Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Hype

Such comments easily incited the hearts of the fans. It was as if he had encountered a great grievance.

In addition, the average age of his fans group was relatively young. The fans all felt sad for their idols and felt injustice for him.

The fans found out through the public account that he had a WM shooting schedule today. The female lead was Arya.

Could it be that the advertisement was stolen?

There were also fans who asked about Arya’s news and wanted to ask about the inside story, but Justin did not give any response.

In just a few minutes, this message was forwarded more than a hundred thousand times.

Oliver looked at the phone screen in satisfaction.

Since they wanted to cause trouble, he would definitely accompany them!

He did not believe that there would be someone who could creat more hype than him.

When the popular actor was robbed of his advertisement, the fans would definitely be angry.

Furthermore, it was personally exposed by him on the Internet. Many online celebrities jumped out and forwarded the news, and the influence of the incident continued to expand.

The people who had been bullied by Oliver laughed secretly in the dark. Who on the earth had the courage to openly oppose Oliver?

Judging from his temper, once this person appeared, he would definitely be blasted into a sieve, and then he would leave the entertainment circle dejectedly.

And it seemed like the WM had changed people unilaterally, which caused Oliver to feel wronged.

The fans were especially excited. They felt that their idol had been insulted by the brand. Oliver’s role had been replaced by someone else?


Some noticed it. The female lead of the advertisement was actually Arya?

Why was there a dispute where there was her!

“It’s Arya again? Isn’t it tiring for her to hype things up every day?”

“Why did it become Arya’s doing? She is also a spokesperson of WM. She completed her own work during the shooting of the commercial. Could it be that she has the right to replace the male lead?” Arya’s fans jumped out to defend her.

“Who knows? Didn’t there so much bad news about her in the past?”

“Arya has always kept a low profile, but there are always people who are jealous of her and talk about her behind her back.”

When Justin saw this news, he was very worried about Arya, but the later’s expression was very calm, as if she had already knew that things would develop like this.

“Oliver went to the filming venue in the afternoon and found out that the role had been replaced. He posted such a message online and felt wronged.”

“I really want to know his expression at that time. He must have been very angry.” Luna said curiously.

Justin looked at her helplessly and said to Arya. “That man was recommended by me and the director. When Oliver finds out, he will definitely not let go of this matter.”

With his style of doing this, this was very likely.

“The first person to put on the airs and show off is him. He didn’t come at the first place. And now he wants to blame us?” Luna was a little puzzled.

“He first put on this posture. Fans are easily fooled by this kind of tricks. They will not believe that it has nothing to do with us.”

Luna heard these words and also became worried.

“There are photos taken by fans that day are online. It can prove that Oliver was not sick at all, but deliberately made things difficult for the crew. You guys prepare the photos…”

“Also, Oliver has done a lot of similar things before. I want to collect the evidences on the hands of the artists and make it public when necessary.” As an agent, he had to do these things to protect Arya from the wind and rain.

Arya understood what he meant and nodded in agreement.

Justin thought about it and said. “Director Jones was also there that day. If he was allowed to do something, it would be easier to resolve it.”

“He is my husband. I will rely on him but I can’t use him.”

“This shooting is an unforgettable experience. I will always remember it. I believe we can handle this thing. So, don’t say such things again.”

“Even if I get married, I can still have my own life, my own path…”

She wanted an independent life, and she also wanted a perfect love.

“Arya, your thoughts are really very special.”


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