Love in the Limelight

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

News of Doctor Astrid’s graduation quickly climbed to the top of the Twitter trending list

The comments were a mix of everything praise, crazy declarations of love, and of course, a tiny bit of hate.

“Beauty and brains? So jealous!”

“Suddenly feel like I’m not worthy to be your fan!”

“This is what a real mix of beauty and brains looks like, huh?”

“Some old dude tweets about it, and everyone just believes she graduated with a Ph.D. at 22? Who knows if it was really Edmund who tweeted? Everything can be faked these days. What’s so hard about faking a Ph.D. certificate?”

“I don’t buy it. The date on the diploma is three years ago. She was 19 then. So she graduated when she was 19, not this year!”

“This is definitely a publicity stunt! Only idiots would believe this is true.”

“If it were true, her team would’ve hyped up this prodigy image of hers by now. Why would they wait until someone else reveals her fake credentials to mention her


These negative comments so pissed off Gracie that she couldn’t help but cuss, “These people are freaking idiots. Does someone of Edmund’s stature need to lie? Do they not allow others to have higher intelligence just because they have lower intelligence themselves?”

“And a publicity stunt? Does Astrid need one?”

“These haters!” Gracie was so mad she wanted to smash her phone, but she turned to see Astrid still sucking on a lollipop and playing games. Gracie couldn’t sit still any longer, “Aren’t you going to see what they’re saying about you? You can actually play games at a time like this?”

“I’m not money; I can’t please everyone. You find all sorts of information on the internet. It’s normal for an actress like me to get criticized.” Astrid’s fingers flew across her screen.

“You’re just going to let them talk smack?” Gracie really wanted to tweet back at these haters. But she was Astrid’s assistant now, and any slip could affect Astrid. So, she had to keep her anger in check.

Astrid finally glanced up, “Each diploma has a unique number. You can use that to verify whether it’s real or fake. Some media outlet would’ve checked by now.”

“News outlets will send people to check at the school for first–hand information. The truth will come out eventually. You said it yourself; they’re haters; they won’t believe anything I say. So why waste my breath?”

Gracie: “…”

“Even so..” Gracie said as she scrolled through the trending topics. She suddenly gasped, “Oh my god, are you a psychic? You were right! Someone did check your diploma, and it’s legit!”

“They even interviewed your classmates, who confirmed that you were an excellent student when you were at school; I can’t believe it!”


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