Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 237 11 World Core

Chapter 237 11 World Core

Ireque, A world that was surrounded by air that was different from others. Other gods leave aside the world below them alone, as long as they were able to achieve their goals, making believers.

However in this world, ruled by the god of fairness, the environment here had taken a form very close to fairness, in other words, equality.

Gods leave their world to go as it is, and this causes it to either develop into a monarchy or a republicanism society. This was the truth of any sentient being, they would always look for a better way of exploitation.

But in this world, such an incident did not occur, due to Fiona's interference. All had to live respecting each other, if not divine punishment was delivered, no crime was allowed either.

At this moment, every being present looked at the night sky. Their eyes shone in a bright lustre.

Dazzling meteors descended on the world, shining like an aurora. It was a sight that was the utmost beutiful scene many people had seen.

However, at the same time, for those races who could notice the projectile of the meteor heading toward them, it was not a fascinating sight in the least.

Nevertheless, these weak species could not do anything before the strength contained within the meteor. They were all directly enveloped by a bright aurora glow. What was left behind was barren lands, with not even a soul left behind.

Surprisingly, no property was damaged, and the land remained the same as before.

Zick looked at the sight that occurred almost everywhere and played around with the world core in his hand.

To normal gods, they have to get to a specific location to reach the world core, That was not the case with Zick. He could easily get in and out of the world core's natural territory.

Arianell was capable of such a feat unless a higher-ranked space god made a barrier or prevention method.

"Have all the rare livestock been transported properly?" A calm voice reached Arianell.

"Yes, father. All the beings that you marked as rare specimens have been sent to the refugee world." Arianell responded to Zick.

"Alright let's move to the next world," Zick instructed to teleport to the next destination.

He had predicted that he would find interesting species in this expedition a long time ago. Hence, he prepared a place to put them all temporarily, in an unconscious state.

The first thing Zick did after the battle with the sun god ended, was to head toward one of the mid-grade worlds. But, it was already too late, some other god had already taken over it.

Most probably by the dragon clan.

This indicated that the other worlds would be in no better state.

'The galaxy ruled by the dragon clan is quite far, if they reach here so soon, it means that they have an excellent method of transportation too.' Zick narrowed his eyes as everyone gathered around Arianell.

Zick's transportation speed was by no means anything below extraordinary. However, it seems like the dragon clan had something up its sleeve too.

'Or wait, I see, I understand their actions now.' Enlightenment dawned on Zick.

It felt out of place for the dragonman, who fought against the sun god and death, taking such a long time to defeat their opponents. They were most likely buying time, after finding out the identity of the great gods that appeared.

It was so that their other companion could move behind the scene, taking over the worlds belonging to their enemy.

Zick had not noticed this before, because of being focused on hiding his dragon slayer status.

'....Well, I would not have been able to do anything even if I had noticed their objective before. I can't order them in any way at all.' Zick threw away this subject from his head.

There were around eight worlds below Fiona's rule.

Zick arrived before another world core again, collecting it carefully, he heard Yuriel's report on the kind of being in this world.

"There are unique sand races with very special skills. Water...."

Zick interrupted: "No need for the report. Give all the coordinates to Arianell."


Zick had closely listened to Yuriel's report at the first world, but now he felt it to be unnecessary. As long as they were sellable, he was going to take them with him.

There was no further conversation with both of them, Zick sometimes conversed with Aurel, and they continued moving forward.

Zick and the others moved on like that for another four worlds, before stopping, noticing the other two worlds already looted by someone else.

Just from the world below Fiona's rule, Zick had gotten six low-grade world cores. And many rare species that could either be sold or used by him.

Next, they moved to the worlds below the god of Wealth, who had exceptional skills in trading.

This god held more benefits to be acquired than the others, Making Zick begin looting with more enthusiasm. There were a total of 13 worlds below the wealth god.

However this time around, after just looting the fifth world, Zick found the others worlds, below the Wealth god, taken over or looted by other gods.

