Love The Psycho

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Hi... I am June August Mai, the eldest of the four of us 3

"Did you really think I would be able to leave this room after seeing all this? That won't be me if that happened'' June asked as her fingers continued to roam his body. ''You might have noticed by now, that I am nothing like my sisters. I don't like to think too much about life. I just move with the flow. I hate to think about how to survive or make bombs or even just being satisfied with staying with a beautiful man in the same house without doing nothing. Is being so long since I felt so alive. The last time I was closed to sleeping with a man….asssh annoying'' June said and stepped back. She looked at Aaron as she sat down on a box sofa that was placed in the middle of the closet after giving Aaron an erection.

Aaron looked at himself and sighed before turning to lean against the shirt wardrobe. He didn't try to hide his erection, rather he looked at June.

''I'm sorry'' June said melancholically. ''I don't know why I suppose act so horny? Must be the effects of that drug'' June said absentmindedly.

''What drugs?'' Aaron asked and looked at her seriously.

''Huh? Nothing, I was just saying random things. Don't mind me. I came to tell you that breakfast will be ready soon. I forgot about my purpose after seeing you like this'' June said and stood up to go. Aaron held her wrist making her to stop.

''Let's talk after I return from work'' Aaron said.

''Why? Do you want to get to know me better? If you keep being like this, I might just want to sleep with you, Aaron Saint'' June said and gave him a sly smile. Aaron pushed her out of the door and closed it quickly. June stood at the door and laughed before going down to the hall.


Aaron finished getting ready and went down to the hall with his bag. He saw June busy about in the kitchen and he smiled. She was much like August Maijune when she was quiet like this. He kept his bag on the sofa before going to sit on the dining table.

''You know how to cook?'' Aaron asked as he took a seat.

June heard the footsteps and turned. She smiled at him before lifting two bowls of rice to the table she had already set. She went back and fetched two bowls of soup and added some side dishes. She placed the food neatly on the table in their right positions before saying to Aaron Saint.

''Between me and sisters, I am the one who knows her whereabouts in the kitchen. I am not boasting but I can really cook well'' June said.

''This is June's special menu. Rice, carrot soup, braised pork, curried vegetables and my very own yoghurt ice cream''

''You made all these?'' Aaron asked as he looked at the food in front of him. The aroma of the food was taking over his senses already.

''Yes, I did. You don't know how long I stayed up preparing these ingredients while you slept soundly. But, why did you lock your door? You didn't happen to lock it because of me, right?'' June asked.

''You are right. I locked it because of you. You are one dangerous woman I need to be careful of'' Aaron said as he picked the cutlery to eat.

''Tsk. You are not fun at all. I won't have even gone overboard. Is that so hard?'' June said as she also picked her cutlery. She watched with one hand supporting her chin as Aaron tasted the soup.

''How does it taste?'' she asked.

''Well, not bad. You are not completely useless after all'' Aaron said.

''I am originally not useless. I just hate to put seriousness into things but, when it comes to sleeping with you, I am serious'' June said.

Aaron coughed and she handed him a glass of water ''why do you sound so surprised? Haven't I made myself clear enough?''

''June, can we at least have a decent meal without you saying improper things at the table?'' Aaron said to her.

''What is improper about this? Is true I want to sleep with you. I bet you haven't done it with any of my sisters, right? Don't worry, they are rooting for me to sleep with you. after all, I am the only one who can seduce you'' June said.

''You must really be confident in your ability to seduce any man but let me tell you. I am not just any man. I have a very high self-control. You are not in your right mind and I am a gentleman, so I am letting you off''

''I didn't ask you to be a gentleman. You can just be your natural self with me. I like you anyways. Right, should I visit you at your office? I really want to see the place that our dear Aaron Saint is working at''

''You can come to the company anytime you want but, make sure you dress decently'' Aaron said and gave her a warning gaze.

''Oooh, don't worry. I will only do a strip tease in front of you. You are the only man I have interest in. That been said. Why don't you want to sleep with me? Am I not attractive enough?'' June said and looked at him nonchalantly.

''Your culinary skills are not bad. Should I open a restaurant for you?'' Aaron asked.

''Why? Are you hoping to get rid of me by putting me in the kitchen?'' June asked.

''You are quite smart'' Aaron said as he ate.

''Tsk, and here I was thinking we could do little dirty things in the kitchen. Don't worry about setting a restaurant for me. This kitchen is enough for me. I can see you while I cook''

''I'm done. Thank you for the food' Aaron said and stood up 'there is a card in August's things, you can use it and get whatever you want. You can also go over to Liyah's place if you are bored. She leaves just next to us. don't go about thinking about unnecessary things''

''Like sleeping with you? Aaron Saint. Do you have a problem down there?'' June asked.

''June!!'' Aaron screamed at her and she pretended to be scared as she touched her chest.

''You scared me'' she told him.

''You are really bent on doing whatever you want, isn't it?'' Aaron asked.

''Well, I have always been one to do whatever I wanted. Didn't you know? I'm just a horny and selfish bitch. This horny woman won't trouble you anymore. Go to work safely and make sure to miss me:' June said and winked at him.

Aaron shook his head and went out. June chuckled before getting up. She picked the empty bowls and sent them to the sink and started washing them. In between the washing, she murmured incoherently to herself as her pupils turned dark just like the night before.

''I hate empty halls, I hate empty halls, I hate empty halls''

June banged the napkin in her hand on the sink and turned. She looked at the empty hall with annoyance. June removed the apron and picked the phone on the table. She changed into sneakers and left the villa.

Liyah was busy sewing when she heard the doorbell rang. She was preparing a sample of her major designs to go and show the CEO of the production factory when she went to meet him today. His secretary had called her that morning saying the CEO was ready to meet her at 14:30PM later in the day.josei

Liyah opened the door and June walked in casually as if she was familiar with the place.

''June, you are here'' Liyah said and closed the door awkwardly. She really didn't know how to interact with this new personality.

June looked at the hall and her eyes landed on the giant photo of Liyah and Leo that hanged on the wall and smiled. She turned to Liyah saying ''big sis, you have a car, right?''

''Yes, why do you asked? Do you need to go somewhere?'' Liyah asked.

''Yes, it has been a while since I came back. Everything seems new and blur to me. I wanted to go somewhere but I'm not sure if that place even exist or not, but, I would like to go and see for myself'' June said and sat down.

''So, do you need me to take you there? This place?'' Liyah asked.

''No, I will drive there myself''

''You know how to drive? But, August and the others don't know how to?'' Liyah asked surprised.

''Well, they don't but I do. I even got a licence but I'm not sure where it is anymore'' June said and looked at Liyah ''big sis, can you borrow me your car?''

''I can but you need to be careful. Aaron will not forgive me if he found out I gave the car to you and I also have an appointment at 14:30PM, so I will be needing the car by then. Can you return before then?'' Liyah asked.

''Sure, I wasn't planning to keep long there anyways. Big sis, don't worry, I will be back in no time''

''Alright, be careful on the road, is a sports car'' Liyah handed her the keys.

''Sure, see you later then?'' June said and went out. Liyah looked at the door feeling unsettled. She picked her phone on the table and dialled Aaron's number and he answered after the first ring.

''Hello, Liyah'' Aaron said over the phone.

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