Love The Psycho

Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Story of the cat and the mouse 3

Mai finished washing up and changed into some jeans pants walked to the bed. Today wasn't the day she was allowed to rest but because she finished the aphrodisiac, Lorca allowed her to rest but the moment she closed her eyes she heard the moaning of a woman coming from Lorca's room. He was probably fucking the life out of her, Mai thought.

Hearing the sexual moaning of the women that have sex with Lorca wasn't new to Mai now. First she couldn't bear the noise but she had now adapted to it. Her legs were still shackled so she pulled her lower body unto the bed and closed her eyes drifting into a sleep.

The next morning.

Mai walked out of the room and saw Lorca and the woman having breakfast while the bodyguards stood at all points of the house. The sight made Mai to chuckle sarcastically as she went to open the fridge completely ignoring them.

Lorca bit his food and turned to look at Mai saying ''today I will send you to meet your parents''.

''That's all part of the deal, don't act as if you are been caring and nice to me''. Mai said and removed a jug of water and poured it into a glass and drunk. She felt eyes on her and turned meeting the woman's gaze.

Mai didn't say anything but merely looked at the woman and she shrugged on the chair. She saw Mai when she was coming out from her room and saw the shackles on her legs. The shackles made a blue bruised line around her thin legs and she felt pity for her but after receiving a chilling gaze from her, she felt that the girl wasn't simple.

Mai put the glass down and turned to leave and Lorca spoke ''I asked the aunt to make you something to eat. We wouldn't want your parents' hearts to break when they see you. Do we? What if they die of anger when they see how malnourished you are, my little monster?''

Mai banged her palm on the table startling the woman and she almost jumped from her seat. Lorca laughed enjoying how infuriated Mai had turned.josei

Mai composed herself and met Lorca's gaze saying ''1. You don't even feed me. 2. Never mention my parents' names anyhow you feel and 3. Tell your little bitch to stop looking at me like I am an animal from the zoo and lastly, if you have any intentions of killing me, you had better do it sooner or else the moment I get a loophole in this house and escape, I will kill you first and line all the bodies of these useless bodyguards and your other thug gang members at the city's prosecutor's office afterwards. Do you hear me?''

''Oops, I am so scared August Maijune. You will do what? say that again? I didn't hear you the first time. Killing you will be so easy but it will cost me a lot of money. You are my cash cow after all. If I wanted to kill someone, that will be your parents because they are absolutely useless to me since I have you''.

Lorca said and moved to Mai and held her chin. ''Looks like I have been lenient to you lately so you think you can now threaten me. My little niece I still haven't told you the story of the cat and the mouse right? How about we skip going to see your parents and listen to that story instead?''

''I am sick of hearing that lousy story. Is that the only story you have left? Tsk, your creativity is slowly dying uncle. Ah, maybe you never had any creativity to begin with that is why you steal from others what you can't have. You stole from my parents and you are now stealing from me. Uncle, aren't you afraid of not been able to sleep soundly at night? Right, is because you can't sleep well that you resort to sex every night. Can you at least tell the women to be less noisy and take the rest of us into consideration? Even a teenager like me knows she was faking her orgasm just like the other women before her and after her''.

Mai finished and Lorca held her collar and threw her unto the floor. Mai fell hard on the floor and hissed in pain but still gave Lorca a smile. His face so ashen and ugly that it made Mai chuckle.

"Aahahah Ahaha hahah' Mai gave a menacing and maniac laugh which pierced through the whole house making everyone present to look at her. Her face was smug and her eyes were cold and dark. The woman was the most scared out of everyone because this was her first time in the house and seeing such a scene. To Lorca and the rest of the others in the room this wasn't a surprised but they were still alarmed and started moving slowly near Mai to ambush her.

Lorca clutched his fist and walked towards Mai, he bent down and gave her a hard slap which made her lip to bleed but Mai suddenly held his hand and used her leg to block his legs and threw him down making everyone surprised.

The guards rushed to them and some held Mai subduing her. Mai looked at the horrified look on Lorca and laughed again with a mocking gaze.

Lorca stood up and looked at Mai saying ''lock this monster up before I kill her. Make sure you give her the injection'' the guards sent Mai away as she continued to laugh. Her behaviour this time was more serious than the last time. The strength she exhibited surprised Lorca and made him surprised.

Few hours later.

Mai opened her eyes and saw the bodyguard opening the door. This time both her hands and foot were shackled as she laid on the bed like a lamb. The bodyguard walked to the bed and said ''Miss, your doctor is in. The big boss said you will only meet your parents if you see the doctor''.

''Why? Does he want to confirm whether I am a psychopath or not?'' Mai said and sat up on the bed. The bodyguard didn't say anything and helped her to get down.

Mai looked at him for a moment and said ''if I ever decide to kill everyone in this house, I will spare you. You don't treat me like everyone else does''. The bodyguard curved a smile and went out leaving the door open for her.


Mai sat down and looked at the doctor with a curious gaze making the doctor to smiled at her. Mai didn't seem moved by his smile and laid flat on the relaxing chair closing her eyes. The doctor took notice of all of her actions and expressions.

He removed his notepad and a pen from his coat and sat near the relaxing chair and said to her.

''This is our second meeting, August Maijune. How have you been? Are you eating well?' Do you get enough sleep?''

Mai opened her eyes and humped saying ''you must have a lot of questions to ask me, doctor? You seem so impatient. Why? Did Lorca say I almost killed him? It would have been nice if he did really die. How unfortunate!!'' Mai half-heartedly while her eyes remained calmed starring at the doctor with a mocking gaze.

''I just came as scheduled. We were supposed to meet today, right?'' The doctor said and Mai looked at him. In fact, she sat up and leaned closer to him and asked ''doctor, how do you see me? Do I have all the criteria to be a psychopath yet? Should I start killing people to make the cut? Ah, that's not right. I have killed people already. Fifty people before I was brought here''. Mai said looking at the doctor.

''Fi..fifty people?'' The doctor stuttered.

The shock was clear on his face and Mai smiled. ''Judging from the look on your face, I guess my uncle didn't tell you that. Well, is not something anyone could just say out loud. Even till now, he still wonders how I managed to kill all his fifty guards in less than an hour. Doctor, should I tell you how I killed them? How did I kill them?'' Mai said with a sly smile. She was playing mind games with the doctor. ''You should have seen the gory scene. so pathetic, they claimed to be men who spent hours in training yet they lost to a mere 15-year-old girl. Really pathetic''

''No, you don't need to tell me that''. The doctor stuttered. This girl wasn't simple, he thought. Lorca didn't tell him this piece of news. This girl was simply a fifth level psychopath. She could even become a murder maniac.

The doctor started perspiring and his pen fell down. As he bent down to pick it, Mai picked it up and looked at the tip of the pen seriously.

''Doctor, I like your pen. It looks the same as the one I used to kill those fifty people. They didn't know I was in the room that night and came in. First, I spray opened the tank containing compressed hydrochloric spray into the air and when they were passed out I went behind them one by one, and...''

Mai lifted the pen and the doctor stood up and ran out at once screaming ''save me''. Mai looked at door and laughed and murmured ''he has such a weak heart, tsk''

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