Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 117 - The War [part 2]

Chapter 117 - The War [part 2]


Roselyn kept focusing, narrowing her eyes, and her senses overdeveloped. She felt like she was linked to the natural sources in the castle. Her hearing allowed her to perceive the flow of the water in the pipes and an idea occurred in her mind.

She closed her fists, the pipes inside the walls of the castle began to tremble until they exploded, from the creases of the walls emerged flows of water that like a cascade fell over the creatures.

At the same time, Roselyn focused her energies even more and the plants that composed the cobweb of ramification grew to reach some of the near creatures trapping them against the walls and leaving them unable to move.

Their bodies remained stuck against the wall and the more they tried to get free the more the ramification intensified and tightened around them.

The water kept falling from the pipes and reached the knees of the creatures. They groaned, the water wasn't enough to stop a supernatural army.

They began to swim or run surpassing the hindrance easily. Roselyn widened her eyes surprised by how effortless the first dozen of men surpassed her attack. Yet she didn't lose hope, she couldn't afford it.

She clenched her fists more painfully, and with an extreme require of energies she created a storm that sucked their bodies in. The creatures began to squirm trapping their bodies for the necessary time to allow John to reach them.

When the creatures finally broke free from the storm that trapped them in, they were slightly dizzy from the spinning motion.

They tried to shake their heads and stuck their feet onto the ground, as the lurching made their head spin and almost lose their balance. John caught them off guards and took advantage of the situation to attack them simultaneously. His claws penetrated one of the creatures' back and the beast arched his head backward whimpering in pain. John's claws kept penetrating his skin reaching almost his spine. The creature tried not to faint from the pain he was in and managed to wiggle to get free from John's grip but in vain.

The other creatures involved in the hurricane reached their friend to help him. When John saw the five men reaching him he stretched the hand stuck in the Lycan's back and twirled around using the animal's body as an extension of his arm.

Then John shook his hand and the Lycan's body fell onto the ground, blood was coming from his back's deep wound. The members of the pack hit by the Lycan's body lost their balance. Allowing John to rash toward them before they could manage to regain their balance. John's hands gripped around two of the creatures' backs and crashed their bodies against each other. He then pulled one of them head back to hit it repeatedly against the floor.

Another creature went to push John away, his claws stabbed into John's stomach. John emanated a cry of pain switching his radar to the Lycan who stabbed him. He groaned as he jumped on his target and his fangs sank inside his neck, he fed on his blood and at the same time sinking inside, ripping the creature's jugular vein.

John then turned around to face the creature he left onto the ground who was managing to get up. John strongly kicked him multiple times in the stomach. Blood came out from the beast's mouth until he took his last breath. John wheezed and turned around to see the remaining lycans of the pack turning around to escape.

"Good job!" John exclaimed to Roselyn in a breath before he turned around to prevent a sudden attack from a vampire. The King dodged the shot and punched the creature in the face. The vampire fell to the ground impactful but then stood up and tried to attack him once again. John in a sudden burst appeared behind him and from there he scratched his neck open with his sharp claws.

Roselyn flinched around feeling an uneasy feeling although she knew he had to be so brutal to protect her, yet she wasn't used to seeing him killing so many people.

Another group of creatures was reaching them, and this time Roselyn's gaze fell onto the floor. Maybe if she was able to give life to the plants she could also provoke earthquakes?

She kneeled and slammed her hands against the marble floor. In a second, like magic, the Earth quaked. Roselyn smiled, was she dreaming?

She knew she couldn't stop and she had to keep focusing to increase the intensity and the length of the earthquake. Her efforts weren't in vain this time, the ceiling began to crack, stones and pebbles precipitated down burying their bodies inside the mountain of stones.

The first group of creatures was finally defeated. Roselyn stood up from the floor, after her efforts her energies reduced drastically.

John reached her in a millisecond and pushed her in a near corner so she was sheltered from the ash and pebbles' precipitation. He then returned in front of the room's door keeping his head bowed trying not to be hit by the stones that kept falling.

New creatures arrived. They were faster than the previous ones and John deduced from their speediness and pointy ears that they could be werewolves. John groaned, whetting his claws. It was not the first time he fought against a pack of wolves.

When an omega reached him, the King turned the furry arm behind his back to immobilize him before slamming him on the ground. He bent over him and hit the werewolf's head against the near corner of the table, leaving him unconscious.

John felt his blood boiling through his veins, even if he hated to admit it to himself, his primal beastly side missed the fighting. He tilted his head from side to side clicking his back's bones as he gazed at the remaining werewolves with a challenging look on his face.

The wolves hesitated for few seconds, fearing John. His reputation was solid and they realized attacking him was a suicide.

One of them turned around and tried to run away changing his mind. The remaining of the pack decided to attack him together, maybe they would have more chances if they attacked him in four.

John gaze's traveled to each one of them, trying to figure out which one was the faster so that he could pay major attention to him rather than the other three. They were all betas so they were stronger than the previous one who he easily defeated. John groaned toward the wolf in the center which reached him few seconds before the rest of the pack.

The King disappeared and appeared in the opposite part of the room, the wolves remained frozen and puzzled looked around trying to find him. The slowest of the group groaned when he sniffed John's smell but it was too late. John already knocked it down with a strong punch in his torso, his lungs retreated. The creature snuggled as he was in excruciating pain.

The remaining three wolves groaned simultaneously and quickly reached John to push him strongly against the wall. Joan whimper at the stroke. He felt slightly dizzy when the impact against the wall reopened his wound.

John was fatigued, he breathed heavily, the werewolves kept scratching him and punching him.

Roselyn frowned when she watched the scene from behind. John was blooding from the torso, his wounds were deep and he barely managed to keep his eyes open.

Roselyn felt a pit in her stomach and anger blurred her sight. She stretched her hand and focused all the remaining energy in her body, she was willing to try her best to save John. The banshee felt her head aching in pain and her legs almost giving up yet she kept strong. A sudden odd heat wrapped her body, the werewolves' bodies slowly begin to inflame. She set them on fire.

The poor supernatural creatures tried to extinguish the fire by hitting their legs and torso multiple times but the fire kept feeding.

Roselyn reached John running, "are you alright?" she asked caressing his cheeks. Her husband nodded and placed on her lips a quick kiss. "Now I feel better."

Roselyn smiled at him and her cheeks blushed.. John pulled her gently away when he saw another creature attacking them.

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