Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 137 - Tulips

Chapter 137 - Tulips

"You should be grateful to me for having saved your father," Sharon said after making sure John entered his room and then glancing at Ethan.

"Something tells me you didn't do it with good purposes so I am not. And just to let you know, I am not grateful to anybody but myself." He replied knitting his eyebrows down and then turning around.

"As soon as William will be fine again and John will be less vulnerable they will leave you just like they did before. You are so desperate if you believe they will take into consideration keeping you and form a happy family." Sharon stated with a slight grin on her face.

Ethan turned around again to face her, he giggled and scanned her upside down. "Desperate? The only desperate person I see here is you if you think John will still degn you of a glance when Roselyn will be back."

Sharon shrugged, "that remains to be seen," she said smiling and tilting her head. "Goodnight.".

She headed toward a room that was destroyed in thousands of pieces, but once inside she reached the corner and she stretched her hand to give life to an expanse of flowers soft enough that she laid on there and be comfortable.

Ethan went to lay over the floor, he was used to sleeping on the most uncommon and most uncomfortable places and he didn't mind a cold marble floor. Meanwhile, John was in his father's room, watching him fell asleep in a deep sleep.josei


The sun rose, birds began chirping and Roselyn slowly opened her eyes, her body was aching, she felt like most of the bones in her body broke into millions of pieces, and at even the most minimal movement she took it was an entrusting pain. She thought she died after her sister's attack but somehow she didn't.

However, the pain she felt was as if she was hit by thousandsof bullets, that penetrated her skin and like if dozens of snakes squeezed around her so hard that her organs moved from their normal position.

She decided not to move, since the pain she felt was so unbearable, she remained sitting on the floor. And gripped over the ground, trying to remain awake because she knew from her visions that if she gave up she would die. So she looked up to the sun, shining high in the sky, she felt the heat its rays emanated and brushed over her skin, and its energy infiltrated inside her somehow giving her more energy and helping the healing process of her body.

After few hours, when she finally succeeded to assume a seat position, she gazed on the ground as she crossed her legs. She saw a little bosom on the ground and she smiled, she touched it with her fingers and it slowly bloomed and like magic, a pink tulip grew.

She slightly turned around and ran her hand over the rest of the ground, from where bloomed dozen or more tulips each one of a different color.

Roselyn smiled, it was weird but seeing the flowers growing at her touch cheered her up and reminded her of the day John and she shared their first kiss on a field full of tulips. A thrill made her widen her eyes and smile hugely, she stood up but regretted having done so as soon as her bones ached for the sudden fast movement. She bore the pain and walked toward the remaining of a broken tree trunk, she ripped off part of the bark.

She placed her hand over the piece of wood and closed her eyes, a few holes appeared inside it then she placed on it some tulips, She squeezed her eyes and kept focusing, the steams of the tulips grow around the holes recreating the image Roselyn pictured inside her mind.

When she opened her eyes she succeeded in her purpose, she wanted to create a written over the piece of wood, and she did it.

Over trunk there was a steam of tulip that crossed toward the holes until it created a message, 'see you there -R" the space available was limited and those were the only words she managed to fit in there, then she tied near the R few tulips. Hoping John would understand that Roselyn was giving him an appointment in the field of flowers where they first kissed.

Now she had to think about how to give him that message. She could grow plants around the castle but Sharon would find out soon enough and would kill her once for all. She could go to her other sister Abigail but that option seemed very negative as soon as the idea occurred in her mind.

The last idea she had was the riskiest one but also the only plausible, she had to regain energy before.

She wanted to link with John's brother, she remembered how easily he linked with her and was almost killing her. So maybe now she could use it in her favor and when linked with him ask him to reach her and give it to John. Another doubt occurred in her mind, she wasn't fully certain he would help her, she wasn't fully trusting him.

But that was the only option, Roselyn laid down on the ground and closed her eyes trying to absorb all the sun rays that penetrated her body and slowly but effectively healed her.

One more hour passed when she had regained almost all her energies and was willing to try to link with John's brother now.

Roselyn closed her eyes, picturing him in the wood, trying to remember how his body was shaped, trying to focus on his mind and when her vision darkened an electric stroke ran toward her veins she realized she linked. However soon enough her energies began to drain, her legs were almost giving up. She kept narrowing her eyes. "I am Roselyn I need your help I am in the wo-"

Her linking stopped and she fell over the ground, her legs still shaking, and a strong headache pulsed through her temples. Maybe she shouldn't have linked too soon, the only thing she hoped now was that John's brother received her message. She laid down the floor, massaging her legs that were so tired and heavy even to move.

"I love you so much, John.." A whisper escaped from her lips when she let her head fell over the ground, her heavy eyes had the best over her efforts and she fell into a deep sleep.

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