Love The Psycho

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Full blown romance

August looked at her phone and started typing again. She finished and pressed the send button. Aaron's phone dinged and he looked at the message from her ''Mister, do I know you? Don't you know is rude to stay in the same room with a woman who wants to change? Do you want to see her naked that much? Are you a pervert?''.

Aaron Saint looked at the message again and sighed. Another message came again ''why? Don't want to leave? Fine, then, I will be the one to leave. I will go out and change in the hall''.

Aaron Saint became angry the more he read the last message. What? She will leave the room? Like that? Wearing only such a shirt? This woman really didn't know when to stop. Aaron thought.

Because August was busy typing, she failed to notice the dropped temperature in the room and also failed to notice the man's darkened gaze on her. She only realised what was going on when the shadow of the man had enveloped her and his lips on her lips. She tried to push him away but it was too late as the man seemed to be aware of every move she would take.

Aaron Saint tentatively held the hand that was holding the phone and took it while his other hand held her chin and started kissing her sensually. He skilfully placed the phone in his pocket and used that hand to hold her hands in place as he pushed her against the wall making it impossible for her to move or do anything else.

August felt like she was floating again, just like last night when he pinned her down on the bed and kissed her. The difference between last night and this morning was that, the man's hand that was holding her chin had now slipped down to her bear hips touching her skin giving her a mixture of torture, pleasure, chills and butterflies. This was the first time a man had touched her this way. August felt that she was been electrocuted and her face reddened but she was helpless against the man as her hands were held in place and she couldn't do anything than to allow the man to have his way with her.

Aaron Saint stopped the moment he felt he needed to before things got out of hand. As he left her lips, their breathing became hoarser and uneven. Their faces were still close to each other as they now stared into each other's eyes. August's legs suddenly gave way and she lost her balance and almost fell but Aaron immediately held her waist pushing her further into his embrace. She could smell his cologne mixed with male hormones.

Aaron let her sturdy on the wall and spoke ''next time, it won't end with just touching. It might go further than that. So, be careful and know the words to say and not to say. I won't be a simple gentleman next time. Do you hear me?'' August nodded her head and Aaron straightened his suit and opened the door saying ''hurry up and come down. We will have breakfast before I go to work''. August nodded and fell to the floor the moment Aaron went out.


The trip back to the villa was an unusually quiet one. Liyah kept glancing at August as she drove the car. Leo Martins and Aaron Saint took different cars after their breakfast and went to do their work while Liyah and August decided to return to the villa.

Liyah wanted to catch up on her designs since she hadn't really done much work lately. She was busy going on dates with Leo, meeting the family, and his comrades.

Liyah's phone buzzed as she drove. She looked at August and noticed she was zoned out and pulled over by the road side. She removed the phone from her bag and looked at the caller ID. It was from the wedding planner, so she answered. ''Hello, this is Liyah Myers speaking. Yes, really? Is it ready? What about the bridesmaid's dressed? Did you design it the way I asked you to? Okay, yes, I am even with her. We can go over and have a look. Thank you''. Liyah hung up and August turned to look at her clueless.

''We have to make a detour. That was the wedding planner. She said the designer had finished with your dress and mine. Let's go and have a look at it''. Liyah said as she made a U-turn and August nodded.


It was already brunch time when Mimi Garcia woke up and saw herself in a different bed. She got confused a bit and started looking around. Josh entered the room at that moment with breakfast on a tray and walked towards the bed.

Mimi Garcia got alarmed and looked at the floor. Their clothes were scattered about hinting her that something happened between them last night. She looked at Josh Saint and he smiled sitting next to her. ''Is way past breakfast, so I made you something simple and light''. Josh said gently.

''How did I get here? Is this a hotel or your house?'' Mimi Garcia asked.

''I wouldn't dare to disrespect you by taking you to the hotel. This is my house and you're actually the first woman to ever sleep on that bed. Mimi, last night we were both wasted and I didn't know where to send you so I had to bring you here. One thing led to another and we just happened to do it. but, I am not someone who doesn't take responsibility. I intend to take responsibility for what happened last night. That is if you allow me, please''. Josh said looking so genuine.

Mimi Garcia looked at him. He was Josh Saint, the cousin of Aaron Saint. Even if he wasn't as handsome as Aaron Saint, he wasn't also bad looking and was definitely a catch. If she managed to get him to be with her, then, her father will be happy as long as the man is a Saint. After what happened yesterday, Mimi was sure that Aaron Saint wouldn't want to have anything doing with her, hence, if she took her chances with Josh Saint, she wouldn't lose at all.

Only, that, Mimi didn't know that the man she was now setting her eyes on was despicable and ruthless. A man who took advantage of women. Since she has been living in abroad, she didn't know about the terrible things the man in front of her was capable. And also, because Liyah was involved in the scandal, the news completely disappeared from the internet for her sake.

Just as Mimi Garcia was thinking about the benefits she could get from such a relationship, Josh Saint was no different. He had already made his calculations and carefully approached Mimi Garcia with a plan. Two people who had same thoughts of taking advantage of the other were surely made for one another.

Mimi Garcia smiled and looked at Josh Saint saying ''actually, you don't have to be responsible for anything. After all, it takes two to tango''. Mimi said meekly.

''Be my girlfriend, Mimi. I promise to treat you right''. Josh said lifting Mimi's hand and intertwining his together with them.

''Okay''. Mimi said and smiled.josei


Liyah really had enough with August's attitude and frowned looking at her as the workers helped them to change into their dresses. ''What is wrong with you? Are you going to say it or not? Did you and Aaron have a fight last night? Why are you behaving so strange?'' Liyah asked as she raised her arms so that the designer could get her arm measurement.

''We didn't have a fight. Just that, I'm confused and scared''. August said while turning to one side for the worker to adjust the hip size of her dress.

''Confused and scared? You? Whoa. That's a first, August Maijune''. Liyah said.

''Big sis, last night. I…'' August moved closer to Liyah and whispered into her ears. Liyah looked at August and screamed in the changing room 'Say what?!!!' August blushed and looked away. ''Kiddo, I want all the details. Let's have some ice cream after we are done here''.

Liyah and August finished trying their dresses and August went to sit on the couch looking at the wedding dresses displayed in the room as Liyah spoke with the manager at a distance. August put her hand in her bag and noticed her phone wasn't in it. she then remembered Aaron had taken it from her and kept it in his suit.

August flushed as she remembered the scene once again.

Liyah walked towards her and stood behind her and whispered into August's ears ''your face is so red. Did you remember something about last night and this morning?'' Liyah teased and August stood up with a frown and glared at her. Liyah picked her bag and held August's hand saying ''let's go. I'm not letting you off until you tell me everything that happened and most especially how you played a role in pushing gentle Aaron into wanting to eat you whole? Oh, summer is a beautiful time for love. Isn't it?'' August shook her head as they walked out of the door together.

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