Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 342 - Cry All My Tears

Chapter 342 - Cry All My Tears

As the days passed by John and Roselyn forgot about the potential danger and started to go out normally.

Felicity learned to control her powers better and she came back to school.

Elijah asked her to learn every kid's name to hear if any of them had the same name as Sebastian's parents.

After daily research asking everyone their names, Felicity figured out none of them was correlated to Sebastian.

When she told Elijah the news he sighed, he probably knew it wouldn't be so easy. He thanked her sister had decided that the only thing to do was to speed in the village and read every ring bell searching for the names.

Elijah's powers improved as well day by day and that made him so happy that motivated him to practice even more.

Maybe he wasn't different from the other guys maybe his body only took longer to adapt and to grow stronger.

The most important thing was that he was improving now, even if it was later than the other vampires his age or younger.

Roselyn also started to train again, on her own, when Felicity was at school and Elijah was practicing with John or out with Sebastian.

She wanted to be ready in case someone attacked her.

Even if everything seemed to be just right and fixed, the situation was going to deteriorate soon.

William was sick in bed for days, but he ordered the maids and begged Sebastian not to tell John about that.

He knew that if John heard about that he would move to the castle and try his best to help him feel better.

William already called every doctor in the village to visit him but each one of them gave a different diagnosis of what was wrong with him so he figured out it was probably old age.

Sebastian was keeping William company the entire day, the thought of losing him harassed him day and night. Even if William already told him that in case something happened to him one of the maids will adopt him, Sebastian couldn't even process with his mind the idea that his eyes filled with tears.

William was the father he always wanted and spending every day with him was such a blessing that he thanked God every night before he fell asleep.

One night, when William was so sick that he coughed multiple times, his skin got paler and he barely could keep his eyes open. Sebastian begged the maids to call John, it was too late for them to get to Kratez and although they didn't admit it they were also very scared to enter a land habituated by supernatural creatures.

Sebastian on the contrary was more scared to lose William so he decided to get there anyway. He waited for the maids to get in their rooms and then he quietly sneaked out, he borrowed some money and when he met a carriage he asked the coachman to give him a lift.

The coachman was hesitant but when he recognized who he was he immediately changed his approach and welcomed him inside.

Sebastian ran out of the coachman and reached John's house running as fast as he could.

He leaned on the door and began to knock on it vigorously, "John! John!" He shouted. The night was dark and the wind began to blow strongly, so he screamed even louder.

The fear of meeting some creatures was immense and he could hear his heart bombarding in his chest.

Until, finally, he heard the noise of the key turning and John opened the door.

"William is sick! Very sick!" John widened his eyes, he didn't even bother dressing up, he hugged the kid and then speeded away.

In some seconds they returned to the castle, John walked in slamming the door. He was so furious that his steps on the ground thundered all over the rooms waking up the maids.

"Why didn't you tell me my father was sick?" He screamed to the maids as soon as he heard their rooms unlocking.

"Where is him?" His gaze darted to Sebastian but before he answered John already followed his dad.

William heard his entrance and smiled at him, "they didn't tell you because I ordered them so."

His voice was as low as a whisper.

"How are you?" John asked holding his hand and caressing his father's cheek which was dimmed in a cold sweat.

"I am growing old son."

John sighed, he knew that time would have come but he wished it would be later. A little side of him also wished and hoped one day for some reason he would become immortal.

He even considered turning him but John knew William wouldn't accept that, and he was way too old for his body to recover.

"What can I do for you? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" John asked, one of his hands holding his father's hand and the other one was still on his face caressing it.

"Just stay here," William replied smiling with trembling lips.

Sebastian joined them in the room, he shyly walked in, "I had to call John, I was too worried." He admitted in a sigh.

"It's fine," William smiled.

John spent the night with his father, sleeping on the chair at the edge of the bed holding his hand while Sebastian slept in the bed next to him.

When they woke up John whispered to Sebastian he was going to bring their breakfast, and he nodded.

He looked at William smiling, in admiration and love. He had never met a person as good as him and he always thought God knew what he was doing when he gave the realm such an amazing King like William.

When John came back in the room with a trail filled with food for the three of them Sebastian glanced at him as if the best idea he had ever had popped in his mind.

"You can turn him." He said, with a joyful voice that John's heart skipped a beat when he met his hopeful gaze and his eyes narrowed for the sadness.

John wished he could do that but he didn't want to feel responsible for his father's death.

John shook his head, he placed the trail on the bedside table and sighed walking closer to Sebastian. His hand brushed on his cheek, "Sebastian, I wish I could do that but he is already so weak. His body wouldn't be able to recover for the turning."

Sebastian's eyes filled with tears, his heart crushed in thousands of pieces and like glass, they fell on his chest.

"I …" his voice broke and he didn't even say a word that tears ran down his face. His cheeks reddened and a lump formed in his throat.

"I had already lost one father I don't want to lose him too."

John tried his best not to cry as well, those words penetrated in him as if those were knives cutting his skin sharply.

His heart stopped in his chest and he could feel a tight of melancholy rising through his throat. He swallowed down and took a long breath.

"I know…" John said, flinching away from Sebastian's gaze, the more he looked at him the more the idea of losing his father sank in his heart and ripped it slowly.

"I don't want to lose him either," John whispered. He had also lost him once, and God only knew how hard it would be for him to lose him forever this time.

William opened his eyes, his gaze traveled on Sebastian who quickly waved his tears off, and then on John, who although wasn't crying was just as devastated.

"Oh God, you're already acting like I am dead." William hinted a smile amused, he had the particular of never taking things too seriously, or at least not showing it.

He truly didn't seem much concerned about it.

They had breakfast together and talked about random things like Felicity's school or Sebastian's sewing skills.josei

It was like William purposely avoided talking about his health and his condition.

John came back home after a few more hours, everyone in the family was awake and concerned, wondering where he had been.

When John told them the reason behind his absence the silence fell in. Roselyn knew how much John loved his father and how hard it was for him to say goodbye and accept death. That was something his mind couldn't process.

"I am sorry." She said walking closer to John and spreading her arms widely to hug him.

John caressed Roselyn's back and closed his eyes as he tucked his head on her shoulder, melting in her embrace.

"I should move there for a while…" John whispered, although Roselyn deeply inside didn't want to leave him or not see him for days he knew William needed his son more than John's family needed him right now.

Roselyn nodded, "yes, you should." She murmured.

Elijah and Felicity went to hug him as soon as Roselyn departed from the hug.

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