Love The Psycho

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: I want to fuck Aaron Saint and Leo Martins' Women



Liyah Myers looked at Josh Saint as they sat across each other. 15 months, it's been exactly 15 months since that day and they had never met nor crossed paths again.

Liyah Myers stared at Josh Saint. He was like a stranger to her. Her eyes were cold, distant and expressionless as she watched his every gesture. He was somewhat relaxed. His facial expression looked relaxed too but something was off about him. He didn't seem to be doing well. From Liyah's observation coupled with having known him for a long time over the years, she could tell that much. He looked desperate for some reason and she didn't like to even hear of it.

What could he possibly want from her after doing what he did, she thought deeply about it while on her way to meet him but no matter what it was that he wanted, she wasn't about to let him have the last laugh.

Liyah Myers had thought about a lot of scenarios of their first meeting. She had thought a lot about where, when and how they were going to cross paths. She had practised every word she wanted to tell him the moment she met him again but now, looking at him she was speechless.

When she saw the picture of the two of them on her phone that he had sent, she was confused and afraid. As she walked down the ward to meet him, she had thought a lot about his reason for sending her that picture. It was a picture of both of them naked.

Liyah Myers admitted long ago that she was messy back then. She had done a lot of dirty things for and with him, but she never thought all of that will come back to bit her where it hurt the most. Josh Saint was her biggest mistake.

Everything about him was a mistake from start to finish.

Even after destroying her life, he had the guts to send her that picture and requested to meet her. Liyah felt like strangling him to death right there and then. She was barely holding on to her last bit of sanity right now.

Josh Saint watched and noticed how Liyah tightened gripped the edge of her fingers around the coffee mug and smiled. She was looking beautiful than the time they were together. Looked like she was really having a good time messing with Leo Martins. She had gained a bit of weight and it filled all the right places. He watched her the moment she entered the café and realised that her hips swerved as she walked.

Josh Saint felt a hard on as he looked at Liyah's face. Her lips looked sexy and kissable. He really wanted to take her there and then. Have her beg him to fuck her harder just the way she wanted it.josei

He only intended to have her convince Leo Martins to let Rowena Myers off but after seeing her, he changed his mind and thought it wouldn't be so bad to have a taste of her again. After all, it had been a really long time since he felt her scent and body around himself.

He gave off a rather lustful and flirtatious smile as he watched Liyah Myers.

August Maijune stood at a distance watching them. Leo Martins didn't pick up after she called several times. So she decided to come down and see just who it was that made Liyah to react that way after sending him a message.

The man was not someone she knew. The more August Maijune watched the angrier she became. The man was clearly eye-raping Liyah. He was stripping her naked with his eyes.

August Maijune couldn't watch anymore and moved a step about to go in but stopped as she saw their lips moving though she couldn't hear what they were saying due to the distance between them.

''This café has one of the best coffee beans in the City. Their coffee tastes great. Why don't you have a sip, Liyah''. Josh Saint said with a smile.

''What do you want, Mr. Saint? How did you get my number and why did you send me that picture?'' Liyah asked impatiently.

''Slow down, Liyah. So many questions, which one do I answer first? Besides, is that how to welcome someone you haven't seen for more than a year? And what is with the formalities!"' Josh Saint said as he sipped the coffee.

''Someone I haven't seen for more than a year? We are neither friends nor acquaintances, why should I welcome you? Josh Saint get straight to the point, I am a busy person. What do you want?'' Liyah Myers looked at him coldly as she spoke.

''Well, nothing that you can't give me. I wanted to send that picture to Leo Martins, but after considering our past relationship, I decided to send it to you first. I bet Leo Martins will go crazy after seeing it. Does he know? That you love to sex?"

Liyah let out an unbelievable chuckle and folded her arms around her chest. Her actions made her seem confident and unperturbed.

August Maijune got into the café with her IV still connected to her. she moved with the IV pole and walked to the counter and requested for a cup of coffee.

The waiter looked at her in her patient scrub and realised she was a patient and said politely ''you shouldn't take a lot of coffee when you're sick though?'' the boy said with a smile.

August Maijune looked at him and smiled back saying ''is not for me. That lady over there, she is my sister''. August Maijune pointed at Liyah and Josh Saint's table. ''I will have milkshake later on'' August Maijune added.

''Okay, I thought it was for you''. The boy said making August Maijune smile. He prepared the coffee as August Maijune turned and looked towards Liyah's table.

''What are you trying to get at by telling me all this, Mr. Saint? Leo Martins already knows everything about me'' Liyah said calmly.

''What about his grandfather? I bet Leo Martins blocked all news so his grandfather must not be aware of the kind of person you are. What do you think will happen if he sees those pictures?'' Josh Saint said as he leaned back on the chair.

''Blackmail. Is that what you're here to do? What exactly do you want?'' Liyah asked him.

''Rowena Myers. I want Rowena Myers released. But, it won't be bad to have you under me one last time. You look so hot that is making me hard as we talk. You have become feistier and I love that. I promise to delete all the pictures and recordings I have of you. What do you say?''

''I say go and fuck your own pathetic face''. August Maijune said as she got closer to them.

Liyah Myers and Josh Saint turned and looked at her surprised. August Maijune stood in front of them chicly while holding the IV pole with one hand and the coffee mug with another hand. The way she stood in front of them was so elegant and totally femme fetalle. Her long hair that had grown back was black and shiny and tied up in a messy style making her look aloof and carefree as she locked gaze with Josh Saint.

Josh Saint looked at her cold gaze and stood up taking a step back.

Liyah Myers looked at August Maijune surprised and spoke ''August Maijune, what are you doing here? Have you finished eating?''

''Big sis, who is this man?'' August Maijune asked as she looked at Josh Saint.

Josh Saint's eyes glimmered as a thought crossed his mind. He smiled as he calmed himself down and looked at August Maijune curiously.

Liyah Myers knew Josh Saint was smart and would notice the change in August Maijune so she immediately stood in front of August Maijune saying 'August Maijune, go back to your room now, I will be right back, quick''.

''August Maijune'' Josh Saint called August Maijune's name and looked at Liyah Myers ''so the rumour is true. She really doesn't remember anything and she doesn't even know who I am? What an interesting turn of events''.

''Mr. Saint, I suggest you leave here right now. And also, just as she said, you can go and fuck you own pathetic face''.

Liyah Myers said and held August Maijune's hand taking the coffee mug from her and putting it on the table.

''Oh, no, that won't be fun. The one I wanted to fuck was you but now I really want to fuck the both of you. It will drive Aaron Saint and Leo Martins crazy''. Josh Saint said with a sly smug.

''Really? Do you have what it takes to fuck my or Aaron's woman, Josh Saint?'' Liyah Myers and August Maijune turned and saw Leo Martins behind them.

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