Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Lifetime Promise

Arya’s eyes swept over the necklace and earrings and looked at the wedding rings.

WM’s manager smiled and picked it up for her. “This pair of wedding rings was especially custom-made for that guest’s wife. He said that only they know the meaning of this pair of rings.”

“This kind of unique carving technique can only be made by our company. Together with South African diamonds, the sincerity hidden in this pair of rings cannot be measured by price.”

Arya held it in her hand and looked at it. There were even letters carved into it.

The pattern was exactly the same as the one on her bracelet!

This could not be a coincidence. She took a deep breath and her hand trembled slightly as he picked up the card in the jewelry box. novelbin

“This can’t be…” Luna curiously moved closer. When she saw the words on the card, she was stunned. “He ordered this?”

God, this is too romantic!

The purple printed card only had simple words on it.

“May my heart accompany you for the rest of your life, AM.”

Arya’s eyes were strained with tears. She looked at the card for a long time and murmured in a low voice. “I have received your feelings.”

This was a lifetime promise.

Luna was also happy and moved for Arya at this time. Her marriage was not something a marriage certificate could prove. The two of them truly loved each other. Just as Luna was about to congratulate her, a figure walked into the dressing room.

Luna patted Arya’s shoulder. “Your male lead is here.”

It was not the male lead of a movie, but Arya’s exclusive male lead.

Listening to Luna’s words, Arya turned her head to look at the door.

Allen was wearing a handmade brown suit, revealing an especially intimidating temperament.

Luna quickly left with the makeup artist, leaving them alone.

Arya stood up from the chair. Her sweet feeling spread in her heart. “Why didn’t you tell me there was such a surprise?”

Allen took out a delicate red rose from behind and knelt on one knee in front of Arya.

“I’m sorry for letting you wait for too long. There are some things that I should have done a long time ago. In this life, my heart only belongs to you. This pair of rings is also my promise to you.”

“Our marriage is not for outsiders to see, but I also want to give you everything you deserve.”

Arya could not help but cover her eyes with tears. She helped Allen up and said emotionally. “Your love for me made me the happiest woman in the world. Marrying you is really good.”

Allen held her in his arms.

The two of them embraced each other and exchanged the rings. “This is not the ring you’re going to take a photo later. The ring that WM custom-made doesn’t seem to be related to the ring. Only when they’re put together will they be a pair.”

So even if Allen and Arya wore it together, there would not be any problems.

In addition, she was not the spokesperson of WM, so it was logical her to wear this brand’s jewelry.

“So beautiful…” Arya’s slander fingers were even prettier because of the ring’s decoration.

“You still have to shoot later. I’ll be leaving first.” Allen smiled gently. He kissed her gently on the back of her hand and walked out.

Seeing Allen leave, Luna returned to the dressing room.

“Looking at your happy face, I am really happy for you…” Luna was already moved to tears outside. She watched Arya walk all the way until today. She saw all the pain Arya had suffered.

“Now you guys are wearing the world’s unique wedding ring together. No matter where you are, you can remember each other and wait. One day your relationship will be made public and this pair of rings will also become the best souvenirs.”

Arya took off the ring and gave it to Luna to take care of it.

“Is it going to start?”

There was already the sound of staff preparing outside.

“Yes, everyone is ready, but Oliver is not here.” Luna felt that he did it a purpose.

“However, I don’t think he will succeed so easily today. Director Cole is not someone who will take it easy. If Oliver cause too much trouble, Director Cole will not tolerate it.”

Luna boldly guessed. “There is also possibility of changing the male lead on the spot.”

“But if Oliver was replaced, we would not be able to find a suitable male lead for the time being. The male actors that are selected are not particularly suitable.” Justin was a little worried.


Arya suddenly had a bold idea. Although she had not said it out loud, it was enough.

On the other side, Oliver was lying on the sofa in the villa watching TV and chewing gum in boredom.

He saw his manager run in anxiously and snorted impatiently. “What’s wrong now?”

“Oliver, are you really not going to shoot the WM commercial? I heard the director and Arya are ready. It’s not too late for us to go over now.” The manager tried to persuade Oliver in a low voice.


Oliver frowned. He had a bad temper. “My dad used money to sponsor me to shoot commercials. I can go if I want to. No one can invite me, if I don’t want to! The last time Arya ignored me, I wanted to let her know that I am not someone she can afford to offend.”

“A small actress dares to throw her face at me. Who is she?”

“In this industry, without background and money, she still wants to be famous? In her dreams.”

“Oliver…” The manager wanted to persuade him, but when he saw Oliver’s face darkened, he did not dare to say anything. “I know. Then I will go and tell them.”

According to Oliver, the manager made up an excuse and told WM and Director Cole’s assistant that Oliver was indeed not feeling well and could not be present.

Director Cole’s time was also very tight. Today was especially free to work for WM, but he met such a big shot male lead.

“What do you mean? Do you still want to use such an uncultured actor? If you insist on waiting for him to arrive, I’ll leave.”

“Director Cole, Oliver’s father, CEO Chen, is…”

“I don’t care who his father is. This is a job that has already been signed. We have to follow the rules.”

Director Cole insisted. WM had no choice but to send someone to contact Oliver.

However, after Oliver knew what the director meant, not only was he not in hurry, he even smiled indifferently. “This old man doesn’t understand, so don’t blame me. I’m not going to this commercial today.”

“Find whoever you want, but I won’t accept his scenes in the future!”

“Alright then.” The manager really had no choice, but to follow his instructions. Oliver’s father’s assets were there. Who would dare to oppose the crown prince?

He was trembling with fear and said that Oliver was indeed not feeling well.

This time, Director Cole was angry. “I have never seen such a powerful star. Replace him!”

“But Director, there is really no suitable candidate for male artiste. Even if there is, we might not be able to start filming immediately if we make an appointment at the last minute. Why don’t we talk to Oliver again?”

“The WM department also values this shooting. If someone is sent here, they might not be satisfied.”


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