Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 122 - Empty Sky

Chapter 122 - Empty Sky


When he turned around he saw a man wearing fancy adorned clothes and holding the hand of a child probably a few years younger than him. When his gaze fell on the child, his mouth opened in shock and disbelief, he couldn't believe in his eyes.

He shook his head vigorously as he guessed that maybe his vision was obfuscated and affected by his tiredness that can play a trick on the mind. But even after shaking his head and narrowing his eyes, the sight didn't change. The child he was looking at and who surprised him so much to question the truthfulness of his sight was almost identical to him.

He slowly took few steps forward, trying to remain down and hidden behind the trees' trunks. As he focused on his earring and his smell to try to understand why that child looked so similar to him.

"Dad, do you think I will be a good king one day?" the kid asked gazing up at his father with devotion and affection.

The man who was holding the child's hand kneeled on the soil to look straight into his son's eyes. A proud smile curved his lips as he nodded, "you will be the best King that Scotland never had."

The kid smiled before frowning his eyebrows, "but I don't want to be better than you, daddy."

"Your highness!" a feminine voice was heard from the gate and the young vampire turned around, his eyes glimpsed when he finally saw his mother.

"Mom!" he wanted to scream but his voice came out as a low whisper, his foot was stuck in the ground and he whimpered trying to lift his feet but something was impeding his tentative. His feet caved in the mud.

"Oh, no!" he cried out in desperation when he saw his mother walking back inside.

He agitated his legs but when he finally got free by leaving the only pair of shoes he had in the mud to run toward the gate, the door slammed close.

His eyebrow curved down and a disappointed miserable look colored his face. He grabbed the bars of the gate and shook them, then tried to rip them off and lastly tried to open them but he was too weak to get through the gate.

He let himself fell onto the ground as tears wet his face once again, running down his face and bloating his eyes. The child put his arms over his head and tried to rip his hair off in desperation. How could he survive alone? He was so close to finally meet his mother…

And who was the child who looked so identical to him? His head was spinning and his breath quickened, he began to desperate cry before he gave up to the heaviness of his eyes and fell asleep.

*after one hour*

"Son! Wake up!" The old maid looked around like if she was afraid to be seen by someone.

"Wake up! Oh God…" she complained as she rolled her eyes and was slapping the kid's heated cheeks multiple times trying to wake him up.

The kid slowly opened his eyes, his sight was blurred but the smell he inhaled was clear and unmistakable, it was his mother's smell!

"Mom! Mom!" He wrapped his arms around his mother's neck. But the old maid with a sneer of disgust slapped his son's arms.

"Don't touch me! You will dirt my clothes!" She scolded and the kid murmured an apology before quickly unwrapping his hands.

"What are you doing here?" His mother asked as she dragged him by his already ruined shirt in a corner not to be seen in case someone would watch through the window.

"Mom! I was looking for you!" The kid's voice seemed cheerful for the first time in his life and he tried to force himself not to hug his mother nor to touch her.

"Don't ever dare to come here again, you're such a disgrace!"

The kid knitted his eyebrows down confused, did he hear his mother right? What did he do wrong?

"Get away from me or I will kill you! You're my curse. It's your fault if William doesn't love me and didn't pick me!" The maid's voice was harsh and uneasy. She clenched her teeth and glowered at her son.

"But… I don't know what to d…" the kid stuttered, his voice was broken on the verge of crying. But her mother didn't feel pitiful for him.

"Did you see the child who looked like you?" She asked as she arched her eyebrows, the kid nodded hoping she would tell him something positive but the answer the woman gave soon drained any hope the kid had.

"The man is your father, he is the King of Scotland, and the kid who looks like you is the Prince. You are the black sheep, nobody loves you. Your father disowned you!"

"My father i-is t-the King?" The kid smiled with pride, he felt honored. He couldn't wait to meet his father and live in that enormous awesome castle.

His gaze traveled to stare at the castle and his eyes sparkled picturing how amazing it would be to live there.

"Yes, little grabber. But he doesn't care about you, John will be the future King of Scotland. Now go away before someone sees you! Begone!" The old maid pushed him away but the kid's face was even more puzzled.

"Mom?" He asked as tears filled his eyes. He would die if he remained alone, how come would his mother reject him?

"Stop calling me like that. Go or I will throw you to the wolves in the dungeons!" The maid scoffed resigned, before quickly walking toward the entrance door. She murmured some insults as she cursed him under her breath for having dirty his shirt with his hands.

The kid looked at his mother walking away in a desperate wish to see her turn around and open her arms to him, but her walk was steady and hasty. She didn't even hesitate to turn around.

He sighed a deep breath. The sun went down welcoming the darkness of the sky. The dense deciduous forest was scaring him even more during the night. He felt his legs would collapse at any minute. How could he come back home? He never took into consideration that his mother would refuse to see him and just the thought of crossing the forest was scaring him to death.

He looked up to the sky which was emptied of stars just like him emptied by feelings and wishes.. Alone like the moon in the sky, neglected by his parents.

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