chapter 217 The Mist Of Annihilation

The past week, Zick did not dare exert himself in the slightest. He did not let any kind of energy touch him either.

After some experiments, Zick found that exposing himself to other sources of energy, or even using his higher form of energy slightly strengthened the frenzied energy within him.

Thus, he could either use his body's strength or just let Arianell carry him. And that was just what he was doing.

With alcohol in hand, Zick looked at the scenery that was passing by in the blink of an eye. To a normal person, the scene would appear blurred, because of their current speed.

Arianell flew in a straight line, with enough speed to break sound barriers like a piece of paper.

Taking another mouthful of the alcohol, Zick put it back into the space ring.

'This is the last bottle that I have. I have yet to lose all my control to be intoxicated by it, so I can use it with restrictions.'

Zick had truthfully not given up. But right at the moment, he wasn't even capable of thinking straight. It was not possible to predict his action at all, he might just start killing people for no reason or destroy whatever he sees too.

'...Yuriel has not found any breakthrough either. And I doubt I can hold onto my consciousness for more than a few days.' Zick laid down while looking at the sky.


Zick heartbeat was in an abnormal rhythm, making the blood flow feel clogged. His body was slowly going out of control or reacting in an abnormal way like this, it had been going on like this for a while now.

The cloud moved along the wind, exposing the sun that was being obscured by it.

The afternoon sun rays were harsh, flooding onto the ground below.

Aurel looked at the sun with shining eyes, the oppressive feeling that she was getting from Zick had vanished a while ago. She felt happy as their training came to an end, she even wished that Zick would revert to normal, but his mind's condition seemed to be just worsening.

The wind brushed past them harshly as Arianell moved at an extremely fast speed. With a single flap of her wings, she traveled kilometers of distance in a blink of an eye.

With such speed, they soon reached the base that the republic had given them. It was a beutiful mansion, matching the height of a five stories high building.

Most of the things in here were maintained by the weak golem that Yuriel made.

Arianell landed in the huge garden, right in the middle.


A large gust of wind was created by her landing, causing the flowers to sway to and fro.

Getting off the dragon, Zick walked into the mansion without turning back. He did not drown in despair and tried asking Yuriel whether she had succeeded.

Soon, Zick arrived at the underground lab, and Yuriel could be seen greeting him the moment he arrived.

The atmosphere in the lab was silent, with all the robots frozen in their positions.

"How is the project going then?" Zick looked at Yuriel grimly.

"It's going well, for now, there is no visible problem. If it goes on like this, we can find a way to eliminate the frenzied energy in three months." Yuriel answered seriously, she was aware of Zick's changes too, there had been a few instances where Zick scolded her too.

Zick shook his head, with a self-deprecating smile: "You are useless in the end too, me expecting something out of you was stupid. Sigh...So there is no way left anymore, huh?"

Yuriel looked down: "Yes sir."

'So even this junk made of flesh is useless. Do I have no way left?' Zick entered a deep session of consideration.

In the end, he was not able to comprehend the difference between Divinity and a higher form of energy too. He had not found any other lead either in this whole journey.

The result of this journey was all useless, he found interesting things, but nothing could help him. He had not left the ice dragon's den either, he looked through it hiding his presence.

Even the conversation with the ice dragon spilled no useful information to Zick.

'It's almost similar to carrying an incurable disease or curse. Nothing can help me, nothing in this world is certain. Anyone can die at any moment.'

'I might die the very next moment, by going crazy or by the giants on the other side of the mist. Knowing my death is nearby, I can only keep trying without giving up.' Zick turned around and left the lab.

Even if his death was like an insurmountable wall, Zick wanted to charge right into this wall.

Whether he succeeds or dies in the collision, in the end, Zick had given his all.

Failure did not worry him, even if his mind might be corrupted — his will would fight till the very end.

Giving Arianell and Aurel a glance, Zick transmitted them to stay here. He was going to try out his final trump card, using this technique would only leave two options.

Either he dies or he lives.

'I have to say, the saying from Earth was true — Anyday is a very good day to die.' Zick smiled.

Two black wings protruded from his back, and instantly Zick's figure vanished into thin air.

Flying in the same direction for a long time, he arrived before a pure white mist wall. This mist extended to the sky limitlessly.

It was a suicidal method that had nothing certain. After all, once initiated, there was no going back even if he wanted to.

Strangely, a method that would work very well in the mist of annihilation appeared in his head. It was like it had appeared in his memory out of nowhere, such an occurrence made him frantically check himself.

Zick could find nothing wrong with himself in the end, and that was the main reason he was hesitant on using such a risky method.

However, it did not matter right at the moment.

Slowly, red energy and black energy began leaving Zick's body rapidly. He entered the mist barrier before him and began moving deeper into it.

A shocking phenomenon started taking place around Zick, as the method in his head told, the mist was being absorbed into him.

The frenzied energy absorbed it, while his chaotic higher form of energy blended right into it.josei

'But in this process, where my higher form of energy and the frenzied energy is merging, I would be the one who would take the largest pressure.'

The frenzied energy would not be able to affect his body much, as Zick's higher form of energy continued merging with it, but the will left in his soul was still active.

"Argh!" Zick clenched his teeth, enduring the pain. Even his strong body began burning in the mist.

'However, this is not enough! If I want to perfectly merge with the frenzied energy, I will have to move deeper! I need the condensed mist, which was in the middle of this mist barrier.' Zick continued flying deeper.

The consequences of merging with the frenzied energy were unknown, but it would at least allow him to live.

Zick's wound healed the next second, but another new wound appeared, taking its place.

The mist gathered around him rapidly and entered his body. Almost all the mist was strangely attracted to the frenzied energy.

Zick did not know what this mist was exactly, but he knew that it could help him.

So.... let's gamble away!


"So he is going to hold his end of the deal it seems." A giant, with muscles visible all over its body and even larger than 65 meters, could be seen standing before the mist barrier. A sense of dread could be felt looking at this being.

The demon lord, Reikel, who was flying before the mist of annihilation nodded his head.

"Right, it seems we were not betrayed like those idiots. With this, I guess it has been decided." Reikel looked at the ruler of the giant race, who was releasing a presence similar to a God. This being had long achieved godhood.

The giant God, Kururu, opened his mouth: "No need to fret, I will keep my end of the deal too."

Behind Kururu was a huge army of giants, giving an ominous feeling to anyone who saw it. They spread to the horizon, looking like an endless army.

The shrinking of the mist barrier was visible even to the naked eye. Slowly, but surely it was shrinking away.

Kururu showed delight on his face: 'At last, after such a long time, I can get my hand on the world's core. Giving away some space cores for that is not a big problem at all.'

'That man and this subordinate are not my enemy. Those damn beings of light, I will kill them all this time. Whether it's that sun God or death god, they must all die for what they did.'

Overwhelming rage radiated from Kururu, he, a tyrant that took over multiple worlds was fooled into a cage.

It was unforgivable in Kururu's eyes.

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