Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 51 Back To Normal

Chapter 51 Back To Normal

The rain stopped within a few hours but the sky was still covered in light black clouds obscuring the sunlight from passing through. Anyone who Sees the clouds would feel gloomy but that wasn't the case with Zick.

Zick felt lighthearted more than he ever did in his life, he had done all the things he wanted to do in this 'vacation', some of the things even went better than he thought. The two dragon eggs were something totally unexpected that he hadn't even thought about.

'But now they are mine...'

Zick knew that as long as he had this mysterious connection with the two dragons they would consider him as their father.

'They can even take care of me after everything is over.....'

After becoming one with his broken side, Zick's plan had changed, he didn't plan on living at a far away place after taking care of the demonic race. Instead he just left it to how he felt in the future, he would do what he felt like doing then.

'I really have been working hard from the day I came to this world.....'

Zick felt like he had become a workaholic person, in his past life, he lived as a full blown shut-in who wouldn't come out of his room for years.


But in this world, he found that even resting for a second as something unfeasible, he was very tight on time. Even wasting much in something wasteful could lead to his death eventually in future.

Even though Zick put his life on the line multiple times without fear, he didn't do it with the intent to die in it at all. He didn't have the slightest will to die any time soon in this life.

'I want to live my life to the fullest this time.'

Unlike his past life, this time Zick wanted to live the way he wanted to. Though he didn't have any proper goal right now, it didn't matter to him, as long he is alive there will be a lot of opportunities for him to decide what he wants to do.

'Even my lifespan is increasing with the dragon heart...'

Zick could already feel that his lifespan has doubled. Which means he could live on for 200 years.

Dragons can live for more than 1500 so he could expect his lifespan to increase a lot too as long as the dragon heart kept strengthening his blood.

Having random thoughts about his future, Zick headed back to the Melvix family's estate.

Taking out the map and compass, Zick checked which direction he needed to head towards. The compass of this world work differently from the one's in earth. The compass made in this world uses a red gem to point out the directions unlike the ones in earth were small magnets or magnetized component were used within it.

So Zick never had to worry about magnetic fields or losing directions while a storm was going on. The names of the cardinal directions like north, south, east and west are called different in this world.

"Head towards that direction."

Pointing at a little right side of where they were heading, Zick ordered the wyvern to head towards there. Putting the map and the compass back in the space ring, he sat beside the leather bag. The bag was nothing special, it was made from skin from a random monster.

Zick had chosen this bag as it was the largest one in the workshop, the two eggs almost reached till his waist so such a big bag was needed to store it. The bag with the two eggs was half the size of Zick's body and width was double of his.

Though Zick was 14 years old, his growth was accelerated by becoming a knight so he looked just like a normal 15 year old kid. His height was 1.7 metre he had a little wider shoulder with some muscles here and there. His face was as handsome as ever.

'Well, I might just become a master swordsman before going to the academy.....'

Having such optimistic thoughts, Zick continued training to see the versatility of mana in the surroundings. He was actually a lot confident in  creating a new magic, reading novels for a long time had made his imagination a lot better than others. At least that is what Zick thinks.

Living in the battlefield for two years and always worried about his future had made him be in constant pressure from a long time. Which led to him thinking of things related to his survival and future moves at all times.

But now that he had left the battlefield and the biggest problem of his future regarding potential had been solved, his mindset returned to normal, more relaxed, even having time to think of random things.

'I should enjoy my life and keep growing stronger, that is the only thing I need to focus on now....'

Even while having this thoughts, Zick face was expressionless most of the time.

If it went according to the novel, the final battle against the demonic race would begin in 10 years and end in the 11th year where the protagonist dies. The moment the protagonist and his harem members were killed by the demon Lord the novel ended. It's logical to think that the demon lord would take over the world next as there is no one to get in his way.


The wyvern growled weakly showing how exhausted it was. It had been flying the whole time even when it rained which led it to be hungry and exhausted.

There was another forest a little distance away according to the map, so Zick decided to head towards it. It only took half an hour for the wyvern to reach the forest.


The wyvern landed on one of the gaps between the trees, Picking the bag up, Zick just ordered the wyvern to hunt and eat some monsters.

Zick hadn't felt hungry even for once as his body absorbed the mana in the air constantly replenishing his body. With this there wasn't any need for him to eat anything but he still decided on eating something good after reaching the Melvix family's estate.

'I haven't eaten anything delicious for more than two years....'

So Zick decided to celebrate getting his potential increased by eating something good.

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