Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 267 - Call Someone!

Chapter 267 - Call Someone!

"I wonder if it's my mother..." Roselyn murmured, but when she heard the voice coming out her mouth she realized she unconsciously vociferated her thought.

"Maybe it's your father. What do you remember about him?" John asked dragging a chair and sitting close to Roselyn.

The maids in few seconds left to give the couple some privacy and started the usual cleaning the house.

Roselyn looked thoughtful while she creased her forehead and rested her chin on her hand.

"I only remember he was a good father but he was rarely at home. He was always leaving for work." Roselyn replied, her mind was processing the thought he may be a banshee.

"Male banshees are very rare so maybe that could be the reason for his constant traveling. Maybe he wasn't traveling but he was hiding from being discovered." John observed making Roselyn nod, all of a suddenly her entire childhood made sense.

That would also explain why Abigail was a human while Roselyn and Sharon inherited his magical gene.

"However, that belongs to the past, we only have to focus on present and future now," John stated reading her questionably gaze.

"Yes," Roselyn replied even if her voice wasn't fully sure.

After finishing her meal Roselyn stood up to walk toward her room, her days in those two weeks of pregnancy had been quite the same. Laying down all day or going for a slow walk and then eat a lot and rest the whole day.

They hadn't talked about the sex of the child anymore, both of them ignored the matter as they were concerned that may be a practical matter to discuss now. They preferred to enjoy the pregnancy instead of stressing about it, also because whether it was a boy or not they wouldn't let that get in the middle of their now so perfect relationship.

Ethan meantime was still with the snakes, he had referred them John had enlarged his squad so that they would be prepared for it.

He then talked to the protector who offered him a very intriguing deal, if Ethan helped them they would keep him in the command when they will get over the entire planet.

Ethan despite he didn't forget about the amnesty he had and about his past decided he would stop looking for answers, according to his thought that was wasting both energy and precious time he would spend on more useful things.

He even made sure to help the snakes by practicing with them and telling them some of John's weak points he discovered during the years he spent spying on him and when he fought against him.

Not to raise suspicion with his father when he returned to the castle he always brought an animal so that he would have the excuse he went for haunting. However, his father didn't even take into account the chance his son may be lying to him as he trusted him so much that he would put his arms onto the fire for him.

The day of the battle was always closer and both John and Ethan increased their training, none of them wanted to lose.


"Call someone!!" Abigail screamed when her water broke, sweats' drops falling over her pale forehead as she narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists in pain. The vampire baby wanted to come, there was no time to waste.

Victor was panicking, he had never attended the birth of a baby before and he didn't know who to call or how to call them since he didn't want to let his wife alone in such a complicated time.

Moreover, they were living in the village so they didn't know many supernatural creatures there who could help.

"I should go to John and ask him to call us a doctor but I can't leave you alone," Victor said as his eyes were widened with fear and his hands were shaking for the agitation.

"Go call him!" Abigail screamed as she grabbed her belly. Victor nodded, still agitated and in a panic about the entire situation.

He speeded outside the door and then to Kratez where lucky he met John in the middle of a wood, he was practicing his vision in the dark and monitoring the surrounding.

"John!" Victor halted in front of John who joined not expecting to see his cousin there.

"I need a doctor! Abigail is going to give birth!" Victor only said that in a breath before he speeded back to Kratez leaving John took a deep breath before he went to one of his old acquaintance's houses.

After about a few minutes John and the doctor reached Victor's house.

As soon as John's friend saw Abigail he already understood she was a vampire and she was going to give birth, "bring wet towels." He said to Victor who soon listened to his order as the doctor went to open Abigail's legs spreader and removed her dress.

"I have to advise you, not many vampires survive giving birth." He said, having John held his breath preoccupied for Abigail but at the same time also for Roselyn knowing she would be the next.

"All I care is my baby will make it," Abigail said between her shortened fatigued breath. Her body was dipped in sweat.josei

Victor came back with the towels and headed it to the doctor who placed those under Abigail's legs and hips.

"Now you have to push as strongly as you can and at the same time use all your energy. It may drain fully your energy but I want you to stay strong even if the pain will be so excruciating." The doctor explained as Abigail nodded.

"Now Abigail, take deep breaths and start pushing as soon as I tell you to do so." The doctor recommended as John walked closer to her and held her hand from one side while Victor took her other hand.

John and Victor exchanged an understanding gaze probably willing to help her to push with their supernatural powers.

The doctor placed both his hands over Abigail's knees. "You can go push!"

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