Love The Psycho

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: I will create my own way

''What's that?'' Aaron asked and took the photo from her to look at it.

''That's my parents and their friends. My parents were friends with this couple but that was a long time ago. I don't know where they are now. This girl used to be the only one who played with me. I can't remember her name now. Is been so long''

Aaron looked at the picture and furrowed his brows a bit. The little girl about 8 years looked a bit familiar but he couldn't put a finger to it so he didn't think too much into it and handed it to June. June stuffed the photo into her pocket and stood up.

''Let's go then, we are done here'' June said.

They left the house and Aaron followed closely behind June as she drove Liyah's car back.


Eden Estate, Liyah's villa.


Liyah heard the door opening and rushed to the hall from her kitchen. She saw Aaron carrying a big bag entering the house and asked.

''What's that?''

''These are all yours. I brought them from my parent's house. I read in August's diary that you needed to make something to show to the CEO of the production company, so I went and brought you these vintage materials my mom used to own. I don't know how you will go about it, but I think you can make something out of them'' June said and opened the bag bringing out the materials.

''Whoa. These are exquisite materials. Some of these materials are no longer in the market. June, this is wonderful.

Thank you, so much''. Liyah hugged her.

''I will leave you two at it. June, don't do anything impulsive while I'm away'' Aaron said.

''Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I am not going anywhere again. I will help big sis to prepare for her meeting'' June said.

''Alright, I'm going back to the office. Call me if there is anything. Liyah, good luck''

''Thanks, Aaron, bye'' Aaron Saint left the villa leaving the two ladies alone.

''So, what are you going to do with them?'' June asked pointing at the materials.

''Help me bring them to the workshop. We are officially starting our collaboration. What are you good at?'' Liyah asked as they held the bag, sending it to the workshop.

''Seducing Aaron. that's what I'm good that. I think I might be able to sleep with him very soon'' June said and Liyah shook her head.

''Not that. I mean, your talent? I know, Mai is good with research, Maijune is good at fighting and strategizing and August is good at reading and doing other stuffs, so what are you good at, June August Mai?'' Liyah asked and sat on her sewing desk.

''Oh, that. I am good at marketing. I remember in the past, I loved to read books on marketing and I even helped my parents to make business plans and also invested in stock marketing online'' June said.

''So, your parents knew about that fact that you had DID?'' Liyah asked.

''Yes, they did. That's why they tried so hard to protect us from Lorca. Enough of that. tell me, what do I need to help you with?''

''Be my model for now. I already made my previous clothes based on your measurement so I will just keep doing that for now since we have less than three hours to go'' Liyah said and brought out her sewing pins and scissors.

''Hold this side up, I want to cut a piece of it and attach it to this material'' Liyah said and they started working on the designs Liyah was going to send to the meeting with the CEO of the factory.

Two hours later, Liyah was able to merge the vintage material with the previous material she intended to use and came out with a camouflaged shirt and pants. The prints were outlined beautifully and it fitted the modern day career woman.

June clapped her hands and shook her head saying, ''whoa, this is beautiful. Big sis, you have a true talent, really''

''Quickly change into something presentable and let's go. you can get a change of clothes from my closet. I will iron this and get ready''



Liyah and June arrived at Bins Factory and entered the building. They walked to the reception and Liyah asked of the floor of the CEO and the receptionist showed her. It seemed the CEO was already waiting for her arrival.


The secretary of the CEO entered the office and spoke to the young man sitting on the CEO's desk.

''Sir, I have been informed that Miss Myers is on her way. She just took the elevator right now''

''Really? I didn't expect her to be so serious about this. let her in when she arrives'' the CEO said and pulled the secretary closer to the table and kissed her roughly and deeply before letting go.

''Sir, we are in the office'' the secretary said flirtatiously before walking out.

The CEO chuckled before he opened a file that contained Liyah's information. There was a picture of Liyah and August Maijune. It was taken together and they were smiling. He smirked and murmured ''Liyah Myers, August Maijune. What an interesting pair''

The secretary walked in again followed by Liyah and June. They were both dressed in suit blouse and skirt and looked very professional.

''Sir, Miss Myers is here'' the secretary said and led them to the sofa seats in the office before leaving. The CEO stood up and walked to them and the smile on Liyah's face froze and June noticed it.

Liyah clenched hard unto the bag that contained the sample dress she made.

''Hi, Liyah Myers. Is been a while. How have you been?'' the CEO said and walked closer to them.

''Donald Jones?" Liyah mentioned the name shockingly and June looked at them.

''Yes, is me. Sit down'' the CEO named Donald Jones gestured at the sofa before sitting down himself. Liyah looked at him and memories of how encounter with this man surfaced in her mind.

Donald Jones used to be a model working under her mother. He later betrayed her mother by stealing most of the company's designs and joined a different company. That time, the situation became really messed up. Liyah was still in high school then and didn't know much about her mother's work but she remembered very well how this man would always try to touch her and say all sort of perverted stuff to her. Liyah was scared of him back then and stayed far away from him. He even went to prison later on for plagiarism but Liyah didn't know he was already out and now was even the boss of a company.

''Why do you look so shocked? As if you just saw a ghost? Is me Donald. We used to be so closed back then'' Donald Jones said and smiled. Liyah and June were still standing.josei

''Is he someone you know, big sis?'' June asked and looked at the man. from her experience she could tell that the man was a pervert.

''Yes'' Liyah answered June before speaking to Donald Jones ''you are the CEO here?''

''Yes, why? Didn't think I will make it after your mother sent me to jail?'' Donald Jones asked smugly.

''My mom didn't send you to jail. You plagiarised and was caught'' Liyah said firmly and June blurted out.

''Wait. You went to jail for plagiarism and we are here to show you our design? Big sis, won't he steal your designs too? Even that you already have bad blood?''

''Watch your tongue, little girl'' Donald said angrily.

''I am already 22. How dare you call me a little girl?'' June retorted.

''June, is okay. Mr. Jones, I don't think I can work with you. I will take my leave now'' Liyah said to him.

''I don't think you have much of a choice, Miss Myers. Looking at your scandal, I don't think any factory would be willing to take up your work. I heard you want to launch a fashion show next month? Do you think you can make it before then?'' Donald said and looked at Liyah.

''What do you want to say exactly?'' Liyah asked.

''15 years ago, your mom made me loss my relevance and integrity in the industry. Even though she is no more, that grudge is still in me. I am still to get past that. I heard something interesting recently. You were ousted out of the industry and the company your mother worked hard to build all crumbled in one day because of your scandal. Do you think you can make a comeback with that dirtied image?''

''I don't think that is any of your business. I am Liyah Myers and I always get what I want. Scandal? I am not the only one with a scandal in the industry. Dirtied image? That is how you see it but I don't see myself that way''

"I really like your confidence but still, you should really slow down. You are too high on adrenaline and just confusing it with talent. You are nothing like your mother. I have a preposition for you. I also have a show coming up very soon. We can join hands together and it will be a win-win situation. I will provide the platform that you need and you will give me the rights to your designs''

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