Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 96 Aware Of His Position

Chapter 96 Aware Of His Position

Zick's mansion, within the basement.

The teleportation circle started shining brightly, Zick and the three slave materialized above it with a flash.

Zick relaxed seeing that there wasn't any problem with him or the teleportation circle.

The room slowly grew dark as the teleportation circle stopped shining. The room was only being dimly illuminated by the lamps on the wall.

"Hmm....." Zick looked at the two slaves he brought for experimentation. The Preservative magical cast upon them was nullified because of the teleportation circle.

Usually Supportive or similar types of magic are nullified after teleporting. This was because the mana filled with 'will' does not get teleported along with them.

The mage's 'will' gets dispelled in the process of being teleported.

But Zick was different, he did not add any will into the mana in his surroundings, so the magic he cast upon himself was not nullified even after using the teleport action circle. He was well aware of this perk from a while because of the [Warp] magic.

'[Preservation]' Zick recast the magic upon the two slaves without any delay, he had already seen how it works in the slave market.

The magic cast by Zick was immensely superior to the one cast by the mage in black market.

The [preservation] cast by the slave market could keep a slave alive for more than a month, ten days would be equal to just one day to their bodies.

But Zick's magic could make the slave last for many months without a problem, one month would be equal to one day to their body.

"Stay in this room until I order otherwise." Zick ordered the two slaves without any interest, He wasn't in a hurry to start experimenting. First he had to take care of Varine.

Zick took off the white mask and deactivated the [Shapeshift] magic. His figure got covered in a blue light then reverted back to his original appearance.

Turning his head towards Varine who looked around with her expressionless face, Zick instructed ''follow me.''

Seeing Zick's original appearance, Varine froze in her position with a dazed expression, because right now, he was even more handsome than before. It almost felt like he wasn't even the same race as her.

"Ah....." Snapping out of her daze, Varine nimbly followed behind Zick who headed towards the stairs in the distance.

'Reaching grandmaster rank before Varine becomes a master assassin would be the best outcome for me.....'

Having the strength of grandmaster would make Zick feel a lot at ease while using Varine. Even if the situation turned to the worst by Varine getting out of his control and entering the grandmaster realm, he would be able easily take care of her if she ever came to take revenge.

But Zick himself wasn't sure when his dragon heart would come out of hibernation mode. This made him feel helpless, which further made him seek an alternative way to become stronger.

Zick didn't want to change his future plans or restrict it, just because he couldn't trust others. He only wanted to take extra precautions because Varine would be taking care of the whole underworld and even know about him.

Varine could use it against him by exposing his identity too, if she were to escape his control.

Zick wasn't much worried about the matter of the method to use mana drugs without getting any impurity in mana nerves.

The Melvix family or the other forces might find out about him buying the perfectly same material needed to perform this method, but even if they found out, so what?

'Hmph, they can't force me in any way to answer them.'

Even the Melvix family themselves couldn't force Zick to answer any of their questions about this matter. But of course this will make many people suspicious of him if it was ever put out in the light.

'I can deal with this issue easily, but it is hard to predict the future perfectly.....others might try to restrict me now that they think I am a master swordsman. This was also one of the reasons why I didn't want to reveal my strength, sigh! I can deal with them too, but it really is a hassle....'

Climbing up the stairs in silence, Zick didn't stop considering his future. He was clearly aware of his position.

From the day Zick was born in this world, he has been living outside of the aristocratic society.

Normally Every person has something that they don't want to lose. It was the same for the nobles, they either want to protect their honour, family or position they held.

But Zick never cared about any of this so when the ruling forces would investigate about it, they would feel even more threatened.

Zick's interaction with other nobles was very little, which was different from the others. The nobles are usually very socialist, they try to form as many connections as they could to secure support and in cases of emergency.

This clearly showed that Zick wasn't much interested in either material gain or political power, to the people who tried to investigate his past.

This would only further increase the headache of the three ruling forces.


To them, people who were not interested in material benefits and political power were very hard to control.

Which would lead them to try suppressing Zick's growth, until they find a way to control him.


Opening the basement's door, Zick headed towards Butler Von who was training in one of the servant rooms, along with Varine behind him.

The servants' room was on the ground floor, near the kitchen.

It was night right at the moment, fresh air entered the corridor through the window.

Varine clenched her hand suppressing the emotions she felt from showing on her face.

It had been a long time since varine breathed or felt the fresh air of outside, instead of the dampened air of the underground. This made her feel liberated and many more complex emotions at the same time.

This would have made her cry if she was the same as a few years ago.

But presently, there were no tears in eyes, only a little sign of life returned to her golden eyes.

Varine who became a slave two year ago and Varine of the present were almost like different people.

Varine followed behind Zick Obediently, she was able to discern few things seeing his action till now. From the way he walked on the expensive looking corridor, it was apparent that this mansion was owned by him.

And for the two slave left within the basement, Varine knew that it wasn't for anything good. So she knew that Zick wasn't a good or a kind person at the very least. In the first place no good person would come to the black market anyway.

This made her feel frightened and worried about what might happen to her.

"Are you able to read?" Suddenly Varine heard Zick's voice in front of her.

Varine lifted her head up immediately, she could see Zick who had turned his head backwards slightly, looking towards her. She considered his question quickly and answered.

"I can read but....I can't write perfectly yet." Varine spoke truthfully, she couldn't lie to Zick in the first place because of the slave seal.

Zick nodded his head and turned forward. Passing through the dining hall, the servant rooms appeared in front of him. He walked towards the room in which he felt Butler Von's presence.


Butler Von's response to Zick's knock was almost in an instant.


"How may I help you, young master Zick?" letting Zick enter the room, Butler Von bowed towards him. He didn't ask anything about the young girl behind him.

"Train this girl from tomorrow in the assassin's profession and buy books about ruling, basic calculation and political laws and give it to her." Zick pointed towards Varine.

"And give her one of the servant rooms to stay and provide her with necessary things to live here."

Standing within the room, Zick dumped all the responsibility of nurturing and taking care of Varine to Butler Von without any hesitation.

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