Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Chapter 232 Did She Really Say This?

Louisa sighed and put down her phone. She looked at Lily and said, “Why do you keep saying that about Arya recently? What happened?”

Lily could only tell her about the recent meeting with Walter. “I went to the Aorai and they used money to send me away. They said Arya avoided me. For her acting career and body, it is impossible for her to donate her bone marrow. But I know that she is a villain!”

Only then did Louisa come to realization, “How can you go to the Aorai? Right now, the CEO of the Aorai and Arya are having a very bad time. They really want to shut Arya down. If you do this, it might affect her.”

“So what? Could it be that they would deliberately lie to me?”

Louisa nodded, “Why not? Anything can happen in the entertainment circle. Isn’t my brother a living example?”

Hearing her say that, Lily seemed to understand something.

From the beginning to end, Arya did not reply. And only Walter had come into contact with her. Could it be…

“He said that he told Arya. Could it be that he must have told her?” Louisa grabbed Lily’s hand and seriously looked into her eyes, “My illness is not caused by Arya. If she saved me or not, I do not have the right to blame her. You are my best friend. I know you are worried about me, but you blaming Arya like this is unfair to her.”

“If that person from the Aorai comes to you again, you bring him to see me. I will personally ask him what exactly is going on!”

Lily heard Louisa’s words and felt that she was indeed too excited a while ago.

“I will help you find other donors. I will not mention this matter again.”

“Thank you.”

Arya had been working for days and had almost never rested. After shooting the covers of many magazines, she also took on the endorsements of several major brands. Her figure appeared in every corner of international magazines.

Arya’s decision was right. After Justin left the Aorai, Melinda did not have time to stop her. Instead, it allowed Arya to take advantage of this opportunity to gain a lot of limelight.

Some invitations for daily work would be researched and processed by Luna. Some invitations for large-scale filming plans would be handed over to Allen to check for her.

When she contacted the brands and directors, it was Arya who personally did it. Her straightforward and friendly attitude won more possibilities for her. The outside world was full of praise for her style of doing things.

Arya’s attention was focused on her work and did not care much about the news in the country. She did not expect that the entertainment industry was brewing a big storm.

Melinda used her past connections to poach some new artists from other companies.

Although she did not interfere with Arya’s journey, she had been paying attention to Arya’s movements. Seeing Arya’s achievements in the international fashion industry now, she knew that she could not stop her.

Luna sat opposite to Arya and looked at the calendar on her phone. She calculated that there were still a few days before she would return to the country.

After that, she would be able to see Martin.

Arya did not disturb her. She turned around and walked into the bedroom. She also wanted Allen. So whenever she had time, she would call him via video. Only in this way would she be able to enter the dream alone in another country.

Although Allen was in the country, he still lived according to the time in Paris.

He was talking on the other end of the phone, coaxing Arya to sleep. Sometimes he heard her even breathing and did not hang up. The next morning, Arya could hear his voice at the first possible moment.

“Allen, I miss you.” Arya hid under the blanket and acted like a spoiled child.

“You have three more days. Just hold on a little.”

Arya said firmly, “Yes, I can hold on! But it is really hard…”

“But we have only separated for less than a week.” Allen said with a bitter smile.

“Only separated for less than a week?” Arya gritted her teeth. “Or maybe you don’t think so of me…”

“When you sent me away, didn’t I leave everything that should be left behind?”

“You…” Arya’s face was red, “Wait for me to go back.”

Allen’s gaze fell on the wedding ring in his hand and his voice was extremely charming, “I will wait for you to the ends of the earth.”

They still had to protect each other for the rest of their lives. For just a few days, he could afford to wait.

Arya’s heart was wrapped in his love. As long as she thought of this man beside her, no matter what happened, she believed that she could survive.

After Walter contacted Lily again, Lily immediately sent someone to the hospital to bring Louisa back home.

And without knowing it, Walter once again walked into Lily’s apartment with an apology and a lie he made up.

“Arya will be back soon. She hopes that I will ask you not to tell anyone about Louisa, much less the media and reporters. Otherwise, it will have a huge impact on her current status.”

Lily blinked. After what Louisa said last time, she had doubts about Walter.

“I don’t count on her anymore, but as a public figure, she will be responsible for her words and actions. She is lying to her fans! If anything happens to Louisa, I will not let her go!”

“Lily, don’t think like that. Arya also has her own difficulties.”

“Don’t say anymore. I don’t want to hear her name!”

“How about this? If you have any conditions, just say it. Arya will definitely satisfy you.”

“Is that so? What else did she say?” Lily deliberately tried to trick him.

Walter looked at Lily’s expression and said meaningfully, “She said that Louisa’s life or death has nothing to do with her. She will never give up her future. She will not donate her bone marrow to Daniel’s sister. She wants all of the Parker family to die.”

“Did she really say that?”

“Yes, I tried my best to stop her, but…” Walter spread his hands, indicating that he was powerless.

Louisa was originally standing at the door and heard these things clearly. She was supported by the maid and walked in. She looked at Walter and asked, “Did Arya really say that?”

Walter was stunned for a moment. He did not expect Louisa to be here. He had not seen Louisa and only knew that she had been lying in bed. He originally thought that he would not have the chance to see this girl who was plagued by illness.

So, he did not look up too much information about Louisa…

Now that he was looked at by Louisa like that, he suddenly could not tell why she was so angry.

Was it because he made up a lie?

Walter forced himself to be calm. As long as he insisted that it was Arya who said those words, they could not doubt it, “Why should I lie to you? It is indeed Arya’s original words.”

Louisa looked at him. the light in her eyes gradually dimmed. She grinded out a word from her pale lips, “Liar.”


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