Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Chapter 225 Complete Spilt Up

Justin actually exposed everything!

Melinda’s trembling hands pointed at Justin. Her anger could no longer be suppressed, “Do you still want to stay in the entertainment circle?! You are crazy!”

“I don’t care anymore.”

Justin’s smile was extremely sarcastic, “When you plotted against Rachel, made her lose her life, framed Arya, and let her be questioned again and again, I realized that Melinda, today’s everything is the retribution you deserve!”

“I don’t miss this entertainment industry at all.”

Melinda’s tears could not help but flow down. She stared fiercely at Justin…

The reporters were completely stirred up.

“Murder and kidnapping, we can’t just look at the show industry on the surface!”

“This isn’t just an internal conflict in the Aorai anymore. Melinda and this company have become trash in the industry.”

“Fortunately, it did not cause another tragedy. Arya is not as easy to bully as Rachel in the past. Otherwise, I’m afraid…”

Melinda heard the discussion and stood up angrily. She slammed the table and shouted. “No! He made all of this up! Justin, why did you do this to me? Why did you slander me with these baseless nonsense!”

“You can’t produce evidence, can you? I will let you know the price of framing Aorai and me in front of everyone!”

“You and Arya are colluding together to harm me!”

The crazier Melinda refuted, the more it proved that Justin’s words were true. The cameras of the reporters were aimed at Melinda’s face. Her reaction was full of excuses…

“Melinda, you still don’t want to give up. Do you want to see the evidence with your own eyes?” Justin could not treat Melinda as a friend anymore. He only felt sad when he saw her struggling helplessly.

Melinda closed her eyes in pain and then realized that she could not do anything now.

If she said she wanted to see evidence, thousands of netizens and fans would look for evidence for Arya and Justin. What happened a few years ago could not be hidden at all.

She would never be able to turn the situation around.

“I have told myself many times. As long as there is a little hope, I will not believe that the person who killed Rachel is you.”

“But your actions have disappointed me more and more. You are not only blinded by benefits, but you have become another person. Why you did those things to Arya, do you not feel guilty?”

“She has never blocked your path. She just wants to act properly. Why do you have to attack her again and again?”

“Even you have to use me again and again. I think it is time for me to leave.”

“I declare that I will resign from all mu duties in the Aorai!”

Everyone was quiet. The development of the matter was too shocking.

“Is Justin really going to resign?”

“What else? Does he want to stay in this company and do those dirty things?”

“But Justin is Arya’s manager. If he quit, what will happen to Arya?”

“Arya also…”

The reporters kept discussing below. Justin had exposed so many of Melinda’s secrets, so it was impossible for him to continue staying in the Aorai.

Even though these things had been going on for a long time, the truth was the truth. No matter how much public relations the Aorai used, they would not be able to return to their peak status. These things would forever become a stain on the Aorai. They would constantly use by the companies. Until the Aorai collapsed…

Justin had already made up his mind to go all out.

Since he had already shed all pretenses of cordiality, he would not continue to work for Melinda. novelbin

“Justin, leave the Aorai? You have nowhere to go! You are like this, disregarding the company’s interests. Where can anyone go against their superiors?”

“None of the companies in the entertainment industry will use you again!”

Melinda shouted fiercely. Her voice was sharp and piercing, and her expression was extremely ferocious.

“You are finished! Your life, your career is finished!” Melinda was blocked by those bodyguards and could only shout continuously to vent the anger in her heart.

Justin smiled calmly. His heart had never been so peaceful. The nightmares that had tortured him countless times had finally ended. The past would forever be a memory for him.

Facing Melinda, Justin only said one sentence, “Leaving the Aorai, of course I will not go to any acting company. Melinda, you cannot control everyone’s thoughts. In the end, you can’t even control yourself.”

Justin was very clear that when he announced his resignation, it meant that he had cut off all his past. His life would start again.

He turned around and faced the media seriously, “Arya is the most powerful and tolerant female star I have even seen since I started my career.”

“In such a rapidly changing circle, she has always kept her initial heart and insisted on the path she has chosen. A woman like her can’t do such dirty things.”

“She liked the industry of actors and has talent to do better. Originally, she wanted to borrow the Aorai’s team to develop well, but what she got was Melinda’s use, suspicion, and harm!”

“I hope everyone can see the truth. The Aorai has framed Arya more than once. Those news are all fake…”

Justin took a deep breath. “What do you think?”

Arya looked at him with a smile. “I want to make a plane back to Paris in the afternoon. Let’s finish this quickly.”

Her purpose was to help her friend Justin. As for the rest, she did not think too much about it.

When the reporters heard Arya’s reply, they were once again impressed by her bearing. She was indeed a clear stream in the entertainment industry. She said whatever she wanted and she would do

whatever she said.

She did not choose to add insult to injury when Melinda was down at this time. She even chose to remain calm in this kind of situation as if she was an uninvolved audience. She really wanted to keep a low profile so that others would forget about her existence.

The only thing she wanted to do was to help Justin pull himself together again.

As for her and Melinda’s entanglement, she would slowly settle it.

“Justin, if you resign now, it will be a breach of contract! You need to pay the double the penalty!”

Melinda screamed at the top of her lungs. She thought of Justin was the same as her. He could not let go of the vanity of this circle. He would not be able to survive if he left the Aorai.

However, she did not understand that even if he left the entertainment circle, even if he could never be a manager, it did not mean that Justin’s life would end.

Justin looked coldly at everything in front of him and did not speak.

At this moment, a few senior bodyguards in black suits walked into the Aorai’s acting hall. They were all dressed in the same uniform and had an outstanding temperament.

Behind them, a middle-aged man with a beard walked in. He had a meaningful smile on his face. “Director Carter, I came especially to thank you today. Justin has always been a student that I value very much. I don’t agree with him staying in the country. He should go to America to develop…”


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