Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Plotting

It was later at night and heavy rain. After Walter received Maria’s call, he quickly rushed to the agreed hotel.

They often meet here.

It was just that, this time he came very unwillingly.

“Stop drinking!” Walter grabbed the wine glass and sighed helplessly. In one breath, he drank all the wine in the glass.

“Why not? My career, my life is about to be ruined. What else can I do besides drinking?” Maria asked, then grabbed Walter’s tie as she drank.

Her voice was unusually languid, “Don’t you miss the past at all? Now Justin is back, our good have come to an end!”

“Wake up!” Walter pulled her hand away.

“Do you still want to pretend?” Maria asked. “Don’t you understand why Director Carter prepared such a grand welcome ceremony for Justin tomorrow? The Artist Director’s position had been vacant for five years. She had been waiting for Justin to return. You and I are just clowns who are not worth mentioning!”

Walter took half step back and picked up Maria’s bag from the bed. “You are drunk. I will send you back.”

“Go back? I won’t! Walter, you should wake up now. When Justin becomes an Artist Director, will the Aorai still have a place for us? Melinda trusted him the most.” Maria laid on the bed with a mocking

smile on her face.

But although she was wrong, what she said was right.

After so many years, the shadow of that accident had never disappeared.

“It was us who exposed his relationship with Rachel that cause such a tragedy… It was us who spilt his resources equally. Do you think he will let us go when he comes back?”

“So, you asked me to…”

“We have to do it first!” Maria smiled and said, “I have already though it through. As long as we work together and discuss with Director Carter, she will definitely weigh the pros and cons. If she is really determined to protect Justin, then I will take my artist and leave.”

“How long have you been planning?”

Walter calmed down and looked coldly at the woman in front of him.

Justin suddenly came back. It did not take long, but Maria dared to say these words to him tonight. It meant that she had already taken action. Even if it was not for Justin, she would have betrayed Melinda sooner or later.

“You don’t need to care about that. I just want to ask you something. Do you want to cooperate with me or stay in Aorai and be slowly tortured to death by Justin?”

They had accumulated a lot of resources in the Aorai over the past few years. If all the artists were taken away, the strength of the Aorai would be greatly reduced. It was impossible for Melinda not to consider it. Moreover, Justin did not have any artists under him.

Judging from this, their chances of winning were very high.

Maria saw that he was silent and sneered, “Tomorrow morning, before the welcome ceremony, let’s go and talk to Director Carter. What do you think?”

Her hand was on Walter’s neck, displaying her womanly charm to her heart’s content.


Their plan seemed flawless, but who told them that Justin did not have any artist under him?

Maria wanted to stand out, but she chose the path, she should not have taken.

The next morning, they walked to Aorai’s main door together and went straight to Melinda’s office.

Melinda saw them appear together and felt a little strange. She put down the document in her hand and looked at them. “Is something the matter?”

“Director Carter, I’m here to resign.” Maria smiled and placed the resignation letter on the table.

At the same time, Walter also suggested, “Me too.”

Melinda’s face darkened and she paused for a few seconds, “What are you guys doing?”

“Director Carter, we know you value Justin. You spent a lot of effort to invite him back, but… the things that happened to us in the past, he still misunderstood us until now. If he officially enters the company, the three of us will be very embarrassed, so we are willing to leave.”

Melinda looked at them in disbelief and paused for a long time before saying. “You guys are threatening me?”

“It’s not a threat. Director Carter, we have followed you for so many years and we do not want anything. We only hope that the company is getting better, but if Justin comes back…” Maria said halfway and revealed a faint smile.

“Walter, this is also what you think. You also want to go against Justin?” Melinda was clearly a little disappointed.

Walter’s eyes darkened a little. He nodded.

Maria became even more proud of herself. “Yesterday, I fought for the role of Director Clerk’s movie for Clara, but Justin got in the way and stole the role. I don’t know what expectation the company has for him, but if all the colleagues in the company want to compete with each other like this, I really can’t stay here. I don’t want the artists in my hand to have such an awkward life.”

“I sincerely congratulate him on returning to Aorai but I chose to leave with my artists.”

Melinda coldly raised her eyes and looked at Maria.

She just said her artist?

It was extremely ridiculous. When did the artist of Aorai become her?

Melinda was already on verge of losing her temper, but due to the welcoming ceremony in the afternoon, she did not throw the two resignation letter on their faces.

The atmosphere was very depressing.

“Alright, I know what you mean. Let’s go back first. I will give you a satisfactory answer.”

Melinda ordered them to leave. Maria and Walter looked at each other and walked out of the office together.

“I am right. The artists in our hands are enough for Melinda to consider whether it is worth it for Justin to go back to Aorai.”

Maria became even more arrogant. “Just wait. The welcome ceremony in the afternoon is about to turn into a dismissal ceremony.”

Walter recalled Melinda’s expression and felt something was not right.

Melinda did not agree or disagree. Would she really be trifled with by their threats and give up on Justin?

In the office, Melinda sneered. It was because she was too kind that these people were so arrogant and wanted to take all the artists of Aorai away.

On the other side, Arya had already prepared for the welcoming ceremony in the afternoon. novelbin

She was wearing a long dress that was personally sewn by the famous Italian designer Owen. The golden-pink dress was as graceful as the tail of a fish. The hook design on her collarbone made her skin appear even whiter. Her long hair was loose and only made a simple curly hair. Coupled with the think makeup on her red lips, there was a unique charm to it.

But unlike the gentle and quiet in the past, she was more like a queen today.

Her beauty was was like a whirlpool of gravity that made people involuntarily fall for her.

Allen reached out and hugged her slim waist, reluctantly letting out a kiss on her ear. “Come back early.”

Arya blinked and deliberately asked, “Do you prefer me to dress like this?”

“I love everything about you.” Her sincerely praised and personally escorted her to the car.


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