Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 67 [Acceleration]

Chapter 67 [Acceleration]

With all the explosive sounds as background music, which were coming from all around the grass plain, Zick confronted the master assassin. He could see the demihuman and priests joining the Melvix family's knights from the corner of his eyes.

'Some of them would survive I guess.' Zick threw this thought at the back of his head and looked towards the assassin who held a scythe.

The master assassin with the scythe movements would have been impossible to follow from a normal person point of view. But Zick was seeing him move swiftly, brandishing the scythe in slow motion.

'First I should check out the defensive capability of the dragon scales that I got as an innate ability.' Zick decided with still no sense of urgency.


Pulling out the cursed sword from its sheath, he held it aiming forward.

Zick's battle instinct was without a doubt a lot superior than the knight who only guarded the estate. His manipulation of timing while attacking could be said as top notch too.


Zick parried the master assassin's scythe which was swung at him diagonally. Taking a step back, suddenly an opening appeared in Zick's impeccable stance.

The assassin did not miss this opportunity and swung his scythe aiming for Zick's shoulder.

'Here it comes.' Zick concentrated as he activated his innate dragon ability.

Zick's shoulder was covered with dragon scales immediately following his will. It was not visible to others as he wore a white shirt. He looked at the scythe heading towards his shoulder expectantly.

The scythe glowed in a shadow colour before touching Zick shoulder.


The result was, the scythe was easily deflected by dragons scales. The dragon scale were almost unscathed.

'Well I expected this, after all its dragon scales....I would really like to check the strength of my dragon breath too but it's impossible here.' Feeling content, Zick stopped using his dragon scales. The scale being exposed through his torn shirt vanishes rapidly.

The master assassin couldn't help but feel flustered, he had attacked Zick not holding this time but somehow it was blocked easily. He was even able to see the weird black scales in his shoulder, making him even more surprised.

'Next I should check out some of the self buff type magic I created and then just finish it.' Zick didn't care about the scythe assassin seeing his dragon scales as he would die here.

Zick and the scythe assassin continued exchanging moves for another five minutes when.


A resolute voice rang out through the terrain. Hearing those words, the scythe assassin was a little surprised but he also became serious soon.

This did not go unnoticed by Zick. He checked around to see the changes in his surroundings.

A few minutes ago.josei

'Why is he taking so long to just take care of a peak rank knight?.' The dagger assassin was increasingly getting impatient while fighting Vertel.

The dagger assassin had been using mana bombs from a long time but they are very expensive. Just one mana bomb cost three million dels.

And he has been using them like expandables for a while now. If this goes on he would run out of mana bomb soon.

'It can't be helped then, our mission isn't to kill this master swordsman anyway.'

''Jetel!." He spoke out the code which was already discussed among themselves before.

In that instant, three peak rank assassins started heading towards Vertel with an extremely solemn expression.

The dagger assassin distracted Vertel whenever he tried to intercept those three assassins by throwing a dagger lashed with poison.

The three assassins reached Vertel in no time and they did not stop. They directly rushed towards him with a determined expression.

Vertel tried to swing his sword at them but was again stopped by the dagger thrown at face.

The assassin held Vertel's waist tightly and took out two mana bomb from the space ring.

''hmph!" Vertel was able to understand their intentions immediately, which made him sort of contempt.

Vertel directly plunged his sword into the assassin's stomach and used his aura but by then other tow assassins had also arrived and held him in place.

Vertel didn't hold back and unleashed all his mana at once, making his whole body give out intense green aura but it was too late.


An huge explosion occured right at where Vertel was. This explosion was not enough to kill a master swordsman but it could grievously wound them.

Vertel couldn't escape this explosion because the mana bomb used by the three assassins was difference, it would explode the moment mana come in contact with it..

The dagger assassin did not waste his time and started heading towards Zick.

Zick stared at the place where the explosion happened for second before dodging the scythe swung at him horizontally. He had not used his aura even for once as his physique could already be comparable to a whole master swordsman.

Zick had overestimated the master assassin's danger a while ago. But now he was confident in defeating them without aura.

'It doesn't matter anymore now.' Zick was able to feel that Vertel had fallen unconscious temporarily so he decided to just finish it himself.

'let's finish this fastly, if I drag it on anymore I will just gather resentment later on.....[acceleration]' Zick casted a magic immediately.

Zick's figure turned blurred and reappeared behind the scythe assassin. Before he could react, Zick swung his sword directly beheading him in one swing!

Zick stared at the dagger assassin who had entered within 100 metres of his radius.

'I wanted to check this magic from a long time ago.' excitement rose within Zick thinking this.

Turning towards the dagger assassin, Zick uttered [Warp] in an almost condescending manner.

The Dagger assassin suddenly started feeling chills all over his body. Just when the word 'retreat' appeared in his head, he saw that the black sword in Zick's hand started turning transparent and then vanished.

'hmm....' a weird feeling rose within the dagger assassin's chest.

"Argh!" He screamed loudly as a burning pain started appearing in where his heart was.

A black sword had appeared right at where his heart was. It looked like the sword had gone right through his body.

''no....way...'' Looking at the black sword, this was his last word.


Blood sprayed out profusely forming a blood pool in the ground with his body laid in the middle of it.

No one had noticed Zick's shocking performance at all. Everyone was busy fighting for their own life.

Zick looked around himself, he could still feel the presence of some cyclops and assassins hiding in the forest but he didn't head towards where they were.

"They are probably just back up or someone who would report back the result to the assassin guild later on....but still my original goal was to reveal a little of my strength.'

Zick looked towards the place where the fight between cyclops, assassin and others went on.

'Well first I should display a little of my strength and then head towards the other Cyclop and assassins hiding in the forest.'

Zick made his decision calmly, feeling no rush as he could feel that the assassins from the forest weren't running yet. They would have probably never have imagined that the two master assassins on their side were already dead.

Only the other two master assassins and Jerg were able to sense their presence vanishing.

'Oh...almost all of the knights from the Melvix family have died, I should start moving now.'

Zick moved towards them picking up his cursed sword.

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