Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 84 Auditorium

Chapter 84 Auditorium

Zick didn't like the current Aeiron. This feeling only went up to dislike, it didn't get to the level of loathing or hatred.

Zick had dropped the novel 'the hero of velveric fights the demon lord' after reading a few chapters when he first started reading it. He didn't like the protagonist at all.

Aeiron didn't have either courage or determination at the start of the novel. He was easily pushed here and there by others, he didn't resist even though he knew that they were using him.

But after reading the comments in the novel, where it said that Aeiron develops, Zick continued reading it patiently.

The student taking advantage of Aeiron went up a level and started harassing him. These events were very important for the character growth of the person named Aeiron.

Only after Aeiron started growing stronger was he able to resist, he had grown a little more back bone then. But before he grew strong he had to face their oppression ceaselessly. Searre Velscar was the only one who helped him from time to time. So Aeiron developed some feelings for her.

It could be said that the novel truly began only when Aeiron's strength grew exponentially. The fact that this novel turned into a harem one, was a very surprising matter to Zick.

The Novel 'the hero of Velveric fights the demon lord' was really mysterious. The author of that novel had only put a few tags in it. And harem was not one of them.

Zick liked novels like this one, where the protagonist was able to fight back unlike him. The sole reason he read this novel till the end was because Aeiron and his life were a little similar.

Back on Earth, at the time when Zick read this novel, He lived as a loser giving up on everything. But he was still human, he regretted his choices which led him to live like that. Even before he died, Zick couldn't help but feel immense regret.

But the current Zick had no regret, He had accepted both his past and the present. He didn't feel either regret or any hesitation, he had found his true self. There are only a few people in the whole world who are able to do this.

Even if Zick turned into a monster the very next moment, he wouldn't reject himself, he would accept it easily. Cause-

'I am still myself! as long as I am me, I don't care what I am.' Zick's roared in his heart.

As long as he was alive and himself, there will always be a way to fix any situation, after all the future is uncertain anything can happen.

Even if the future is doomed, he would accept it and just live the way he wants to. But until it is not a guaranteed loss, Zick didn't like the notion of giving up. This was also one of the reasons he wanted to pursue strength relentlessly.

Different from Earth, when strength can be accumulated within a person, the stronger one is, the greater their authority would be in this world.

The stronger, the lower the chances for him to be forced into an unfavourable situation.

When a dragon wants an item from any of the kingdoms, they would have to offer it no matter the value it held. If not they would face the crisis of their whole kingdom being destroyed. This is the authority brought about by strength.

Zick entered the academy while feeling aspirations rising within him. A reception entered his vision, it was almost like the whole interior of the room was made of gold.

Zick knew the general layout of the academy, there was only an auditorium and a huge party hall with a few other places like the reception on the ground floor. The classroom and practical training centres rooms were on the first floor and higher.

Zick was able to sense most of the things in the ground floor easily, so he found the location of the auditorium room quickly.

Zick didn't hesitate and started moving towards there. There were only a few receptionists in the whole room, with no guards at all. It was because the security

The whole central district was covered in a huge barrier, this barrier would automatically react when a murder or any crime happens within it, the barrier wouldn't let anyone exit it until the academy chairman allows it. The person who committed a crime would also be punished very strictly.

There were a few people who walked towards the auditorium alongside Zick. There were even some people who he was able to recognize.

Seveleen wearing a beautiful blue dress walked a little further than Zick, even her sister Eleoner was with her. Both Zick and Seveleen gathered a lot of attention because of their appearances.

The corridor was very long, which made Zick walk faster. He walked past Seveleen

quickly making her surprised seeing him so abruptly. Before she could even greet him, he had walked a few metres away. Making her feel at a loss for words, she continued walking normally. The academy rules state that there is no need to pay any respect to each other so there wasn't anything wrong with Zick's behaviour.

Though Seveleen accepted it easily, the other noble sons with pride would have hard time accepting it like her.

The walls were decorated excessively, there were many wall lamps along with it illuminating the whole corridor.

Zick soon surpassed the people in front of him, reaching the auditorium. It had many rows of seats facing the podium in front.

''Wow, I've never seen such a huge place like this in my whole life!" A cadet spoke to his friend while looking around excitedly as he moved forward towards the seats.

Zick couldn't help but shake his head internally at the expected behaviour, unable to see these students as anything other than little kids. He looked around searching for the person mentioned to be the underworld leader in the novel. But he couldn't find him anywhere.josei

'He probably still didn't arrive....' Zick walked towards one of the seats near the back row and sat on it.

Supporting his cheek from the back of his palm, Zick looked at the podium blankly. He felt some gazes landing on him, but he ignored them.

'Will he not appear today? Is there a butterfly effect caused by me which affected him unknowingly?' Zick felt worried about this. If the underworld's leader didn't appear, he would have to change a lot of his future plans.

Zick's senses had already surpassed a master swordsman, which gave him the capability to sense the whole auditorium. He waited for him to appear patiently and after five minutes, the person he waited for finally arrived.

'He came.' Zick's dark red eye's shined, he felt relief rising within him.

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