Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 131 - Get In The Way

Chapter 131 - Get In The Way

"Sharon… you're a banshee?" Roselyn murmured still in disbelief and shock. She knew Sharon and how much she was obsessed with King John, why would she do all that just to harm him? Maybe for revenge? Roselyn was confused and so many doubts were filling her mind, doubting every minute she spent with her sister.

"Yes, Roselyn. I am, just like you." She said beginning to walk around her like a beast surrounding her victim waiting to attack. "The only difference is that I am probably ten times stronger than you and I had been improving and practicing my powers for years."

Roselyn couldn't lie to herself, she was so scared seeing how her powers reduced the poor sage and still seeing John and his brother in trace and hallucinating.

Sharon began to walk toward a door in the left and when she opened it, Roselyn peeked to see King William. He was tied to a metallic chain and wasn't unable to move or to talk for the bandage over his mouth.

"William!" Roselyn rushed toward that door but Sharon slammed it close right before Roselyn could reach it. She moved a finger and nodded no with her head.

"You see Roselyn. The reason why I wanted the King was not only because I am in love with him and not only because I want to be the Queen of Scotland. There's more, I also want to rule with him Kratez."

Roselyn frowned her eyebrows that seemed so crazy even to believe it and there were so many questions she wanted to ask Sharon that she didn't even know where to begin from.

"You knew I was a banshee?" Roselyn vociferated out one of the thousands of questions she had in her mind and Sharon nodded, "I knew you were since I found out I was too, but I never thought you would ever achieve a character growth to become one. Of course, by marrying the King you did." She said, subtly stating that if it wasn't for a man she would have never improved her character.

Roselyn was used to her lack of affection and her disrespect but now she wanted to know what was her true purpose, if she revived William she must have been planning something very huge and scary. Roselyn had a bad feeling about that.

"Are you the banshee who revived King William?" Roselyn asked, even if she was sure she was she still felt the need to hear it from her.

"Yes. Of course, I am. And I did it with a purpose," Sharon grinned with a devilish smile on her face. "Usually the humans who are poisoned by supernatural creatures would die and decompose on their own and fast so I knew nobody would suspect that someone would have revived him after noticing his absence."

She turned around toward John to gaze at him for few seconds before speaking again, "when I saw John was skeptical about love, I made a plan. I wanted to form a strong attachment with King William so that when he would have introduced me to John as the powerful fairy who saved his father's life he would have finally seen me for what I am."

Sharon's gaze darkened and her eyebrows narrowed, she took a long breath, "but then you arrived, I know about David, he told me. So now tell me the truth!" her voice raised in a yell. "Were you seeing each other secretly before and John was jealous of Lord David? Or was your marriage a false to cover up having harmed that silly David?"

Roselyn shook her head, was she really speaking seriously? Had she been planning that the whole time? Now it was all understandable and made sense, although in a crazy maleficent way. That was the reason why she was so obsessed with John because her purpose was not only Scotland but it was also the realm of Kratez. Why be a queen of a country when you can also be the Queen that rules a supernatural land?

"We are in love now that's all that matters," Roselyn said, and truthfully enough she really meant that. She would've never believed that thanks to an agreement she would find the man of her dreams and also fall in love.

Sharon laughed aloud, like if that was the best joke she ever heard and Roselyn frowned her forehead. Roselyn was losing her patience with her sister.

"Yes are you so deeply madly in love?" Sharon raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips, "If you love him that much then my plan will be successful."

"Y-y-your plan?" Roselyn stuttered blinking few times and swallowing hard afraid of what her sister might say.

Sharon walked toward Roselyn while nodding, she stroke her hair behind her ear and grinned gazing at her. "You have to leave him to me," she said raising an eyebrow.

Roselyn frowned her eyebrow, what did she mean? No way she was giving him up now that they would probably be able to have a happy ending together and especially after all they had gone through.

"I won't. Sharon, please stop with this immature behavior, I love…"

"I love him blah blah, he is the reason why I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face. He brought light to my boring life blah blah." Sharon joked with an annoying tone of voice that made Roselyn grow at her.

"Listen to me," Sharon said after taking a deep sigh, "If you don't leave him to me and step aside I will kill his father. If you leave I will save him." josei

Roselyn unconsciously widened her eyes, did she hear it right? Roselyn couldn't believe Sharon would do such a thing. Not that it wasn't predictable considering all the times she tried to get in their way. But killing an innocent person just to reach a purpose in life? That was insanity.

Roselyn shook her head, "you aren't seriously speaking. Are you?" her voice came out as peak, desperate and angry at the same time.

"I couldn't be more serious. I will do everything for love, dear sister. But will you do it too?" Sharon raised an eyebrow while looking at her upside down. "However, it's up to you, Rose. If you won't leave John to me, will you be able to bear the thought you were the cause of his father's death? And I am curious to find out if John will still love you so deeply when he discovers you were the one who decided to kill his father."

Sharon smirked, before chuckling. "It's very pathetic you thought you had a chance with him. But it's even more pathetically that you're gonna lose anyway."

Roselyn was speechless hearing what her sister said and the threat she dared to impose. She felt imprisoned unable to decide what to do. She turned around and saw both John and his brother still hallucinating, there was no one to ask help to. She was alone.

Roselyn's eyes filled with tears, "please don't…" she begged with a low broken voice.

"You are the one who dared to date him when you knew I loved him, it's time to leave him to me," Sharon commented tilting her head and folding her arms.

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