"Hmm, This is the limit of how much I can benefit from this, huh?" Zick held his chin in wonder.

"Yes, Sir Zick. However, 11 world cores aren't a small amount of world cores isn't it?" Yuriel glanced at Zick.

Zick had still kept a close relationship with Yuriel, even now. Though the times they slept together were not as high as before, they had an intimate relationship.

"I guess for now. Alright, we will move towards our next target, the giant race!" Zick's eyes blazed with a fierce light. Aiming for any other world would be a waste of time.

Now, Zick was confident in his strength perfectly. Even if dozens of gods banded together to protect, kururu, the giant god, Zick could kill them all.

After the fight in the Igmorous world, the giant race had taken refuge in another world. They had fled from that world like cockroaches, almost everything was left behind in their hurry.

The giant race had a strong physique, not even the dragon race could match them if looking only at the physical aspect.

However they were not perfect, they had a huge flaw not hidden. Their divinity could only be used within their body, it could not materialize in the external world. It was impossible to affect the world without some connection.

The dead planet inhabited by the giant race, at that instant began shaking mysteriously. And it was not to a small degree, it was like the whole world was about to crumble at any instant.

And that was what happened in reality too, the dead planet blew up, turning into pieces floating in the blank space.

Almost all the giants on the planet were killed before they even noticed. Only a certain giant survived, it was kururu.

Seeing the brethren that he cherishes dying such an easy death, anger rose within kururu like never before.

"Bastard show yourself." In space, Kururu's voice was transmitted like a wave.

What Kururu got in response was a punch that blew away half of his lower body.

Seeing the familiar figure of Zick, who was looking at him with contempt, Kururu felt goosebumps rising all over his body. These emotions were all pushed down by his anger.

"So it's you! I will kill you no matter what!" Kururu's eyes turned red and another two pairs of arms appeared behind him.

"I didn't come to fight though." Zick vanished and reappeared before Kururu's forehead.


Zick's hand came in contact with kururu's forehead. Instantly a wave burst forward from there, nullifying anything that came in contact with it.

Even Kururu's extra arms were wiped out easily.

What Zick did was simply forcefully push his divinity into others' bodies. But the whole process, he had total control over his divinity.

Zick's divinity had nothing but chaos in it, causing it to destroy anything that came in contact, if not controlled otherwise. This property was very good to nullify others' attacks, especially the attack conjured by weaker divinity compared to Zick.

'In other words, if my divinity is strong enough, I just have to cover myself with it and no attack would affect me.'

Zick looked right at Kururu's giant eyes. He didn't just nullify his divinity, he spread his own divinity all over Kururu's body, restraining him easily.

"So, my first question is, Where is Philine?" Zick got directly to the point.

Kururu crazily tried manipulating his divinity, but it was useless, it was being suppressed by Zick.

Zick shook his head, 'He was going to be like this if I appeared anyway, so it doesn't matter if I kill off his brethren.'

"No need to be so rash now, if you answer all of my questions, I will let you go. Then you can just build another giant army." Zick negotiated with Kururu.

After resisting for a while, Kururu uttered in a small voice: "...Bind."

His huge face was filled with indignant anger. Killing intent in his eyes was not hidden in the slightest.

"Sure, I swear by the name Zick, the god of chaos, that I will let you go if you answer me truthfully," Zick spoke with no hesitation.

"By the name of Kururu, the giant god, I swear to answer all your questions truthfully."

Both of them felt their divinity interconnected.

Kururu spoke first: "I don't know, I left all the demon race and others back in the Igmorous world as I escaped."

A dull light appeared in Zick's eyes.

"I see, then tell me all you know about the dragon lord."

"....what dragon lord?"


Zick was baffled by that answer, kururu was aware of Arianell and Aurel's existence, but he did not know about the dragon lord. That did not make sense at all, however, such a phenomenon was occurring right before him.josei

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