Love The Psycho

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: August Maijune...Is it really her?

An hour later, Aaron pulled over by the roadside of a not so busy road with traffic light behind them. They got down and walked to the scene of the accident five years ago.

''This is where the accident took place''. Aaron Saint said and pointed at the scene

August looked at the scene strangely with no recollections at all and murmured "what was I doing here at that time of the night?''

''August Maijune, you don't have to force yourself''. Aaron Saint said to her.

''Where did I come from? Did I run into your car?'' August Maijune asked finding everything strange.

''Yes, I was so drunk that night…August, I'm sorry. This is all my fault''. Aaron Saint lied to her.

August Maijune turned and hugged Aaron Saint tightly as she spoke.

''No, this wasn't your fault. You saved me. I am alive because you didn't run away when it happened.''

August Maijune let go and held his hands and spoke.

''Saint, look at me, look at me Aaron Saint''.

Aaron Saint looked at her with guilt in his eyes.

''None of this was your fault. I didn't ask you to bring me here because I wanted to blame you. No, I just wanted to see the last place I was before the accident. Saint, you are the one I am most grateful to. It must have been hard for you, but you saved me''.

''You don't blame me?'' Aaron Saint asked her.

''No, why would I blame you?'' August Maijune shook her head.

The scene of the man and woman consoling each other in the middle of the road attracted quite a number of eyes.

One particular man dressed in a brown shirt and black trousers looked at them from the crowd with mixed feelings of fear, confusion and malice.

The man got closer to them and saw the girl's face and it brought fear to him. The man quickly moved backwards away from them.

Aaron Saint held August Maijune's hand and walked away with her through the crowd to their car. He opened the passenger seat and helped August Maijune in and got inside and drove away.

The man from the crowd took out his phone and scrolled down to the picture of a girl who held a strong resemblance to the girl who just left in the car and his knees weakened as he murmured

''how is she still alive? I'm sure I saw her die in that accident that night. Could it be that August Maijune never died in the first place? No, I must make sure she is the one before I inform the boss. If she really is the one, then, this spells trouble, big trouble.''



The man who was at the roadside and saw August Maijune was brought into a room where a man wearing a black outfit with a scorpion tattoo on his left hand and a knife scar on his right face was seated.

The man whose name was Lorca Don Marco sat on a throne-like chair with two guards one at the right and the other at the left and ten more in the room fully armed.

Lorca looked at the man kneeling in front of him and spoke.

''You said you had something important to tell me? What is it?''

The man shivered and spoke.

''Boss, I saw someone today, she looked exactly like your niece''.

Lorca's face changed at once as he became alert.

''What did you just say?''

''I saw someone today and she looked just like your niece''.


''Today, an hour ago. She was with a man at the scene of the accident five years ago''.

''How is that possible? How could that bitch still be alive? Didn't you bring me evidence of her death five years ago?''

''Boss, I swear she was lifeless, but I don't know how she is still alive. Her body was covered with blood. The road was littered with her blood"

Lorca clutched his fist and roared ''I want you to follow her, make sure you find out everything about her, who saved her and who she is with. I want every detail down to even what she wears':

''Yes, boss, I will get you the information by tomorrow''.

Lorca banged his fist against the throne ''so, that little slut is alive after all. Well, that makes things much easier then. Even the gods are on my side after all. August Maijune, uncle still has some unfinished business with you''.

Lorca laughed slyly and drunk the wine beside him.

A few days later.



August stood at the table dividing the kitchen from the hall and looked at her hand work.

The kitchen sinks and stove was littered with vegetables, egg shells, meat, fruits and all the things one could imagine.

August came to a conclusion 'she wasn't born to cook'. She could do anything else but cooking was just not for her.

Aaron called her an hour ago to inform her he would be returning left due to work and deadlines. She felt helpless knowing he didn't have any food to eat while he worked so hard to take care of her and decided to cook him something so that he would eat when he got home. The end result was this chaos she left in the kitchen with no idea of how to go about in cleaning up the mess she made.

August suddenly thought of an idea. She quickly went to the hall and pick up her coat and wallet. She changed into her sneakers and ran out of the villa.

The streets of D-City were especially busy as it was a Monday. No matter the time, the streets were never short of people. That was why even as August strolled the street excitedly, she failed to notice the man that was following her closely behind.

This was the same man who reported to Lorca about August and was given the task to follow her. He had hovered around the estates for the past 24 hours but because of the security he couldn't get pass the gate to the big estates.

It was a mere struck of luck that the girl he was looking for decided to leave the estate and roam the streets. The more he looked at the girl the more he was convinced that she was the same girl who was supposed to die in an accident 5 years ago.

August stopped in front of a café and looked at their menu board outside. Her eyes landed on the chocolate cake and she smiled and went inside. August joined the queue and put her hands in her pocket due to the cold. She constantly rubbed her hands together while she waited.

Soon it was her turn and she got to the counter and said ''chocolate cake and two cups of coffee, one with warm milk and double shots of expresso"

The girl behind the counter smiled and spoke ''first time ordering coffee?''

''Is it that obvious?' August asked.

''Yes, you look new''. The girl chatted with August as she made her order.

''Hey'' the girl looked at the man who had followed August into the café suspiciously and asked.

''Are you with him? Your dad?'' August turned and saw the man who quickly turned and left the café.

''No, I am alone''.

''Oh, sorry, I might have mistaken him. I thought you two were together because he came inside with you''.

''No, I am alone''.

"Your order is ready, be careful, is hot''.

''Okay, thanks, here, keep the change''.


August took the two cups of coffee and the cake in the paper bag and went out.

August looked left and right but didn't see the man and decided she was being paranoid and walked away.

August Maijune got to the tall building with the name 'SAINT GROUP' and sighed. She smiled and removed her phone to make a call to Aaron. She scrolled to the only contact on her phone list and dialled the number.

Aaron Saint answered at the first beep and spoke.

''August, are you not asleep yet?''

''I see your office light is still on?''

Aaron Saint stood up and opened his curtains and saw the girl down. August Maijune looked up and waved at him as she lifted the coffee to show him.

''Stay right there, I'm coming down''.

Aaron Saint hung up and August Maijune stood outside the building. Her eyes trailed to a far end of the building and she saw the same man from before walking towards her.

A sense of déjà vu suddenly enveloped her and August felt as if she had been there once. Her body felt cold and sweat formed on her forehead. She felt her breath leaving her as she tried to move backwards.

The man got closer to her and walked past​ her as soon as he saw Aaron walking out of the building.

Aaron got out of the building and saw the bag in August's hand fall and she seemed to be losing consciousness. Aaron ran and caught her in time as she fainted and fell into his arms.josei

''August, wake up''.

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