Love Is Fair

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 57

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 57

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 57

Chapter 057 Would Love Disappear After hearing Owen out, Matthew was in a daze. He found it hard to believe. “You mean, Hailey married you and took care of you for three years to repay you? For your rescue in Groyfast?” Owen hummed. It should be the case. “My goodness.” Matthew came to his senses, but his eyes were still filled with astonishment. “This sounds dramatic. In modern times, a girl repays her benefactor through marrying him?” “It’s not all requital.” Owen’s eyebrows furrowed. For some unknown reason, he didn’t want to ascribe their marriage to requital. He then shared Ryker’s remark with his friend.

Matthew had his father’s tea to get over the shock. When Owen told him that Hailey had a crush on him for ten years, he spat out the tea. Old Mr. Holland, who got tea all over his face, was pissed off. He used his stick to drive his son out of the room.

Matthew rushed out and closed the door. He was still choked up. “For real?

Hailey had a crush on you for ten years? You’re not delusional, are you?”

Owen pursed his thin lips and said solemnly, “I’m not narcissistic, nor would I joke with such a thing.”

“That’s true. Still, it’s incredible.” Matthew returned to his room and poured himself a glass of wine. “So, you’ve got the answer. What are you going to do? I have to remind you that this may be just your speculation. Do you have


“That’s where I need your help with.” Owen had planned to relearn the computer and looked into it himself. Now he could not wait any longer. He was dying to know the truth.

Matthew had a headache as he remembered Hailey’s computer skills that he had seen with his own eyes. “It’s not that I don’t want to help, but I may not necessarily beat that girl.”

“What do you mean?” Owen was alert and perspicacious as well, “Is Hailey also

good at it?”

At such a point, Matthew decided to tell him the truth. “She is professional, and I believe her skills match mine. You tried to check her profiles but failed, didn’t

you? I was in the car and witnessed how she frustrated your effort.” Owen was stunned. So, it was Hailey who had called him a loser and given him the finger the other day? His ex-wife who seemed to know nothing? “Shocking, eh? I freaked out and thought I was hallucinating.” Matthew finally found someone to share the secrets he had kept. His dull buddy had been in the dark

“That’s not the only thing. Your ex-wife, Ms. Newman, is not only a master hacker but also a top chef! Remember Gail Clayton, the chef of the national banquet? We had his dishes once, and I tried to poach him. He turned me down and claimed that he was going to study. Guess who was he studying under? Hailey! He called Hailey a teacher and said that all his skills came from her. Can you believe that?” Matthew gibbered, “I’ve never had food cooked by

Hailey before and doubt it. She promised to cook for me when she is in a good mood. Now my mouth is watering.”

Owen’s heart was in his throat. These things about Hailey had never been seen

in her, but he somehow could imagine it. He pressed his hand against the glass so forcefully that his knuckles turned white. He was like trying to hold onto something. She had fooled him. She was not only a daughter of the Newman family. She was a master hacker and a top chef.

He had been completely in the dark. He itched to fly to Hailey immediately, hold

her shoulders, and question her. Why had she been disguising herself? Why wouldn’t she tell him that she was that girl? “I’m going back to Poya. Send me her phone number. I’m going to ask her

about everything!” Owen dismissed the idea of going on with the investigation since Hailey was capable of keeping certain things from him. Her computer skills were better. What could he do?

For the first time in his life, he loved and hated a woman. In front of her, he was all helpless. This kind of feeling was driving him crazy.

Hailey, who was driving nuts by her ex-husband, was on her way home. With her

eyes closed, she leaned on the seat, contemplating Brook’s analysis of the situation and Matthew’s concern. The best solution available now was to get Mazedew Group involved in this project.

Business and private feelings should be separated. It had been her way of I doing things. She shouldn’t make an exception for Owen. She sighed lightly, opened her eyes, and rolled down the window. She looked at the vast darkness outside and felt the cool evening breeze. Deep down, she was feeling uneasy. It was water under the bridge, but it took time to get over a person she had truly

loved. So far, she still couldn’t forget that day from ten years ago. They were fighting side by side. She was lying in his arms. His face was resolute while his arms were warm and firm.

She asked him with a smile, “Sir, may I know your name? You saved me, and I will repay you when I grow up.” He replied, “My name is Owen. You don’t have to repay me. Just live.”

A forlorn smile tugged at her mouth. Hailey murmured a poem, “Long gone are the days when we first met. The present is the painted fan left forlorn by summer. How is it that promises are so easy to forget while you glibly accuse the heart as the denier?”

The midnight oath you made on the mountain echoed as a mockery on this rainy night. Even the emperor was a greater man in deed when he endeavored to keep his love alive.

People would grow old. Hearts would change. Love would disappear.

Hailey returned to the Garden of Rose and entered the house. Eve and Ava were having dinner in the kitchen. At the sight of her, they got up. “Hailey, you’re back.” The two looked well-behaved.

Hailey hummed and glanced at them. Ava and she hadn’t seen each other for years. The girl looked different in person than in the surveillance video. She looked thinner and frailer. The three of them were about the same age. Eve was one year younger than Hailey, and Ava was one year younger than Eve. They were on good terms when they were little and unwealthy. What had changed them? “Did you have dinner?” Ava looked at her and asked primly, “Would you like to dine with us?”

“It’s okay. I’ve had dinner.” Hailey’s attitude was bland. She didn’t bother to fake enthusiasm. “Stay as long as you like and keep Eve company. She is too

lonely.” She then laid her eyes on Eve. “Today is the second day. Come to my study after dinner. I’ll review your work. Don’t forget to bring the ruler. Ava, you’ll come along.” Eve swallowed her pride, nodding and saying yes along with Ava. Deep down, she was full of resentment. I’ll endure this for now! Wait and see. I’ll make you pay for the humiliation today!

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