Love The Psycho

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Sleeping arrangement

Leo smiled satisfied and stood up saying 'that is how badly I missed you' he pulled her closer and kissed her as he now entered her. she gasped and held tightly unto him as she adjusted herself to his length.

Leo looked into her eyes as he entered into her, and began thrusting in and out of her. she was so beautiful in his eyes and he wanted to capture every moment of their lovemaking.

They room was filled with the scent of their lovemaking.




The running of the shower woke Aaron up from sleep. He opened his eyes and looked at the clock and it was already midnight. The bathroom was a glass one and he could vaguely see the figure inside. He blushed and looked away immediately.

Aaron sat up on the bed and looked around for something to change into. The shirt he was currently wearing was soaked with his sweat and he was beginning to feel uncomfortable in it. He looked at his hand that was connected to the IV pole and contemplated whether to get up or wait for the person in the shower to come out.

He scratched his head and turned to look at the shower again. The water had stopped flowing and he was sure the person was done bathing. He suddenly felt awkward and didn't know whether to lay back and pretend to be sleeping or to just wait for her to come out? He was still in thoughts when the door opened and August came out wearing only a towel.

August didn't expect to see Aaron awake and hence didn't bother to bring her sleepwear to the room. She didn't want to leave his side and decided to use his shower. She was thinking of going back to her room to change after bathing so when she saw him sitting on the bed, she was a little startled and flushed.

She was about to turn back to the bathroom when Aaron turned and looked at her. They both looked at each other. Because of her considerable height, the towel couldn't cover her body well. The towel stopped at her thighs and her legs were left exposed.

Both of their faces turned red and they both flushed. August was confused as to what to do before she mustered the courage to speak first because things were awkward between them.

''You are awake?'' August asked and walked closer to the bed.

''Yes, I just woke up a few minutes ago. Did you just bath?'' Aaron asked and berated himself internally.

''What kind of dumb question is that, Aaron Saint. She just came out of the bathroom in a towel. Off course she took her bath''

''Yes, sorry, I didn't want to leave you alone in case you needed me so I had to take a shower in your room. Because I was in a hurry I forgot to take my sleepwear''. August said and blushed.

''Oh, I see'' Aaron said and they both turned quiet again.

''Then, I will quickly go to my room and put on something before I come back. Is that okay?'' August. asked.

''No, that won't do'' Aaron suddenly said.

''What won't do?'' August asked confused.

''I mean...well, I might need you. I have a lot of t-shirts in my closet. You can just take one and wear it instead of going to your room. You know, is dangerous to be moving around in a towel in front of a man'' Aaron said the last words softly but August heard him and smiled.

She couldn't belief he was suddenly acting shy in front of her.

''Okay, then, I will just pick one and put on''. August said and went inside the big closet. Aaron watched her keenly and his lips curved into a smile.

August came back out wearing a blue black Lacoste puma shirt she picked from the closet. It was probably because of their height difference the shirt reached to almost her knees. She looked at herself thought to herself that Aaron was really tall.

Aaron saw her in his shirt and couldn't hide his smile. He looked at her. She looked so beautiful in his shirt.

''I have your shirt but I still might have to take a trip down to my room. My undergarments are all in my room''

August said and blushed and cussed herself internally 'way to go August Maijune, way to go. why don't you just tell him you are naked instead?'

''Oh, then, it can't be helped. You should go and get what you need first. I will wait for you'' Aaron told her and she nodded her head and immediately went out.

Aaron sighed and touched his beating heart. He couldn't believe he was behaving like a teenager in love. 'What is wrong with me?'

Meanwhile outside the door, August touched her beating heart and shook her head.josei

'What is wrong with me? Why am I suddenly behaving like this? Even telling him about my undergarments? Whoa. I must be crazy after not seeing him for a while. Why did I spout such nonsense? Wow!!!'

August rushed to her room and picked a set of undergarments and wore before she returned to Aaron's room. When she got there, she saw Aaron Saint trying to get up and she rushed to him and stopped him saying.

''No, no, you can't be moving about. Dr. Kash told me you shouldn't be allowed to do anything. Tell me, what do you want? I will get it for you?'' August said and Aaron looked at her.

He wasn't sure what he wanted, she would be able to do for him.

''Tell me, what do you need?'' August asked innocently.

''Mm, I don't think you can be able to help me with what I want''. Aaron said.

''Huh? Apart from you going to do your business at the toilet, I am able to help you with anything else. Dr. Kash came me clear instructions. He said your body is still weak so you won't be able to bath yourself for about a week or two so I will be responsible for bathing you''.

Aaron looked at her speechlessly. What kind of rubbish did Kash tell this woman for her to act this serious with him? He looked at her.

''Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?'' August asked as she held the IV pole.

''No, there is nothing on your face. Just that, I really need to go and do my business at the washroom and you standing here is making it hard for me'' Aaron said and August looked at him for a while before coming back to her senses. She smiled awkwardly and stepped aside.

''Sorry, I didn't know it was about that'' August said and Aaron nodded his head. He tried to stand up and almost fell back on the bed and August quickly held his hand.

''I will just take you to the bathroom and be outside while you do your business. You are still weak''. August said slowly and softly and Aaron nodded his head.

August helped him to the bathroom and closed the door. She stood at the door waiting for him but she was nervous. She couldn't help but be curious about what the man was doing inside.

She heard the doorknob turning and stepped aside.

Aaron came out leaning on the door and August held his hand, she placed his hand on her shoulder and walked with him slowly back to the bed and helped him to sit down.

August yawned and looked at the time.

''You look tired. Why don't you rest? I won't need anything since is already so late'' Aaron told her.

''You didn't eat anything. Big sis helped me to prepare something. Let me reheat it for you to eat'' August said and Aaron shook his head.

''Let's make it tomorrow. Is late, I might get stomach upset if I eat so late''.

''That won't do. you didn't even eat anything. Then, how about milk? Let me bring you some milk to drink. Dr. Kash said you needed to eat something after you wake up'' August insisted.

''Sure, milk will do'. Aaron agreed.

'Okay, I will warm it up a little and bring it to you. Don't do anything and just sit here, okay?''

''Okay'' Aaron nodded his head and August went out of the room. Aaron looked at his shirt that made him feel uncomfortable and turned to look at the closet. He checked the distance and forcefully stood up and held unto the edge of the bed and went to the closet.

He removed his shirt and dumped it into the laundry basket and picked a black shirt and was about to wear it when the door opened.

August saw his half naked body and blushed. Aaron hurriedly tried to wear the shirt but hissed in pain and August throw caution to the wind and put down the milk running to him.

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