Love The Psycho

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Seeing him again after so long 1



Liyah Myers and Leo Martins went to Liyah's villa. They left the hospital after August Maijune fell asleep. They reached Eden estate around noon.

Leo Martins sat on the sofa after removing his blazer. He placed it neatly on the sofa beside him and turned on the TV while Liyah Myers went in to change.

She changed into a casual V-shaped loose dress and returned to the hall and saw Leo in the kitchen. Liyah Myers walked to him and saw him beating some eggs and she asked ''eggs? What are you making?''

Leo Martins looked at her and gave her a wink saying ''take a wild guess''. His wink sent butterflies down her stomach. He always had a way to make her melt with his deep sexy and hoarse voice and his blue eyes. Liyah Myers couldn't help melting into him anytime he gave her a wink when they are alone.

Liyah Myers pulled out a chair and sat across the kitchen cabinet and spoke ''Omelette? Pasta?''

''Try again honey''. Leo Martins turned on the burner, lighting it up and greased the pan with a little oil as he spoke ':right, go and check in my blazer. There is something there for you''.

''Really? What is that?'' Liyah Myers asked as she stood up and went to get the blazer from the sofa. She picked the it and put her hand into the pocket removing a bar of chocolate and smiled brightly as she looked at it.

''You bought me chocolate? Whoa''. Liyah Myers put the blazer back and went to sit on the chair again unwrapping the chocolate.

''Well, I checked the internet and learnt that chocolates makes a woman happy. I bought it when we stopped to get the sushi''. Leo Martins said as he poured the beaten eggs into the pan to fry. You looked a bit down and stressed out after meeting Josh Saint.

''That is so sweet. You're so sweet, Leo. How did I find such a thoughtful man? You are every woman's dream, Leo Martins''. Liyah as she opened the wrapper of the chocolate.

Leo Martins turned and gave her a perk before saying ''then just be my lady forever and I will treat you right''. Leo Martins turned back to turn the egg.

''Don't you ever think I am leaving you. Not even in your dreams. You are stuck with me forever Leo Martins''. Liyah broke the chocolate and put a piece into her mouth and they laughed.

Leo Martins turned off the fire and turned to her. he pulled her closer to himself and kissed her as she munched on the chocolate. Liyah Myers pushed her away saying ''hey, I'm eating, stop messing around Leo Martins'' Liyah Myers said.

''I don't care. I just loved what you said. You are stuck with me Leo Martins. It sounded so hot in my ears'' Leo Martins kissed her again smearing the chocolate in her mouth with his lips.

''Liyah, I hope you don't think too much about anything he said. He is just a sore loser'' Leo Martins said and kissed her again.

''The egg is on fire'' Liyah protested ''you should check the food. I already have chocolate in my mouth''

''I turned if off long ago. I will cook later on. Right now, I want to do something naughty with you first''. Before Liyah could speak, Leo crushed his lips onto hers and started kissing her again. What started out as a slow burn kiss turned into a French kiss that lasted for a long time.

Leo Martins finally let go as Liyah was losing her breathe. They both laughed and Liyah turned her face away shyly saying ''that was so hot''

''Go and watch some TV while I cook. If you stare at me with that face I might be tempted to go further than just kissing Miss Myers'josei

Liyah stood up with a crimsoned face and ran to the hall to watch TV. Leo laughed at her and turned back the burner to prepare the food.

Liyah kept turning to steal glances at Leo Martins as he cooked in the kitchen. A part of her wanted to go further but a part of her was scared. She knew she and Leo would come to that point in their relationship, yet she didn't know if she was ready for that or not.

She trusted Leo and trusted in the way he protected and treated her. He was so good to her and her feelings for him were deeper than she had ever felt for any man. The more time they spent together, the more she loved been in the same space with him. He made her feel comfortable and secured. Everything about him, everything he did seemed so natural and sincere. She could feel his sincerity and it melted her heart every time.

Ever since they started dating, this was their second-deep kiss. She was surprised he kissed her because the only time he ever kissed her like that was at that time at his house that she told him about her feelings. Since then, he had been gentle with her, only giving her perks and small kisses here and there.

At times, she wanted to initiate a deeper kiss but felt that she was the woman and she also didn't want to appear like a wolf pouncing on him.

Liyah Myers didn't realised her stares were so obvious that Leo Martins saw through her easily. The way she looked at him was so obvious that it made Leo blush. Leo Martins felt that he had become the woman and Liyah Myers the man watching his prey and couldn't wait to pounce on her.

Leo Martins smiled and dished out the food. He put the plates of sushi egged pasta on the table and Liyah Myers was still looking at him. He sighed and walked to her. Liyah Myers only snapped back when she saw him moving towards her. She turned away shyly feeling ashamed after been caught staring.

''Come and eat before it turns cold'' Leo Martins said and held her hand sending her to the table. Leo Martins pulled out a chair and helped her sit before joining her across the table. Liyah Myers looked at the food in the plate saying ''sushi egged pasta? This is what you were going to make? Whoa''.

''Yes'' Leo replied.

''This looks good. Let me taste it and give you your marks''. Liyah said as she picked her cutlery to fork into the food. She placed the pasta in her mouth and moaned sensually saying ''Oh My Gosh, Leo, this is heavenly. This is so good''. Liyah moaned again as she forked another bit.

''Liyah, if you keep moaning like that I am going to take it for something else': Leo told her as he looked at her.

''Huh?'' Liyah blushed and stopped moaning and said ''I'm sorry. I was just carried away by the food. Is too delicious. Can you teach me how to prepare this? I will prepare it for August when she gets discharged from the hospital''.

'"Yes, I will teach you later on. Let's eat. Don't moan like that again or I might just take it that you want me to do something else. Don't make me have wild thoughts unless you want me to really do something''. Leo warned her and picked his cutlery to eat. Liyah blushed and continued to eat without a word.

After their lunch, Liyah complained of the amount of calories in the food and how it was going to make her gain weight. Leo felt that he just couldn't understand the world of women. She clearly enjoyed the food yet complained about how it will make her fat.

Liyah pulled Leo into the gym in her house and made him exercise with her. Leo didn't do much and just watched her most of the time.

''why do you keep looking at me like that? You are not even training''

''I have lots of training experience. Right now, I just want to appreciate the beauty in front of me right now. She looks too dashing for me to look away?''

''Such a sweet talker'' Liyah said and concentrated on her training.

Leo was surprised at the weights she could lift. He knew she always exercised, but he never thought she did weight lifting too. When she was lifting the 25kg weight, he couldn't take his eyes of her. She looked salved and sexy. It was no wonder he thought she had gotten a little bit of flesh around her hips and butt.

After their exercise, Leo picked his coat ready to leave. Liyah stood at the door watching him as he changed into his shoes. Leo gave her a perk and turned to open the door and Liyah spoke suddenly making his whole body to stiffen and he stood stupefied for a while.

''Will you like to sleep here tonight?''

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