Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 133 - Come Back

Chapter 133 - Come Back

Sharon departed from the hug and offered a shy innocent smile when looking at King John with her head slightly bowed down. John turned around and when he saw the sage fell on the floor unconsciously, he widened his eyes.

"What happened to him?" he asked, with a hoarse tone of voice, knitting his brows down as he skeptically skimmed the body upside down.josei

"My powers were so strong that they had you two hallucinate. But he unlucky didn't make it, and the vision killed him..." Sharon took a long breath, placing a hand over her chest and assuming a sad facial expression.

"And Roselyn…?" John asked once again, hoping to receive a new answer more satisfying, the one he received left him doubtful. Just not seeing Roselyn near him was making him feel incomplete, he had never been distant from here since when they got closer, and maybe for that or maybe for the deep feeling he had for her he didn't like how it felt being alone anymore.

"Roselyn left, she said she couldn't bear that situation anymore. It was too much and she understood that maybe I will be the right girl for you." Sharon said and a hinted smirk curved her lips up.

She left him now and retreated when they finally found his father? John couldn't believe it, a shook his head took, narrowing his eyes. It couldn't be.

"Where did she go?" He asked, his eyebrow still knitted down as his gaze darted between the sage and Sharon.

"I don't know… but is it important now? Your father is alive." Sharon said pointing at his father, who offered him a smile when John turned around to gaze at him.

John nodded slightly, he was happy for his father but the whole situation seemed so odd, like if he had to give up to Roselyn just to have his father? Maybe he was just being paranoid, Rose had all the reasons to leave, after all their relationship and everything they went through it was understandable if she wanted to step back and decide to live a calm life m with someone.

At the end that was what Roselyn wanted and what

he promised her in the agreement, little did he knew so many things would have happened and would have hindered their path toward happiness.

John took a long breath to accept what happened and try to focus on his father now, so many concerns were haunting him mentally. He was worried about Roselyn, he didn't have the certainty she would successfully find the way out of Kratez's safe, so many creatures was free and if something happened to her, and after having found his father, he would lose her it would be such an excruciating pain to bear.

"I have to find her, she can't cross Kratez alone, it's too dangerous."

Sharon, hearing John's statement tried not to roll her eyes and forced a smile on her lips. With the fakest tone of voice she spoke, "yes, I am worried too. We should look for her and maybe she will explain to you why she decided to leave you."

John's mouth set in a hard line as he nodded, beginning to walk toward the exit of what once was his residence, he looked around in a desperate search for Roselyn.

"Rose!" he screamed aloud, flinching his head from side to side and turning around multiple times but he couldn't find her anywhere.

"Roselyn!!" Another scream, this time louder. Probably all the creatures around him heard him but he didn't care, he was willing to take the risk just to find his loved one.

"I don't understand, where could she be?" Sharon asked opening her arms widely.

The more he looked around the more he felt his hopes fade away and sadness hit him, the more he missed her so much. Did she leave him?

He clenched his fists as he was fighting back tears, he turned around to face the wall and punched it so strongly that the wall began to tremble and creak around the spot he hardly hit.

"John," his brother who was looking around trying to find Roselyn as well called him, when John glanced at him with tears shimmered in his eyes, "we will find her, I promise."

John smiled for the first time in a genuine way to his brother and took a long breath when staring at his fists bleeding from the strong punch he gave.

He ignored the blood coming out and went back to head toward the exit. When he finally exited he sniffed around trying to smell Roselyn's scent and as soon as he did, he turned in the opposite direction he was taking and began to run toward a pathway in the right direction.

His father was carried by John's brother to keep up with John's speediness while Sharon tried to run as fast as possible but she was hard keeping up with them.

Roselyn sat leaning her back on a three, hugging her legs and bowing her forehead against her knees.

"Rose!" John called her and his eyes shined with joy when a smile appeared on his face.

He ran toward her to embrace her but Roselyn quickly stood up and took few steps backward. She gazed at William alive and she remembered her sister's threat, her eyes thinned and sadness filled her gaze.

"Rose..." John's tone of voice was miserable and his lips' corners curved down. Roselyn kept her gaze set on the floor because she knew that if she looked at him in the eyes either John would read that she was still loving him or she would burst into tears.

She traveled her gaze toward William and smiled to him widely, "I am glad you're alive your highness."

King William smiled at her, even though he didn't know who she was but from the way his son's eyes shined when looking at her he imagined she must be someone really important to him.

"Roselyn… come back." John's voice broke assuming a pleading tone of voice.

"I can't..." Roselyn murmured.

Sharon reached them out of breath and cleared her voice seeing Roselyn holding his hand.

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