Love The Psycho

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: A dead courage.

Maijune was now all bundle of nerves. She felt like melting from the way, the man looked at her. His gaze was so captivating and she couldn't tear her eyes away from him. Aaron Saint leaned towards her ears whispering to her as his hand held her in place ''I want to kiss you. I want to touch you. I want to do naughty things to do. Things your innocent brain could never imagine, August Maijune. I am not as gentle as you picture me. You have absolutely no idea the kind of things I want to do to you"

Carefully loosening the towel around her body, Aaron brought his lips nearer to hers. He kissed her lips lightly biting her in the process before he looked down at her towel. He was now the one holding the towel, one release and the towel would fall to the floor. He looked at her perked breasts pointing at him from the towel saying ''I want to taste them and feel them in my mouth'' afterwards he gently creased his lips against her nipples and Maijune moaned and he looked at her before moving his hand that was around her waist down towards her hips. He moved his hands under the towel touching her skin while locking gazes with her adding ''and I want to touch you here'' he placed his hand at her core and touched her pussy moving towards her clit when Maijune fell down from the shock.

Aaron Saint smiled and looked at her saying ''if you can't even handle this small thing that I just did, are you sure you can handle sleeping with me, August Maijune?'' Aaron Saint knelt down in front of her adding ''off course, I can sleep with you with you Maijune, I can sleep with you when you become Mai and I will sleep with you when you are August because you are all the same person to me. Have a nice time playing with Liyah. I will see you tonight, my little devil''. Aaron Saint said and went out.

Maijune looked like a lifeless doll following Liyah around as they shopped. The two soldiers sent by Leo Martins were following them behind, holding the shopping bags.

Maijune's mind kept playing the scene of that morning in her and she couldn't think of anything else apart from that. She was really scared out of her wits. Aaron Saint made her feel something she had never felt before. He had touched her where no man had touched before. He even put his hand on her…. Maijune shook her head as she walked and almost bumped into a group of people had it not been the soldier's good reflexes, she would have been on the ground by now. She was walking ahead straight without even looking in front and almost butted heads with two men carrying a mannequin and the soldier managed to pull her away quickly.

Liyah turned back and held her hand asking ''Maijune, what is wrong with you? You've been acting strange since you came out this morning. Did something happen?''

Maijune shook her head. She couldn't possibly tell Liyah what Aaron Saint did, right? She was too shy to even talk about it and she felt she was so private to even say it to Liyah too so she shook her head.

''I guess I'm still tired. Let's go and check those shoes out''. Maijune pulled Liyah along to a shelf.



Mandy Myers sipped a cup of tea that the housekeeper served as she sat with Lorca waiting for the governor to meet them.

After last night's ordeal, Mandy Myers had to visit the governor and ask for his help before her plans get destroyed. As she sipped the tea, she glared at Lorca saying ''if I knew you would be such a weakling I wouldn't have joined hands with you. You couldn't even deal with that little girl you call your niece. Look at the mess we are in now?''

''I'm really sorry. I didn't know my men would still lose her''. Lorca said.

''They didn't just lose her. That girl swept out your entire gang members. I must say she is very intelligent. Killing some, destroying your building and sending the rest to the police station. I admire her guts and tenacity. She will come in handy when I finally capture her and make her my slave''. Mandy Myers said.

The governor walked out holding hands with his daughter Mimi Garcia chatting and laughing. Mandy Myers immediately stood up with Lorca the moment she saw the governor and smiled. Mimi Garcia smiled and greeted Mandy Myers.

''Grandma Myers, good afternoon'' Mimi smiled innocently and bowed her head slightly after greeting them.

'"Oh, Mimi, are you doing well?'' Mandy Myers asked.

''Yes, I am. Father, I am going out to shop. I won't disturb you people then'. Mimi Garcia said and bowed before leaving. At the door, Mimi paused her lips curved into a slight smile and she murmured under her breath before going out 'bunch of old fools''

''Sit down, Madam Myers'' the governor said and sat across them.

'"I'm sorry for coming without an appointment'' Mandy Myers said.

''Not at all. You are my benefactor. You are allowed to meet me anytime of the day. So, you were telling me something on the phone earlier?'' the governor asked.

''Yes, this is Lorca Don Marco, President of Marco pharmaceuticals and also the current leader of the white wolves''. Mandy Myers did the introductions.

''Mr. Governor, it is such an honour to meet you''. Lorca said.

''Is a pleasure''. The governor said.

''You saw and heard the news already, right? Well, this wasn't supposed to be anything but it turned out this way and there is so much damage at hand. As I said on the phone, the girl who did this is an important tool in our revenge plan and off course if we are able to capture her and make a part of us, your plan of establishing the life-rejuvenating self-plant drug will be a success''. Mandy Myers said making the governor to look interested.

''You say she is the daughter of the famous scientist Anthony Elizondo, right?'' The governor asked.

''Yes, and not only that. Her brain and abilities surpasses that of her parents. Take for instance, what happened last night. That girl single-handedly did all that. Off course, the problem is that, she is currently under the care of Aaron Saint and they seem to have a special relationship between them''. Mandy Myers added.

''Really? She must really be special for Aaron Saint to have his eyes set on her then? So, what do you want me to do for you? You know it won't be easy getting her to our side, right?'' The governor said.

''She is indeed special. She is a long time patient with DID'' Mandy Myers added and chuckled.

''She has DID?'' The governor surprised.

''Yes, to think that there are three or maybe four different people living in that girl? That is why I am here to plead with you to first of all let the police drop the white wolves case and let the media hype something else''. Mandy Myers said with a glint in her eyes. Finally, her plans were coming to fruition soon.

''What do you mean by that?'' The governor asked.

''6 years ago, Aaron Saint ran over August Maijune with his car. He never looked for her family and kept her in the hospital for 5 years. After that, he took the girl who couldn't even remember anything about herself to his house. And now they are in a romantic relationship. What do you think the public will feel when this news is out? And to top it all, she has DID''. Mandy Myers said.

''So, you intend to use the public's opinion in separating the girl from Aaron Saint?'' The governor said.

''Yes, that is where Lorca will come in. He is the legal guardian of August Maijune and her only family who recently saw her with Aaron Saint but Aaron Saint doesn't want August Maijune to reunite with her uncle because of his feelings. This is going to be interesting I guarantee you''. Mandy Myers smiled.josei

''This is a perfect plan, Madam'' Lorca said.

''Okay, first of all let me settle the white wolves case. It so happens that I received a letter of invitation from your granddaughter. She is getting married to Leo Martins. Didn't you get an invite?'' The governor asked.

''No, but I intend to go and give her a little gift. How about we go together then?'' Mandy Myers said.

''No problem'' The governor said.


It was already night time when Maijune arrived at the house. She had purposefully stayed at Liyah's place to avoid meeting Aaron Saint but it seemed as if luck wasn't on her side because when she got in and went to open the fridge for water, Aaron Saint also arrived and entered.

August Maijune choked on the water as soon as she saw him and coughed. Aaron Saint smiled at her and walked away towards his room. He seemed to be in a good mood which freaked Maijune out. Maijune put the glass of water on the table and picked the shopping bags and ran to her room and locked it.

Aaron Saint returned to the hall and didn't see Maijune and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and brought out some vegetables and a pack of pasta from the cabinet. He chopped the vegetables and boiled water to prepare the noodles. He removed some side dishes and microwaved them before dishing them out into smaller bowls.

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