Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Chapter 230 Low EQ?

Arya didn’t say anything else. She rubbed herself against Allen’s chest and found the most comfortable position to fall asleep.

This day’s work was enough for her to be tired. Every step she took now was closer to the position of an international superstar.

She hoped that the road in the future would be wider and wider…

However, Walter kept pressing on.

Compared to the warmth and peace here, Martin and Luna were so busy that they felt tired and dizzy. Martin was too busy dealing with the matters of Dahua, and Luna had stars in her eyes to deal with Arya’s advertisement and appointment.

However, she would occasionally see Martin beside her, and unconsciously revealed a love-stuck smile.

She did not realize it at all.

Martin raised his head again and saw Luna’s eyes. He could not help but have goosebumps all over his body.

“Why do you keep looking at me?”

Luna blushed and shook her head abruptly to deny it.

Martin, can’t you compare your EQ to your IQ? Why do you have to ask!

Besides, don’t you feel anything at all?

Luna pursed her lips. Her thoughts were extremely chaotic. In the end, she suddenly realized that being able to be alone with Martin like this was already God taking care of her. How could she ask for more?

Luna calmed down. Just as she was about to look at the next contract, she found that the documents she had placed on the table had been pushed down. Then, Martin moved directly to work opposite her.

“You, why are you here?”

“Get closer. Isn’t it more convenient for you to look?”

Luna was shocked. Her heart was beating wildly. Martin looked as if nothing had happened. His handsome face was right in front of Luna. She suddenly did not know what to do. Martin was really just to let her see?

This was too… moving.

Luna pinched herself under the table and considered whether she should throw herself over.

“Isn’t this much better? Otherwise, why don’t you keep turning your head to look at me? Doesn’t your neck hurt?” Martin said calmly.

At this moment, Luna completely understood. He did not realize why she was looking at him. This idiot…

Luna carried all the contracts and sat where Martin was sitting. She should not have any illusions. With such a big blockhead, she would faint from anger sooner or later.

Martin saw that she was immersed in those contracts and the corner of his mouth naturally rose. His handsome face was full of smiles. From this angle, she was quite cute…

In the following week, Arya ran around the major studios and took pictures of the covers of several major magazines, one trip after another.

Because she was already famous in the Paris fashion industry, many international directors also noticed this charming Oriental face.

However, Allen really could not stay any longer. He needed to go back and handle the company’s affairs in advance. After Arya finished her day of travel and returned to the manor, Allen had already packed his luggage.

Seeing that he had rested for a few days and his body and mind had recovered quite a bit, Arya could rest assured.

She watched him get into the car and could not help but rush up to hug him and kiss him…

“I can go back very soon and wait for me at home.” Arya hugged him and smiled gently, “Wait for me.”

Allen kissed her forehead. “You have to take care of yourself. En?”

“Don’t worry.” Arya’s smile deepened.

They kissed each other sweetly again, lingering and lingering until they were almost unable to breathe. Only then did they reluctantly let go of each other.

The night was deep and quiet. No one noticed that there were people lying on the high wall in the distance taking pictures.

The distance was very far and the light was not good, so he could not take a picture of that man’s face at all. However, they had indeed kissed! Moreover, it was obvious that they were very close to each other.

Stanley smiled complacently when he saw the scene. He had been tracking them for so long, and he had finally found something.

Arya had indeed hidden a man!

Just wait and see. Very soon, your true face will be known by everyone.


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